PLEASE NOTE ADDENDUM added 12/26 Thanks!

So, I was planning on running daily giveaways, but I got cut off. Anyway, I'm going to make it three days each in honor of my three day hiatus. Since some people haitus... GET IT! ;)

So, I see many haven't figured much of anything out yet, with my rules and stuff. A lot of fails this round. Some have met requirements, however. Enough to at least not be blacklisted. I was surprised how many got whitelisted this round though. Wasn't expecting that. I better add a good one now, since people are going down too fast and they might not get good chances after this one.

Wanted to note: I'll be checking some whitelists for custom rules I have too - and maybe removing them or blacklisting them for some of the event. If you're removed, you'll get a notice from me, but otherwise my rules remain the same. If you pass my whitelist check for that round you're okay for that round. I only will alter at the end phase of each giveaway, after tallying entries.

Try and put the pieces together and survive - if you are on the bubble or otherwise. Of course, this could all be a bunch of crap, much like the various mish-mash of convoluted rules here on steamgifts... that nobody cares to/wants to fix because either: a) they are brown-nosers, whether by choice or what they feel is "security/survival", thereby creating "social cliques", another primal and completely natural phenomenon between most "neurotypicals", or b) they simply don't care because of neuroplasticity breakdowns - trauma, mental health, genetics, upbringing, etc., or c) they settle for mediocrity and want to be part of the status quo - probably again going back to point 1 with security and survival - the "I didn't see anything", because they don't want to become targeted themselves kind of scenario... The result(s) being of course: no changes are enforced for the betterment of society, whether on a small scale like steamgifts, or a larger forum, like cities, countries, and beyond. Then you end up living in a hopeless, shitty, dystopian society full of greed, much like the world today.

Most humans are blatantly stupid or desensitized to this fact, or blinded/distracted/pacified by the wrong things, making them stupid by default (at least in one area or another, all are), so I can't blame them for what they do not know or understand. Smart people just took control, but dumber ones let them. Psychological Warfare has taken advantage of this, and most are unseeing and brainwashed now. None can escape this power to one extent or another.

As one mentioned in a conversation I had on steam, and with a degree of accuracy of the system here and otherwise, please take note of the following:

There are others, but these are good enough for references:

These leave some unanswered questions perfectly logical in my mind now.
These "fragmentations" are reserved for the realm of thinkers and problem solvers. The age of thinkers is long dead.

In honor of my next giveaway, and my music-related topic of discussion I updated, so that I can allow myself the joy of sharing links to music on steamgifts, I present: Symphony X - The Odyssey

Here's your giveaway: Instead of 1 per day, you now have 3 days!

Assassin's Creed® Odyssey

Note: By the way, friending me early can help if you win and I cannot gift it directly to you due to Steam implementations. You can find out more about me here if you are curious if you're out of bounds as far as regions go, if you know how to check against Steam's regional differences shit. Anyway... you're 100% safe if you're in the USA, to put it in slightly simpler terms, or for those who don't check my profile. Everywhere else is questionable. :)

Gift cards take three days of being friends before one is allowed to trade 'em! Just saying! Also, mention in commens why you're adding me, or I will probably just cross-check any I come across...


  • If you are whitelisted, I will not create a blacklist for you, unless you win and I decide you need to review a game to regain your whitelist spot. I will demote you if you don't meet certain criteria as I explore your ... steam profiles/steamgifts lifetimes. So... yeah. Basically I'm stalking you, like I asked you to do with me. We have to know each other better, in order to understand each other! I don't mean friend me, or talk to me. I mean... think about it from my perspective. What would you want somebody to do to get into your good graces? Try some things, experiment...

Now The Show Must Go On!
Or... do you think this cover is better for The Show Must Go On

I'm such a drama QUEEN... get it? Queen fans will. Did you know Mr Mercury had extra teeth? :P
Soooo let me know in the comments! Be it about Freddie Mercury and his teeth, or the tunes and which you liked more, or a combination of both... or that you thought Queen has no competition on that tune. It may help your standing in certain criteria!


