Another vote for PS3.
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I own a Wii as well, for its exclusives, but only for those. Still not a fan of the movement focused controls, at least with my hand. Fortunately, the left hand doesn't need to do a lot of shaking.
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I'm more likely to play multi system games on whatever I get it for first. Since I use gamepads over KB / M, I don't have a preference towards the PC for gaming. It still has great exclusive games itself though.
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PS3, its a better console.
if you intend on getting Playstation Plus. you will receive about 5-7 free games a month.
some of them may be new games & some maybe games that have been out 5 months - year.
they have a huge selection of games for that platform compared to the 360 & the list of exclusives for that machine, is pretty impressive.
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-ignores question and shoves own choice forward-
The TC might desire a console for various reasons. Just because you are happy with PC, doesn't means others don't want access to titles not available on it.
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well if he is really asking between ps3 and xbox360, then probably exclusives arent a selling point for him...if it is, then I would recommend ps3
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As I've stated above, that isn't a choice the Topic Creator included. You might not have noticed, but he has an account here, which does typically require a PC, considering a Steam library of sufficient value to join the site.
There are also reasons that some users will want a console, even if you don't.
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Yeah but some users could think Hitler was a swell guy too. They wouldn't be right. But they could certainly think that.
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I like to work in extremes :P I am just saying that opinions can be wrong
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No, they can't. They can be different. They can be weird. But they can't be wrong. That is the way opinions are, a personal preference.
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I believe that opinions can be wrong. But only when dealing with black and white situations. Like Hitler being swell. Obviously Hitler was not swell unless you are arguing that he was. YOU RACIST :P
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Hitler was an arsehole, though he wasn't pure evil either. I'll just link this
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Yes but that doesn't mean I can't argue otherwise! :P What else am I supposed to do on dreary Sunday nights? The college homework that is due tomorrow? Puleeeees :P
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Oh my goodness that first one made me laugh so hard
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"Hitler did allot of good things for Germany (and the world), the most well known ones to be the Volkswagen or 'Peoples Car' and the Autobahn. His medical experiments, won't list them but the US and other allies continued this work. He also built needed dams, railroads (he planned a broad gauge railroad, 3 metres wide, but war disrupted its building), rocket engines, jet propulsion, almost full employment, and his policies emphasized the importance of family life. And the most important...opened the world's eyes to the dangers of greed and having the wrong people to advising you."
also, he along with the rest of the nazy party created the first animal rights in germany
"There was widespread support for animal welfare in Nazi Germany[1] and the Nazis took several measures to ensure protection of animals.[2] Many Nazi leaders, including Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring, were supporters of animal protection. Several Nazis were environmentalists, and species protection and animal welfare were significant issues in the Nazi regime.[3] Heinrich Himmler made an effort to ban the hunting of animals.[4] Göring was an animal lover and conservationist.[5] The current animal welfare laws in Germany are modified versions of the laws introduced by the Nazis."
i really REALLY wanted to use those facts in a long while
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PS3, unless you want to play the 360 exclusives (which have little variety compared with the PS3's exclusives).
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PS3 = Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank Futures, Uncharted 1,2,3, Valkyria Chronicles.
X360 = Alan Wake, Condemned, Forza 4, Forza Horizon, Gears of War 1,2,3, Halos, Lost Odyssey, PGR 4.
My personal favorite exclusives to each. For a long time I would have said Xbox duh, but the gap closed a little while back.
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Bleh. Couldn't finish it and I'm a big Naughty Dog fan.
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Or Condemned. I own the first on PC as well as 360, and the second was also on PS3. Though if you want them both on one system, 360 is the only way. :P
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I wasn't counting PC.
Edit: When considering exclusives between consoles.
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I have a 360 and every game I have except halo is available on PC. So, get another PS3 because it'll play all of your current games, has more exclusives and it has a bluray player.
I'm getting a PS3 after PS4 comes out.
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Have none but would go for PS3.
Because it has Valkyria Chronicale and the Disgaia series. Also some other titles that I fail to remember right now.
Also, since you already had a PS3, your games won't go to waste (that is if you already have a good number).
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PS3... Better first party games, and a ton of free games with Playstation Plus.
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I vote PS3. I personally own an xbox 360 but if I had the chance to trade it in I would.
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Ok, now talking seriously. I don't like consoles, but i would go with a ps3, psn+ is awsome.
But why not wait, save some more money and get a ps4 or a pc?
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A dirty peasant trying to infiltrate the master race!
Some people just like consoles, some just like PC. But many have both so they can play the exclusive games.
I would rather spend 800€ on a PC than 400/500€ on a console, but that's just my opinion.
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