How do I find the logs from the event viewer? I can't get past the black screen :(
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Yes I managed to auto repair it and sort the icons and files mess but now when I go to turn it on I get the blackscreen
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I agree with the first part, and the second, and the third.
It was difficult to read the post.
Anyway, there's so much that could have gone bad in 10 years. Since the system did work at first but stopped working later, seems the components themselves might be fine. However, it's really difficult to judge without more information.
Try live booting Ubuntu or something. And maybe running some diagnostics tools from it. This should really help narrow it down to it being either a hardware or a software issue for starters.
Also, depending on how safely it was kept (and how much dust it has collected), I am guessing it could also be related to just circuitry, since you said that the peripheral switched on only for a sec and they no longer are turning on. This is just a wild guess though.
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Have you tried reformatting? If you don't have any important files you might want to try it. Most of the time it fixes the problem.
If bios isn't showing up, it might be a ram problem. If problem still occurs after reformating try installing OS in another storage if you have one. Might just be a harddrive problem.
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Is there a way to reformat it whit a black screen? Might try unplugging the ram sticks and maybe place them on different slots and try turning it on again
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Sadly no as I am on vacation and this is the only pc I have at my disposal
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Can you hear the OS booting or is it totally off? If so it might just be your wire to your monitor. After rereading it doesn't seem like just the wire. Can't you find any computer repair shop near you? They might diagnose it better if you don't have the tools.
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If any of the tips/solutions I got don't work I will try to see if there is any computer store nearby to see what can be salvaged
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check teh ram sticks and disconnect the usb+audio cables from the mother bored , leave only the important stuff ( sata cable + MB and cpu power cables ) also check the gpu
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Will try it then not even going to plug the keyboard or mouse only after if it starts then
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i had some problems like this before , fan spin but nothing , turned out it was the usb and audio cables from the pc case , you can pinpoint the problem bu removeing everything then adding one thing at a time and try booting your pc
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Hope it's a simple fix like that and nothing gpu related cause nowadays they expensive af
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yeah that true , if you have a cpu with an integreted gpu you can try to hook the cable directly to the mb and the gpu , just to be sure its not the gpu problem
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Can you go to the bios (by pressing DEL key)? If yes, likely a hard disk problem or OS. If you can acquire a Linux boot able drive, you can salvage your files then proceed to reformat or replace hard disk
If even bios is not accessible, try removing ram. Should have beep code error.
Try removing GPU also if that doesn't work
Also try resetting the cmos
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Bios is not accessible because I can't see shit xD so I will try the ram thing. Btw just change the slots or remove both and then only plug one and if so same slot or different slot?
Will try after the ram thing if it doesn't work.
The cmos is that little battery on the mobo right? That only resets system information like settings and time and stuff right?
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Totally remove the ram sticks. Then boot the pc. Should have one long beep followed by several short beeps. If not, there maybe a mobo issue or PSU. I assume the mini speaker is connected to the mobo header (it's a standard when your pc was built I assume)
To reset the cmos, look for the 3 pins usually near the battery. It is currently connecting pins 1 and 2. Transfer the connector to short pins 2 and 3. Wait for maybe 10 seconds then return to original position then boot your pc. It resets the system info only, like time and custom settings. Won't affect any data on your hard disk
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So I removed both ram sticks and got that long beep followed by the short ones then I only plugged one and got to a screen with a message saying a disk read error occurred so I shut down the pc and plugged the other ram stick and everything was working again only the date was off but I was really happy to found out the pc is up and running again. Let's hope that when I turn it back on again it still works xD.
Thanks for the help gwapo
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I'm glad it worked out! 😃 For the disk read error, better do a maintenance check for your hard disk as it might be near end of life. You can get a free diagnostic program from Western Digital or Seagate (or the brand of hard disk you're using). As for the off date, you may want to replace your cmos battery (minor thing). Not a good time to buy new parts so I hope your rig lasts at least after the market normalizes. Happy gaming! 😁
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It's hard to tell, but replacing stuff with spare ones laying around would make it easier. It could be the hard drive as it's an old pc I assume, the processor or a faulty component on the motherboard. Sometimes things work well when they are not stressed or on lower clocks, but stop otherwise because they are close to breaking.
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How full is your drive(s)? It is quite possible you may have exceeded capacity, and could likely experience the drive failing. It is best to remember to keep your drives half full because you require as much space as your RAM - up to twice as much - for storing your pagefile. In light of that, you may want to look for crash dump files as they can take up considerable amounts of space, and delete them if they are present. (I had an issue where they became so huge, the dump files started overwriting my partitions that had separate Windows version installs and Linux installs. It was a mess!) You can locate these memory.dmp files either in C:\Windows\ or in C:.
Another thing you can do to keep a mechanical HDD healthy is to reformat every 6 months. Not that I ever do. 😜
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I saw that many have suggested formatting the HDD and saying its faulty, but HDD is obviously not at fault here.
The thing is you get "black screen", which can be GPU, CPU, RAM or Motherboard issue.
Easiest diagnosis would be to put in spare parts, but as you have stated you dont have any.