And I forgot! Some mood music! Eldritch - The Blackened Day

WL Saves: 58

Blacklisted: 47

Some rules met and on bubble: 10

Rules met: adding to my Whitelist for multiple requirements met: 14

12/21 - So yet another round! Cue the music... as the curtain closes


Whitelist saves: 42

Blasklisted from Rules: 23

Spared: 6 ( in other words, not whitelist, but not blacklisted - these will be blacklisted next round… if stalking skillz don’t improve)

Newly whitelisted due to special requirements met: 2

Bad Maths? 1 or 2 extra.... wink

TODAY'S GIVEAWAY! Yakuza 0 (ROW - read giveaway description please)

12/18 - So, another exciting round! Slightly harsher rules, and it looks like some people are catching on... maybe. Keep trying to figure it out!

Results for Round 2B: I like flat chests too, but I prefer them bigger ;)

  • Whitelist Save: 42

  • Blacklisted: 34

  • Was already on Blacklist from Planescape giveaway 2A: 13 (2 3 4 temporary redemptions on recheck)

  • Spared: 31

  • Spared that were added to WL (Special Requirement met): 17

Can you believe it?! Two of you spared yourselves after being blacklisted!! You can enter another round. It can be the next one, the one after.... just be careful you try and make up for your mistake, if you can figure it out. That's what we're going to have to do to gain immunity here.

Of course again, that goes for anyone else that is still around, yet not whitelisted. Mysterious! :3

Wow this is getting to be a long read... I'll keep adding from the top down. ;) More fun that way! Look out for surprises though! :P

Starting at the top now! It is now 12/14 nearly here! Wow, insanity is fun!


NOTE TO BLACKLISTED PEOPLE!  You may want to bump this for exposure as games roll out so I can fill up my list quicker.  I will probably purge it again when it reaches full capacity.  Just a suggestion!  I'm not guaranteeing anything though...  I will observe, however.

Not many on the blacklist yet! How to advertise more to get people to join!! Too few. If you’re still around, yet not on my whitelist, I hope you can try and find out… why you passed (though it was around 50% that met the requirements needed to join my new bolstered whitelist, in preparation for rule changes, and having that complete immunity now for being a joy in my eyes), or do something to improve your chances to stick around! I’m going to slowly tighten my leash a little as we go, just to give those who have proven their worth a better chance at the tasty treats on the way!

Oh, by the way, since I’m going to be stalking you, I suggest you do the same by stalking me here if you’re trying to get on my good side. What would improve your chances of having immunity? What would make me want to blacklist you? It’s worth trying to figure out how to please me at my game of madness, if you are on the threshold of fail by not being on my whitelist, or if you haven’t participated yet. Just a friendly suggestion! By no means are you required to do any of this ;)

Learn about me with Steam, steamgifts, and your own judgement and heart as your guiding light if you want to take this seriously, and become worthy of the greatness of WINNING! It doesn’t take much effort, and neither does adding somebody to a blacklist. ;)

For those who have fallen from my good graces and are blacklisted: If you feel you have been wronged, and think I am a cruel master, you could also grovel and beg me on Steam for forgiveness. Pleading your case also helps, as to why you think I have made a mistake. I warn you though: I rarely make mistakes, so please make sure you have a clear case to present.

I… did all that I could in my power to save you… while being fair to those who were able to accomplish more, and raise their appreciation level status/morale/affinity bonus in spite of my highly critical and judgemental viewpoint.

Maybe you did not read… Maybe you didn’t do much of anything to improve your situation. Maybe you simply don't care and wanted me to blacklist you, with a shot at a free game to +1. No matter what the choice is... You have to go get what you want! You must give it your all! To win, you have to visualize your plan of attack, and do not hesitate. That is all for now. You will be missed.

Based on the Steamgifts Attrition concept, I found myself thinking, as I am going to be semi-departed, so to speak, and I have soo much to give away yet... What should I do with some of this "stuff"?

I'm going to be creating a massive blacklist because, as a whole, I don't like most of you, and let us be honest: you do not like me.

FIND YOURSELF AND WIN! Someone will win! Brush that fear aside and fight for your true self - your true being...

"You can fold this world... into a shape... a thing that will fit in your mind."

So here is your chance to jump on and also possibly benefit in the process, as it will help me further ostracize myself from the community via cross-blacklisting magic (remember, I can no longer enter your giveaways either once I have you blacklisted, so you cannot lose here - probably), and help you to make a possibly tough choice involving this decision. The games will end when the cap is at its limit.

