That's pretty cool! One of my closest friends birthday is in like 3 days and he's been holding out for a good deal on Fallout 4 to be prepared when the F4 Miami Total Conversion mod finally comes out.
I suppose technically he doesn't need the DLC to play that mod but when Bethesda puts their DLC on a good sale once in decade you don't think about it twice. You snag that shit up hoping it's not a price bug 😅
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5 bucks and some change ain't bad for 6 DLC packs.
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License glitches occur because the publisher misconfigures the license. While I've heard Steam doesn't make the interface as straightforward or well-structured as they could, the responsibility presumably falls on the publisher rather than on Steam.
That said, responsibility doesn't relate to characteristic association to begin with. Think of it as someone being unlucky- if they continue to express unluckiness wherever they go, we can note that without acknowledging the circumstances behind each instance of unluckiness. In this case, Bethesda is associated with broken things, which means that regardless of who is to fault for it, they're still living up to to their image. More simply put, "it's broken as is expected of things with the Bethesda label", rather than "it's broken because Bethesda broke it".
Kinda like how the Atari label was associated with poor marketing, despite exchanging hands several times along the way. Or how Square Enix and WB are associated with sloppy ports, SEGA is associated with exploitative DLC practices, and Sonic games are associated with disappointment and gimmicks. We're not saying it's Sonic's fault, just that he gets into a lot of awkward situations. :P
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so, here how it works
if you activate a SUB (that's a package containing multiple APPs) you get the APPs
but if you activate all the APPs in a SUB you don't get the SUB activated, that's how steam works
in this case, there is a SUB and an APP with the same name: Fallout 4 Season Pass
this happened because they added the SUB first on 16 September 2015 and the APP later on 22 March 2016
and i think there is some Bethesda greed fuckery, also you can rate an APP but not a SUB so idk
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I need to stop buying games at full price and DLC so early.
Well, look at it this way...
If it wasn't for people like you two and my mostly consolero buddies who also like to buy soon after release there wouldn't be any good AAA games for the rest of us to pick up cheap years later 😉
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Meh, i don't do it that much anymore, maybe 2-3 games a year lately. Used to do way more than that previously. Nowadays i attempt to buy games 50% off or lower.
This is like buying bundles, i used to buy every single bundle a few years back, i had to quit that addiction literally. Buying bundles with games i would likely never play, what's the point. Nowadays i buy bundles that are worth investing, if it has a potential game for me to play or that i like.
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im currently like that now, however i only buy the bundles that are like £3 roughly, and thats just because i want my steam account to have loads of games because it looks nicer on the profile, for me its the first thing i check on someone else's account.
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That's pretty much what i do, i rarelly go higher than 3-4 bucks on a bundle (choice is the only exception). I used to care about game count long ago, i always wanted to get 1k games, i started buying bundles at around 300 games i believe and made it to 1550 or so in 2-3 years from mostly bundles. It was... insane.
I've been around 1.5k to 1.6k for a long time, then i started buying bundles again around 2020, and here i am, close to 2k already. -_-
If i bought every single bundle since i returned to buying them, would probably be 2.5k+.
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Same here 😅 I was so deep into the rabbit hole I even bought DIG bundles 😆
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Yeah i think i got burnt out of fallout and TES series aswell. I'm the type of guy who does 3 playthroughts on Fallout 3, 2 on New vegas and 1 on oblivion goty and then skips F4 with a single playthrough attempt and skyrim with like 6 or 7 different characters (i've spent enough time playing skyrim to beat the game a few times but instead i always went exploring the world and then started exploring mods). Some of the characters i created reached very high skills but never finished the plot, it's kinda sad investing time into that stuff and never finishing the plot or dlcs.
The last two AAA games i gave full price, was CP 2077 and BL3 (the higher value edition with DLCs) on ps4. I might have bought a few indie games at full price in between but their value is much lower.
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Also Finally.*
IF you're gonna correct somebody else's english it might be a good idea not to have typos in your own comment 😅 It's mostly negative and mostLY positive.
Just saying 😉
Also check you don't own the individual DLC already. Steam always gets that wrong.
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I won the GOTY edition here so i just automatically assumed a season pass would also been in it.