So, if your motherboard has internal GPU, then try pulling out your external GPU and using the one on motherboard, if it is not at fault then try RAM, if you have multiple sticks of RAM, then try testing them one by one, if RAM isnt an issue, then its either CPU or Motherboard, but the thing is those two can only be tested by spare parts.
If only you had internal speaker, it could have been easily diagnosed by the beeping sounds it would produce when you turn on the PC.
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from your information.
its either
HDD;Mainboard,Power Supply,Windows.Ram.USB,Wires inside the pc at fault .
Check your HDD with tools atleast ,or exchange the HDD with another one.
But first you should if you get in again
Remove all programms from Autostart (programm in autostart pays a heavy toll on starting the pc and can cause Black screens and loading times of 10min-1h in alot of cases):
Or you could if you have use a save point back in tiime ,when the Laptop was running normally .
remove your ramsticks boot the pc will it start ,put the second ram stick first and test .than put your first one slot 1 on second test . if you have 2
It could be that the Power supply doesnt get enough Electricity or it doesn t supply enough for the mainboard .(some old Pc have no safety feature that works.
removing all USB parts from your keyboard while starting and see if the Pc launches w/o problems ,USB Plug and play can have sometimes some impact on the start (Or if one of them is defect).
btw after such long time its possible that one pc part is loose or that the one cable isnt sitting perfectly in place you could check that out too .
last resort would be installing windows new .
Does your Pc beepto teel you the problem on starting?if yes how many times and how long is the beep?
FYI: Usually GPU Errors have different Issues than Black screens like Shaky screen ,Red screen or pixelating on the screen or lines appearing on the screen atleast in my experience .
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Because i don't seen it mentioned before...
Maybe only the Monitor have a problem or the cable to the monitor isn't anymore fully correct connected.
Deconnect the cable on the PC and Monitor and connect it then again.
And if you have the possibility, then exchange the cable with a other one.
A good friend (a IT tech. :-D ) had exactly this cable problem on a LAN, and he had a HDD that he expected to die "soon" -so that was his first guess-, and he changed all stuff on the PC for hours to find the error, nothing helped on his place. So they decided to bring the PC to a other room, with prof. equipment, to work on it, checked the voltage of the components etc., all were fine and he had a picture on a other monitor. So he were happy and thought they found the error and it were maybe only some part that were not fully connected but is now. He gone back to his place, connect all and again black screen. First that brought them to the idea with the monitor and/or cable and in the end the cable was, somehow, the problem
Besides that, it sounds as you have no second monitor, no second PC etc. so your "possible tries to find the error" are very limited right now with a black screen, so i advice that you go to a repair store.
They have the parts and equipment to check, fast, what make the problem. And then you can decide if you do/let them do something or not.
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I would remove anything plugged into your PC except the monitor, keyboard and mouse. If it's running on WiFi I'd shut that down as well. I'd unplug the monitor from the outlet as well as the PC and then reconnect it. If your pc ends up booting up I'd run a Checkdisk.
If don't know how to do this run a command prompt as administrator and then type CHKDSK C: and hit enter. Of course if C isn't your main drive put the one that is your main drive.
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Initial feeling would be that your Hard Drive was starting to fail. The weird part thou is the symptoms you are having in the very end sounds like a power supply issue.
When a Power supply (or part of it) fails, you can press the power and hear fans spin and some lights on the case, but if the power rails to the CPU is the part that failed, you will not be able to boot.
The worst part is it can be a number of things. It gets even harder to troubleshoot if there are no bios error codes or beeps. You could range from almost any part of your computer having a failure and to track it down may requiring testing each part in another machine, or working parts from another marching in your computer to eliminate possibilities.
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Good night. I'm on vacation and I have this 10 year old pc that as of 2 days ago kinda started to work a little different.
One day I was playing normally and then the next day when I went to turn on the pc it got stuck on that little white windows loading wheel I restarted it like 4 or 5 times till it worked again but when it worked it was really slow.
Next time I turned the pc everything felt normal games were running OK and I even lowered the resolution and graphics just in case to see and everything was running fine. Now the big problems began with me turning on the pc and getting stuck at the loading wheel and then having to start the diagnosis and automatic repair, I left it all night scanning the drive and repairing itself and when I came back it was working but the icons were on random places and new icons I didn't have on my home screen appeared like magic so I spent all afternoon re arranging all the icons and files out of order and I had to go somewhere so I shut down my computer.
Lucky me when I turned it back on nothing happened, the fans were spinning and the pc power leds were on my speakers were on but my keyboard mouse and monitor were kinda like hibernating. I disconnected the mouse and connected it again and the rgb turned on for like a sec same thing with the caps lock led of the keyboard. Checked the USB ports and they are working its just that my peripherals turn on for like a sec and then nothing I am just looking at a black screen waiting for something to happen but it doesn't. Is there something I'm missing or do I have to get a new pc?
Sorry for the long text but it is what it is :)
PS: seems like the pc is working and hopefully for many many years :) Thanks for all the tips and suggestions
!- every windows has it
?- could be the devil but it has leveled up xD
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