The rules are simple. You join a created giveaway, and if you stay there upon the end of the giveaway results, you get a blacklist from me as I move through the list of entrants. It isn't lifted. I will continue doing giveaways until I amass the maximum number of allowable blacklist slots on steamgifts. I may only get one in, if the cap is low, but I may add better or worse games over time... so yes, fate is in your hands if you want to play. If you lose, then it's game over!

This is a perfect chance to get onto mine if you dislike me already and want a chance at winning a game. If I'm already on your blacklist, I left a decent amount of time to remove me from your own for cooldowns, and I have also purged my own list completely to start the winter festivities!

Choose wisely, and only if you really think it's worth being on a blacklist that I may never remove you from. No tricks... I doubt I'll be giving much to the community anyway overall, so what is there to lose? Right?! Right?! ;-)

There is a catch: For the lucky of the unlucky that win each game: You may relieve yourself of blacklist status after giveaway ends by both playing a game and writing a review, and sending it my way via Steam. You'll also need to provide proof that you finished the game. If the RNG fails to pick you, and you are an entrant at end of giveaway, and don't meet below exceptions, too bad so sad...

If you do win, and you can provide the goods, you'll have to add me though - unless you want to stay on the list. Of course, the choice is yours and it is optional.

I will be doing giveaways here until I have the maximum amount of users on my blacklist.

There are exceptions to this rule:

  • If you're on my whitelist, you are immune to being blacklisted. I may decide to blacklist you if you do not wish to play the game, or write a review. Probably not, but I also may consider removing you from whitelist, if I was lazy and you got by some of my last few "whitelist filter checks". :D

  • If I am in a group you are also in where blacklisting other members is prohibited, please contact me or do a whitelist check to make sure I do not accidentally blacklist you unfairly, since some rules are allowed on steamgifts in groups here (wow, it's meta-strange to say such things, but that's how we roll here), and some are not.

  • I may also break my own rule and grant immunity in the midst of things - if certain secret requirements are met. There are several ways to attain this status involving multiple parts. You will find them hidden amongst this site if you are curious... But you may not find what you are looking for if you go about searching in the wrong way. Try not to overthink it! Just be a kind person... ;)

  • I also will state that if you want this event to be prolonged, I suggest being careful not to bombard a single giveaway with all the entries required to create a blacklist over-run. The first 1k will be on. Whether it's 1 giveaway, or I go through thousands to get there... Remember, acting as a group to accomplish what you may or may not want here is a nice goal to have - a "singleness of purpose" so to speak.

I will add you to my whitelist to avoid any confusion - if you're in these said groups with certain rules and restrictions I am to abide by, so that'll keep you from getting blacklisted. If you are not on my whitelist, feel free to message here or in steam, once again!

We'll start out small, and get bigger and bigger, like a hot dog, or a pool float, for instance. Or boob implants. Anyway, if you aim to eventually be on my list, choose wisely! I will not keep a schedule, as of yet... haven't thought it through enough.

Without further ado! Round Number One! In case you can't see it, giveaways presented below in the discussion on first comment reply!

Enjoy! Or... don't.

Okay, I moved it to here, since the comments ran it off the page for those who don't see the beginning of the thread, for whatever reasons...

Yep, another fighter...

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code

The key is in your hands. GO FORTH!!

UPDATED STUFF!! Post-round 1 phase....

12/9/18 - And we start the culling phase... The final results are in! Somebody off my whitelist won!

  • Whitelist saves: 26

  • Blacklisted: 60

  • Spared by virtue of my secret rule(s): 35

UPDATED STUFF!! The breakdown for round 2 results...

12/14/18 - Round two is over... Results are here!

  • Whitelist saves: 33

  • Blacklisted: 46

  • Spared: 34

(From 12/9 below)

- New members added to my WL meeting enough special conditions : 17

If you are new to my whitelist... well, you did something right as I was checking the entrants...
If you find you entered, didn't win, and can enter another giveaway, pat yourself on the back, since you have met a secret requirement!
If you decide to go onwards, study me carefully. I am a stalker. I want to know about you, and I want you to be involved with me.
That is all - the rest will be the same.

There is one more thing: If you meet more than one of my secret requirements this next round, I will be adding you to my whitelist. Check the whitelist check - and shameless promotion of a badass group on steamgifts each round to find out if you are in!

That's right - I'm promoting! How you like that, steamgifts?! I'm such a rule-breaking rebel!

