Normally i would say C-C-Combo breaker for polish bosts but...
K-K-K-Kurwa !
Nikt ci nie każe dawać ludziom gier na tej stronie.
35 gier wygrałeś? tylko 1600 "entriesów" ?
To masz kurwa szczęście ja wszedłem w ponad 2,500 i wygrałem 9 z czego większość to szit 2x takie samo DLC wygrałem z czego 1 gifta nie otzymałem.
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z jednej strony to mi trochę żal że mamy takich idiotów kraju co nam reputację w internecie psują, z drugiej jednak strony: a wypierdalaj w cholerę! będzie łatwiej wygrywać :P ja swoich 10 gier mam i się cieszę. a płacić tak czy inaczej nikt Ci nie każe więc w czym masz problem?
W każdym razie powtórzę co mówiłem wcześniej WYPIERDALAJ W CHOLERĘ będzie lepiej dla nas wszystkich. Jeszcze sobie internet odłącz bo zaraz pewnie usłyszę że google czy też youtube to kolejne scamy...
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But thinking there is a bit true, if someone of us could run site like this one, it would be normal to make an advantage for yourself, because probably it wont be enough just to use advertising for money getting an commands on admin panel to select person who will won a game it will be one of them which all of us will do if we were at cg's place. People nature is to get advantage for yourself first then to do it for others.
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You may live your life by a cynical code, but what I've learned so far.. not many years but a healthy 23, is that people are willing to go a lot further for others, than themselves.
Our constructed world is held together by people who simply accept giving. Who don't want anything back. Who just smile, even though they hurt. If our nature was self-advantage, you wouldn't be alive. Your mother wouldn't even had you.
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It is sad and quite the common problem in the modern world. My parents are divorced as well. So are most of my friends'. Yet none of those are a cause of self-advantage. Rather alcoholism which doesn't benefit one at all.
Don't let that crap define the whole world for you. Cynicism is a path to bitterness. Basically cutting yourself away from any emotion and true friendship for some messed up belief.
It's very easy to distrust everyone, but finding the people who you can trust, despite many disappointments and hardship, is a very satisfying thing. Man I need to get my life back xD
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holy shit dude you think everything is admin/admin alts...
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My epic group has 13 members, used to be 20 but we got rid of the leechers. The group made over 120 giveaways in 2 months and the games were from our members wishlists. My contribution might not be so high because me and my husband share a creditcard and i let him make more giveaways.
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I live on about 50 euros a week, for food, toilet paper, shampoo, everything. In the Netherlands, pretty expensive country. I've still saved up and spent about 130 euros the past few months on making giveaways.
Tell me how you're poor again?
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Long story short, I don't have work. More than that's a little personal.
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I'm half Latvian and have many friends from Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia, etc, so yes, I do know Ukraine. Cool-ass language you have there. Anyway, does 1 normal meal there cost around 5 or 6 euros (around 55 / 60 UAH), minimum? Do you spend 15 to 20 euros (around 160 - 212 UAH) at the supermarket on a shopping list of, say, 1 sliced bread, some slices of meat for on the bread, some fruit juice, some bars of soap, and a pack of chips? I don't think so, but correct me if I'm wrong.. NL really has become amazingly expensive. It's ridiculous. Everyone's complaining about it here, too.
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How dare you! I didn't find SKYRIMZ... just found a Hammer :(
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and EVERY private giveaway was forum based puzzle or just forum link - but yeah - more hate. Even if I give you games away fior free I'm still a bad person cause you have to work SOOO hard to get to this giveaway like clicking link and reading topic - that's no loinger giving to this site. And when I do public I make contributor value, so still not giving away?
Plus that's rather you who didn't give to the site compared to me - your contribution is less thaqn 10% of mine.
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I'm unemployed. What percentage of your disposable income did you give to this site? Mine was over 9000. Even though that's completely beside the point. You don't give to get man, I realize this is a hidden giveaway but you're still a jerk.
I honestly thought you were trolling at first but now I can plainly see you're just an idiot, despite your generosity.
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Oh god, people do not even know how to read between the lines, do they? :p
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I can read between the lines, but I won't do it because of my contributor value...
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Damn it, I'm doing this all wrong. I have it the wrong way, I guess.
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I hope you're a troll. If, however, you are not, then you have no basic understanding of how "random" works. Basicly, when you enter a giveaway, you receive a free raffle ticket, the chances of your ticket and everyone elses ticket being picked are exactly the same, so there is no way in which this site could be a scam.
No one makes you contribute, I believe I won a couple of games before I felt like I should give back.
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i think its about time you do another giveaway -_-
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so not true, I've won 5 games and gaveaway 1, suck on this :)
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How so? All I saw was bitchy-bitch-bitch, so I thought, hey, this guy's a little girl, which in turn gave me cancer
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I don't see how it's a scam though, it's a pretty smart and fair system, the more you contribute, the better giveaways you can enter. Makes sense to me. If it bothers you just don't donate anymore games, just enter giveaways that you contributor value allows you to shrugs
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sigh I give up, I don't know what you want anymore tbh...I read the post the first time I opened the topic, I just responded in the most simple way, with every comment all I did was expand my reply, not re-read it
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You realize you dont HAVE to give away any games, Right?
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134 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by schlossritter
Ok - First things first - I'm not leaving ;P This topic was a HIDDEN PUZZLE topic. Some of you have seen through it right away, some did with a little help, some refused to see it even when smacked right in a face with obvious hints, and some decided to go all rage including calling names, spamming my profile or even threatening death from alt accounts (which to your knowledge may be considered serious crime in most western countries...). I mean c'mon guys - how can you be so ignorant? There were tens of hints or even part-sollutions all over the topic - I wrote again and again to read it closely, look at the form it's written in not just what it says - but as original topic says - some people are just too ignorant.
Other thing is all the hate some of you have shown - ok, I understand that everybody hates QQuers but soooo many comments were sooo much worse then wortst QQer I've ever seen. And there were so many of them... Think a little you idjits, befeore you start to writing all-rage-out hate post next time. Such an attitude destroys community far more than all the QQers combined.
And now for actual sollution your first hint was TOO HARD written all bold and all caps - it should point you to itstoohard site you should already know (it's all over SG topics ;P). In main post 8 letters were in itallics and they gave you puzzle adress ([]. There was 1 question in binary - about certain QQer - you could use xlate or any other soft/site to decode question and encode answer. Answer could be found by even copy-pasting question to google, or by going to NoQQ group and discussion about QQers list. If you waited 1 hour you even got direct link to this list ;P And game to win was WH40k:DoW2. There's been also hidden link in several spaces to Private LEgend of Grimrock giveaway encoded simply in Base64.
Ok - This site is a freakin scam! The thing is you will never win more than you have to give! Just look at my profile, or profiles of other members. Now you see it? I mean come on... I may have won 34 games, but I had to give away 70 of them! Where are the other 36 games going? Now I'm starting to think that they give you something now and then just to get you to contribute even more and all in all you just lose anyway... Is it TOO HARD to understand how this works? So just stop b$%^ing on all ppl who cries that they don't win - they have a point, but you all are just too ignorant and so much in love with SG that you refuse to see the truth!!!
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