Well... yeah. Everything included in the Season pass is already part of the GOTY Edition yet the Season pass is still shown as not owned. That's what I ment with Steam always gets that wrong. Happens with almost every Season pass I've seen on Steam. (Borderlands 2, Mafia 2...)
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Actually I also learned something new today because pb1 explained in his comment above what causes this quite annoying bug.
Pretty sure publishers do that intentionally the same way Paradox (?) always adds empty subs when their games are in bundles so you can activate them again despite already owning the game.
So I suppose from Publisher perspective the old saying is right once again...
It's not a bug. It's a feature.
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I have to admit, me personally I'm better at amassing Bethesda games than actually playing them but lemme just give a random example to illustrate your point 😅
My buddy who I'm getting this for has actually already played the (base) game on console. He just wants it for PC as well now he has joined the dark side so he can play Fallout Miami.
Here's something funny that happened to him on console:
Normally AFAIK in Fallout 4 you get to choose which of 3 factions you wanna support. Except he didn't get to choose, the game made the decision for him.
Out of the 3 faction questlines 2 had gamebreaking bugs that prevented him from completing them. In one questline when the Brotherhood of Steel attacks your base one of the attackers disappeared, probably stuck or spawned behind a wall so he couldn't fight off the attack because there was one lonesome enemy nowhere to be found.
I can't remember what was the problem with the 2nd questline but 1 for 3 is quite embarrassing for a large sucessful company like Bethesda who should have plenty of money for QA.
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thanks for the info. time to check the other fallout games that i only have base game
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finished up fallout new vegas not that long ago, guess an all-time low on fallout 4 goty means it's time to pick up the next one
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Not that it has anything to do with this but.. Can we now get a decent sale on Sniper Elite 3 Season Pass???? xDDDDD It's been ages
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That's the spirit! xD The more people wish it the higher the chance this is happening (shhhhhh let me dream)! :D
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People were angry the Season Pass only contains 2 maybe 2 1/2 story DLC and the rest focuses on the town building aspect of the game or lets you custom build a new robo companion.
Also Bethesda was stupid enough to raise the price because they thought the Season Pass was giving soo much more value than they had intitially expected so they decided to make it more expensive halfway through 😂
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Also Bethesda [..] raise[d] the price because they thought the Season Pass was giving soo much more value than they had intitially expected
Noone loves Bethesda's games more than Bethesda.
Well, love in the "this makes us money" sense, not in the "we take even a shred of pride in our work" sense. :S
Well, not that Fallout 4 had it especially easy, coming on the heels of Obsidian's New Vegas. Though, as I note in the comment below, the issues really didn't end up relating meaningfully to the quality of the game, but rather the excessive greed surrounding it..
But at least it isn't Fallout 76, right? Really, even though that is supposedly a lot better after Wastelanders added NPCs, the reviews still highlight a game that really bears all the worst traits of Bethesda design- that is, extreme, absurdist levels of monetization combined with insane amounts of polish issues. Yeesh.
I feel like, as time goes on, Bethesda is exceeding their past limits only in all the wrong things.
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It baffles me every time Fallout 76 hasn't gone Free 2 Play like 4 or 6 months after release.
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like 4 or 6 months after release.
And now it's been, what.. nearly 3 years?
Given the absurd amount of moneygrubbing microtransactions that reviews state the game has, having an entry fee on top of that is.. Well, you don't usually expect that* to succeed outside of World of Warcraft.
* In the case of WoW, the shocking added expense [over a full retail price] was the high monthly fee, rather'n microtransactions. Though if you factor in expansions and the like, there's certainly enough regular payments to put into that game, as well..
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And at least in WoW you can AFAIK occasionally earn some free playtime by farming rare drops, selling them via the auction house and then use those coins to buy a banner or something that grants 30 days of playtime.
It's kind of sad because in my opinion both Bioware with Mass Effect 3 and R* with GTA Online have proven that microtransactions can even be benficial for a game by providing funding for long time support while the more dedicated players can enjoy most of the content without paying a dime.
I'm aware this opinion might "trigger" some people because some folks love hating on GTA Online because you don't get the passager plane made from solid gold and a complementary Opressor Mk II with heatseeking missiles when you log in for the first time 😈😄
But to be fair the cheater problem seems to be a huge problem on PC in GTA.