For those who are blacklisted, I am sorry about that. Good luck with your steamgifts entries, and I wish you Godspeed!
We were just incompatible. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Our first round was: Evil Genome

Our new second round is: Planescape Torment: Enhanced Edition.

Round 2B was: Injustice™ 2

Round 3: Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code

Round 4: Yakuza 0 (ROW - read giveaway description please)

Could a theme be developing here? The plot thickens!

Thanks for playing! Please prepare for the next goodie bag as we roll onwards with the blacklist - it hungers for more souls!

This one will be a little shorter, ending around December 13/14 early hours. I had too much time to try to anxiously anticipate how things would go...

Should you enter if you are missing this great game? In order to beat the enemy, you must think like the enemy.

Happy rest of your holidays everyone!

Assassin's Creed® Odyssey

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6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Although I'd be immune I'll stay out. My backlog told me I still got to play two of the games I won from you via group GA. sigh
Actually I'm currently working on 2 SG wins and one game I purchased for myself
I'm just here to bump and leave a pic. ;)

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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I really am appreciative of your perception towards your steam list. I too have backlog, guess everyone does. I'll try to imbibe the essence of your comment and try to be more patient while entering giveaways further on.

6 years ago

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Thumbs up! :)
I actually felt really bad when I realized I couldn't keep up playing the games I won at the same rate as I kept winning new ones. BLAEO helped a lot taking care of it - even more than my SG filter which removes more than 13,5k games from my feed by now - but there's still a long way to go.

6 years ago

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Hey thanks for that website you mentioned. I will use it myself 🙂

6 years ago

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I'm not sure if it got changed by now but you might need to apply here to access its functions. :)

6 years ago

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Thx again

6 years ago

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You're welcome! :3 Just a reply-bump!

6 years ago

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BLAEO is cool. Also, there's a fun Play or Pay SG group if you're interested. You can check out if you meet the requirements - it's just about playing randomized games that another member picks out. If you don't play something, you have to pay up though. :3

Just figured you might be interested, since BLAEO is used for that one too a lot. It's good motivation for me to play games, and occasionally there are giveaways from people who fail... D:

Here is Play or Pay if you're ever curious. You'd have to tweak out some stuff, based on the rules, but I figured it's worth a mention if you're just curious for the sake of curiosity... :D

6 years ago

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I should definitely check it out. But I'm really in a bad shape when it comes to gaming. I have recently settled down at a new place and I'm not having time due to work, and I'm trying but I'm not in the correct frame of mind. It's a lil bit difficult to explain as well. Coming back to SG was a forced decision initially by a friend to bring me back to what I loved doing whenever I have free time instead of brooding over life. I have become active again, now I'm trying to go back to active gaming.
My condition became so, that I even deleted all my mobile games.
People might think (if they red this) tht Im considering gaming aas if it's essential for life but then it is for me and if I'm away for it, I know things are not right for me.

6 years ago

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Ohh! I get it. I'm there too sorta... not doing much, either because of my health probs, or motivational issues... or other stuff goin on.

I'm feeling that too, in different kinda ways, but since I cannot do what I did when I was healthy, I had to adapt and become more about gaming in general. Can't do the active stuff anymore... I used to run long distances and bike a lot... but it's too hard now with my lyme disease probs. Anyway, I feel ya, and I hope things improve. Taking small steps is my advice, and not beating yourself up if you can't do it.

Easy does it, my friend. Always here to chat if you need anything too, whether it's on steamgifts, or steam itself! <3

Take care and Happy Holidays/New Year once again! ^_^

6 years ago

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I do lot of physical exercise due to my proffession, but I'm me tall tired.
Just taking the small steps yes.
I have read your entire post about the Lyme disease and it was painful. I had nothing to say and felt sad so I decided not to comment on it.
Beside that, it's always good to talk to new people, New perspective, new experience. And it's good to talk to you fabs 😎

6 years ago

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Glad you are enjoying the back and forth - as am I!

Little bits at a time are making me well... I believe it! ;)

We all got our issues/battles/sorrows/pains/burdens etc. So I try not to compare, but it's hard... to not compare when the world is critical of me - expecting a lot out of somebody that is 1% of what they were... a shell of a man. A Replica. Great Sonata Arctica song if you like the power metal genre at all. :) If you never heard it.. it's more of a slow ballad-y style mostly though, so it'd appeal to more peeps even if it's not normally a genre you like... ^_^

6 years ago*

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Yeah it's tough not to compare even though we shouldn't. But that's alright. Every person is fighting their own battle. What's not right is to expect too much out of other individual. One should try to rely on themselves.

