Hey guys!
With a bunch of friends we have created a Steam's curator page; Cooper's Corner.
The approach is to leave a short review of what we think about the game we are reviewing. Mostly because we found Curators very useful ourselves to help us decide between so many games on Steam right now.

We want to start big, maybe ending in a YouTube show or something like it. In order for that to happen, we need you guys to follow our Curator's page and join our Group.

Curator's Page
Group's Page

Why? Because our idea is to create in a near future giveaways and raffles exclusive to the people who follow us.

Sorry for the long read! We started a big giveaway here in the website that will last until we ran out of keys. We appreciate anyone who wants to join!

Good luck to all of you and thank you!


Para los hispanohablantes!

Somos un grupo de amigos que hemos creado una página de curadores en Steam llamada El Rincón De Cooper.
La idea es dejar revisiones o reviews cortitos dentro de lo que pensamos que del juego en cuestión que estemos evaluando. Hemos encontrado estas páginas muy útiles para ayudarnos a discernir entre tantos juegos que hay en Steam ahora.

Queremos empezar a lo grande, quizá hasta con un posible show en youtube o algo así. Para que suceda, necesitamos que sigan nuestra página de Curadores y se unan al grupo.

Pagina de Curador
Pagina del Grupo

Nuestra idea es crear en un futuro cercano sorteos y entregas de juegos exclusivamente a la gente que nos siga.
Perdón por hacer esto muy largo! Comenzamos sorteando algunos juegos en el sitio hasta que nos quedemos sin claves. Agradecemos a todos los que quieran unirse! :)

Mucha suerte para todos y gracias!

7 years ago

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I wish you the best of luck with your group and curator page. Have a BUMP :)

7 years ago

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¡Buena suerte!

¡Good luck!

7 years ago

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Thank you guys! Much appreciated. The response has been great in the last 24 hours!

7 years ago

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Hey guys! Giveaways continue for the Cooper's Corner. Please take a look at the last created giveaways open for everyone to participate, no matter your contributor level! For next Sunday we are giving away:

Slayaway Camp
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition

Good luck to all the participants, and remember that you are more than welcome to join our Group where we will soon start with close giveaways only for members!

Have a good one!

7 years ago

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Hey guys! Wanted to let you know that we are doing a BIG giveaway!

A dozen of games are currently on the go for all of you! Please, click on my user to look for the giveaways. :D

We are 300+ users now! Growing strong. Did you subscribe and join our curator and group? If not, please do so! Lots of surprises to come.

7 years ago

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Done :D

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Hey guys! This week will be giving away the complete LIFE IS STRANGE experience.
Click here to participate! It's open for everyone!

We reached 300+ members thanks to all of you!

You are more than welcome to join us for future prices and exclusive keys!

Curator's Page
Group's Page

Good luck to all of you and thank you!

6 years ago*

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Closed 4 years ago by MSKOTOR.