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I mean, apart from having lots of content locked behind somewhat unreasonable paywalls and the heist requirements being annoying, I still think GTA Online is pretty good. Most of it can be done without any transactions, although I feel like getting the bundle with the starter pack is still a great idea. However, in the times I did public sessions instead of crew or solo, I encountered quite a few cheaters, so I feel like those complaints are absolutely justified.
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Yeah, if you wanna use some of the weaponised vehicles to their full potential, like for example the Opressor Mk II + missiles, those can be quite a grind.
I would say one of the important things with GTAO is to always wait for a discount (often up to 50%) when buying an expensive new vehicle or business and do the prep missions for vehicles so you can buy them "used" and get the Trade price.
The new businesses like Nightclub, Arcade... to launch the Heists aren't as much of a problem in my opinion. Since there's only big Heist updates like every year or maybe 9 months I usually have the 2 or 3 million waiting already. And usually there's a 40 - 50 % sale on businesses just a couple weeks after the update has launched.
The Starter pack gives great value for the price but from what I've heard it also has tons of ugly clothing and other things you don't really need.
So if somebody is starting fresh with GTAO now my first suggestion would be that your first big purchase should be the Bunker and the upgrades that speed up production. Once the Bunker is up and running and you can do gunrunning you're basically printing money. Even AFK if you want (completely legitimate) but that takes a bit longer.
My second suggestion would be to play on a Free Aim server.
There's way less children and trolls, fewer players per server in general which will make stuff like gunrunning or Open world heist prep a lot more chill.
Yeah, I'm playing on PS4 and since you can't really mess with the files on console it's much better when it comes to cheating. I have seen people use some sort of teleport glitch and recently somebody using a glitch that made him invulnerable but I'd say I encounter people using exploits like 3 - 4 times a year.
From what I've heard on PC it's much, MUCH worse since it's easier to manipulate stuff or maybe even run cheat software in the background.
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Yeah, the starter pack gives you a ton of properties. Even though they're the cheapest ones, you would want at least 1 of each. The vehicles are nice until you realise you can get infinite free ones. There's a helicopter, which is actually useful since you'd have to buy one otherwise. There's random outfits and tattoos which don't matter and 3 weapons: Compact Grenade Launcher, Marksmen Rifle and Compact Rifle, which is helpful for a new player. Finally, you just get a straight million. In total, you get about 13 mil worth, but the real worth for a player is probably around 6 mil. Keep in mind it actually launched at 40 USD, which was a straight rip off but it's now 10, which is a great deal.
The new business for the updates are daunting because of the price tag. This doesn't quite apply to old players, but for people who want to start up, the additional 10 million you'd need to access actual content instead of just a cool car or something can put people off just by being there. Otherwise, the distance you need to travel for stuff can just be annoying until you get all your properities in Los Santos. Constantly driving up and down can also put people off (It almost did for me), although thankfully flying cars and bikes exist, even if you have to pay a few million for one.
As a PC player, I can confirm the much worse claims. For me, the only reason I encounter cheaters 3-4 times a year is because I barely play. The average player would probably encounter 3-4 cheaters every 2 weeks, assuming they're just on a public server or playing gamemodes with randoms. It's harder to find fault in console versions of GTA Online, but the PC version just has too many hackers. If only 3-4 hackers a year was the average for PC GTA Online, then there would be a lot less complaints lol.
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I didn't notice they lowered the price for the Starter pack to 10$. I didn't do the exact math but I was already considering the original price an okish deal. Going from my gut alone a bit better than what shark cards would get you. For 10$ it seems like a must buy for new players.
I personally feel a bit more attached to my businesses because I grinded for them the hard way with blood and sweet. Preferably other people's blood. But if I was starting now I'd totally get that.
In my opinion it's not an absolute must to have all your properties in Los Santos. When I returned to the game after a longer break ~ 3 years ago my first big purchase was the Farmhouse bunker because it's located nice and central halfway between the city and the airfield in Blaine County. Together with my trusty Buzzard it was basically the rock I build my crime empire on 😄
For the biker clubhouse and businesses I went with the locations around the Alamo sea because they are nicely grouped relatively close together and as a bonus also one of the cheaper locations.
