Dear steamgift
I came back for now to ask you guys a question for my Computer exam on school.
I am studying to become a teacher in primary school.
I need to find a game or activity which can be played online, which is interactive, fun and even a bit educational.
That and I also need to find 2 online activitys which has something to do with creativity and selfstudy, both on the pc.
Maybe you can help me with some suggestions.
I hope you guys can help!
Greetings, Adriaan

It has to be free.

11 years ago*

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portal 2

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Play Eve Online..its free (with ingame-money), its a Multiplayer-Game, fun and will learn it the hard way when you get scammed there or backstabbed. :)

11 years ago

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I'd recommend something that is more educational but still is worth thinking about for last years of primary school - Codeacademy.

11 years ago

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Real Lives 2010 or 2007(I prefer this version But, you can't find it legitimately for sale. Hence, Why I purchased 2010 and just downloaded 2007)

A little about the game though. All information is pulled from the internet(it can be played offline. As it stores the data most recently) You play a random character in a random part of the world. You see how your decisions and the decisions of others affects your life as well as your social, economical and just about every other thing that can affect how your grow up and will grow up will.

So, In short its a great game to show cause and effect.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by adderke.