Its on sale and I have 2.74$, should I buy this game? Does it have good gameplay? Should I buy the third game instead of this one?

UPDATE: I ended up buying Fallout 3 since my moral made me do it (I pirated it a while ago, hated it, but still I had to give the devs what they asked for the game). Sorry for the heresy, I will get Gothic 2 in the next sale (or may be pirate it now and pay for it on gog or in the next sale)

9 years ago*

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Should I buy it?

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I think most people would say to go for the original game but I recall the 'Original 3' being the title for the 3 games. Basically, all of them are exceptional in their own way but the best is the first game, then the second, etc. Apparently there's like a fourth game or something. You know how myths go.

9 years ago

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i remember having fun with Gothic 2 back in the day, but thats all i remember xD, i think is good if your willing to overlook the old graphics off course.

9 years ago

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The graphics are bad at today's standards, but my childhood remembers the game was cool, it's one of the RPG classics.

9 years ago

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The best deal would be to buy Gothic Universe. Gothic has a good story (in the first two games) and recurring characters, it would be a pity if you play the second one without playing the first. Gothic 2 starts where you left the hero in the previous game.

9 years ago

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No. Because common sense dictates you should play Gothic 1 first.

9 years ago

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Gothic 2 is really hard, and the combat system takes a good amount of getting used to, but it is also a great game. I would recommend playing the series in order though.

Oh, and ignore Gothic 4 (ArcaniA). If you get into the series, just pretend that ArcaniA does not exist, you'll be happier that way.

9 years ago

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"Gothic 4 (ArcaniA)"
has awful flashbacks Gods...
Please,don't mention this rotten piece of garbage that has nothing to do with Gothic ever again.

9 years ago

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But, but.. Arcania has shiny graphics!

Joking aside Is G4 really that bad? What exactly is wrong it it. The story, gameplay or both?

9 years ago

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"Arcania has shiny graphics"
Funny-JoWood had hoped this would be enough.They thought that the graphics would attract all those casuals that value graphics and...nothing else.
Sucks to be them.
"The story, gameplay or both?"
Both.Imagine a gutted,rushed,absolutely linear and piss-poor...thing that claims to be a part of the Gothic series but isn't.I'll spare you the exact details,but trust me-it was bad.

9 years ago*

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Yes,but as part of the "Gothic Universe".

9 years ago

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I think Gothic 2 is the best of the whole franchise. My ranking would be something like: Gothic 2 > Gothic 1 > Gothic 3

9 years ago

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If you buy the Gothic games there are HD mods for all 3 games and if you get Gothic 3 there is a community patch that fixes a fair amount of its quirks. I haven't played any of them in a long time and I am also tempted to get all 3 in the universe pack.

9 years ago

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I recommend getting the whole series (Not sure how much it cost for you, for me it's just $2). I love the Gothic games, but be warned though: they are old. The graphics are outdated by now, the controls are awkward, and some people dislike the combats. If you can get past that however, the games are charming in their own way. The atmosphere is just there. The game world, story, dialogue, even graphics blend perfectly. The gameplay actually has some depths to them and they're not easy games. The open world is well designed and while the story is somewhat linear, you do get to make choices that actually has an impact. Of course each games are different, but that's the general idea anyway.

If you do end up getting the games, you must get the community patches. They offer bugfixes / high res support / texture pack etc.

9 years ago

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It's 4€ for me.

What exactly is wrong with the combat? I see many people complain about it but nobody said what exactly is wrong with it.

What's the situation with weapons by the way. I know there are 1H and 2H weapons, but are they divided by type as well, as in Swords, Axes, Mace, etc.?

9 years ago

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I mentioned the controls are awkward... and combat is no exception. Many people fail to do basic attacks correctly, let alone pull off combos. It definitely takes some time to get used to. Actually it is mostly because there are no information about it in-game, so people end up getting lost. Fighting more than 1 enemy actually requires a strategy. Weapon choice do matter. They are divided by type (sword, axe, etc) and size (1h, 2h). Mostly it's just for skill training purpose, but each weapons do have different range (something i guess some people didn't realize). And the game is not exactly easy. The first game assumes that you will explore the world a bit and gain levels, otherwise the late game become super difficult. In G2 Gold it is difficult from the get-go, enemies in the first area can kill you in two hits lol. You are expected to run from most things in the beginning.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Gothic, Gothic 2 and Gothic 2: Night of the Raven (included in the "Gold Edition") are some of my all time favorites. The third one was not bad, but really buggy on release which gave it a really bad reputation, but imho it was not that bad and also most bugs have been patched. ArcaniA (aka Gothic 4) was crap.
TLDR: Gothic 2 is way better than the third on in every case worth the few bucks. Buy it!

9 years ago

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I usually don't buy games without achievements. >.<

9 years ago

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Weird thing is that you never played it.
Start from first game and get from there (skip last game, gothic 3 - it don't have anything to do with storyline)

9 years ago

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Are you really asking? OF COURSE YOU SHOULD!

Buy the Universe Pack with all three for 4€ though (They're all great).

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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i haven't played any gothic game before,are they really that good?

9 years ago

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Probably the most unique RPG I played in my life! Go buy the universe collection if you can( lowest price 3,99 Euro)!

9 years ago

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Gothic II is probably the best experience in the series.
it costs some time to get used to the controls but it is worth it.
And only 3.99 at the moment for the Universe edition (includes Gothic 1 + 2 + 3)
Ignore "Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods Enhanced Edition" it is just garbage cashgrab.

9 years ago

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Obviously yay. you either gonna love it or hate it.

9 years ago

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I ended up buying Fallout 3 since my moral made me do it (I pirated it a while ago, hated it, but still I had to give the devs what they asked for the game). Sorry for the heresy, I will get Gothic 2 in the next sale (or may be pirate it now and pay for it on gog or in the next sale)

9 years ago

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