The only thing I have completely out of the way is my Doomsday facility which is all the way to the north in Paleto bay. I think I was broke back then so I got one of the cheapest ones.
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Okay, so, Bethesda announces the Season Pass, promising all future content, and indicating it'll be significant.
In the end, most of the content is workshop (ie, town building) stuff, and essentially equivalent to cosmetic DLCs in value.
As far as the content DLCs, many reviewers apparently consider them to be mostly phoned in, either on quality or on length.
Then, Bethesda raises the price. Keep in mind, mods- the keystone of Bethesda games- typically require the most recent version of a game. So, you've got an overpriced season pass lacking in content that most would consider compelling, that you feel obligated to get because that's exactly what (a sizable portion of gamers) get Bethesda games for in the first place. And then, to top everything off, Bethesda monetizes mods in the scummiest, skeeviest, nastiest manner possible, while discouraging unpaid modding.
This despite the fact that modders have long been providing core [stability/polish/etc] elements that Bethesda should have provided themselves- but they didn't, because 1: They've publically admitted to being cheapskates who do the bare minimum where possible and 2: Because they know modders'll pick up the slack. So now you've got that same setup, but with forced monetization- of which the modders apparently get nearly none. And yet, none of that is included in the Season Pass; Rather, you've got to pay for the modding content in a manner which very unpleasantly reminds one of the ugliness that was Bioware Points.
In short... the reviews are negative because the content doesn't itself warrant positivity (at least not relative to the price), and everything- everything!- surrounding the content encourages negativity.
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Really great comment. Thanks. Is it worth it to buy now at this discount for modding, though?
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That's what I'm asking myself, at the moment. Last time I looked, I recall finding a good number of mods that I wanted to install, that required the Season Pass (and several Steam reviews still indicate the expansion as being necessary for mods).. but now I'm not finding any such mods (that're also compelling to me) at a glance.
So dunno. That's probably about the approach you should take, though- take a look through the mods and check their listed requirements, and see if any with expansion requirements are compelling enough to convince you to get the Season Pass. If you're checking Nexusmods, the requirements should be in a collapsable section at the top of each mod's description. I've been avoiding Creation Club, so no insights into that.
If you're not desperate for even a bit of additional content, and you don't want more building items, and you can't find any mods that need the expansion.. then, well, normally I'd say that's a good sign to skip the season pass, but $5 is pretty easy to justify for many. So ultimately boils down to how you value a $5er.
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This dlcs are not worth it at all.
(Having not played them) I completely agree, at least at the original price. Luckily my buddy is also missing the base game so in this case the Season Pass is just 2€ extra 😄
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At the original price tags, absolutely not. At most, 10 CAD for Nuka World and Far Harbor. 3 for Mechanist. 1 or less for Vault Tec. 1 or less for the other two combined, or maybe just free updates. And don't even get me started on creation club. If you own FO4 and don't have the season pass, now is the time to get it at a great price. Any other time is a definite ripoff.
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im gonna wait for -90%
or a discount on humble store
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Fallout 4 is a good game (and even better when modded like most Bethesda games), but I still prefer Fallout 3 and New Vegas over that one. The thing that I dislike the most from Fallout 4 is the base building aspect. Fortunately, you don't have to sink lots of time in it, you can just do the bare minimum (must be something like one bed per settler).
Oh, and Fallout 4 doesn't have centaurs like New Vegas and Fo3 have. That was a huge disappointment for me. Centaurs are super mutants' pets and were replaced by what looked like big mutated dogs in Fallout 4. Centaurs have a quite unsettling appearance and those mutant doggos were so boring in comparison.
So yeah, New Vegas is usually regarded as the better game and the Ultimate Edition is cheaper so maybe go with that one? Buuuut if you love base building, you might enjoy Fallout 4 more. I myself got the season pass the first day the Quakecon sale started and I look forward to going back to Fallout 4, the Far Harbor dlc seems really fun.
Edit: Oh my... There's a centaur mod for Fallout 4. :D
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Thanks for reminding me to leave a negative review.
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