I liked this song. Maybe will try to explore more of this artist

6 years ago

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@Superfabs Wonderous... a 56 year old man from Egg Harbor New Jersey, glad you enjoyed Pegasus-5: Gone Astray so much.

6 years ago

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Hey, welcome to steamgifts, bud! Glad to hear from a fellow-NJer! ;)

Please have fun in steamgifts, and ask support or some of us experienced folks if you need anything. We're more than glad to help if we can! Steamgifts is full of great people with big hearts. I'm sorry I didn't welcome you right off the bat... ^_^

6 years ago

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Come back!!! We miss you! Sent a friend request over! ^_^

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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What did this say I wonder? Oh that was my comment! It's 4 weeks old, so that should be allowed. Does it even bump a thread? About to find out...

EDIT: Now I know. Yes, it works... PUSH THOSE BOUNDARIES!

6 years ago

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Strange businessman from RE4.
Always potatoes sale all the time.

6 years ago

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LMAO.... taters! Cook 'em, boil 'em, put 'em in a stew!

Oh and, umm... :clears throat: "Got some rare things on sale, stranger!"

6 years ago

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Would you want a little herb?
But filled with potatoes in storage box.
I mean maybe I should shoot zombies with potatoes!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago*

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Yeah... I didn't reply earlier since I was able to bump with music, but that's not allowed. I'm getting creative instead. :3

I can always reply to people who... comment. And help keep my thread alive.

6 years ago

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They really should revise that phrase, "necessity is the mother of invention," to, "oppression is the mother of invention." As a lover of social experiments and movies like Saw it delights me to see this clever game you've concocted.

6 years ago

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Well, I'm attempting another meta-experiment within my own experiment. We must always push the ropes... and find where they bend, and where they break. If they aren't replaced, then... well... we have problems. If nobody deals with those problems... it's either complete tyranny and oppression, or complete anarchy. They amount to the same thing in one sense or another, but anyway... while I have no time to explain, but it could be a bumpy ride. :3

I simply reply - since i neglected to do so earlier, when I was busy adding musical tunes to bump my topic.

Just wanted to politely inform you of a new giveaway up! :D

6 years ago

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Indeed... too many people believe what their senses tell them, or what society tells them.... or worse, they choose to disdain certain specific beliefs while blindly accepting other propositions and then pat themselves on the back for their superiority. Exploring... pushing the boundaries... that is the only way to hack yourself and hack the planet.

I'm left with the odd feeling that there are hidden riddles or giveaways left to uncover everywhere in this thread now, and it is an at once exciting and disorienting feeling.

Thank you for letting me know about the new giveaway. This also reminds me that I meant to have added you on Steam last week to better facilitate mutual stalking.

6 years ago

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Hah! Accepted! Oh.... and... um... speaking of stalking and social experiements. Watch the action unfold as far as the power-struggle goes between authority, lawlessness, and the treatment of judgement calls and grey areas/vulerabilities vs. peons... I have a feeling we will have some serious interesting developments.

I'm itching to see what happens next.

That is what I was referencing above though. ;)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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You're immune until my list gets filled! Oh, and... since you're on the nice list, I'd like to inform you that I'll be doing a game each day (well we'll wait an extra since I had to wait for the Holiday Sale to officially get underway + you own Yakuza 0 already).

Stay tuned, my friend! :3

6 years ago

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Applying for 2hu immunity!

6 years ago

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Check! Whitelisted now!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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You're welcome! Read about half a day back, if you're wondering why I'm necro-replying. :3

6 years ago

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Remember that with great power comes great responsibility...

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

6 years ago

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Necro-reply so I can bump! :D

Not allowed to post music in my thread every hour, according to support earlier, so I figure I'll abuse this reply feature on steamgifts instead... and not wait an entire hour like I was doing out of courtesy... until somebody wants to fix it to where we cannot bump our own topics.

I'm simply raising awareness on a bug I reported already! :3

No better way than practical application, since words simply don't drive the point home, but maybe actions might?

End of bitter/90%sarcastic/sg-self-inflicted/SMH/facepalming mini-rant.

EDIT: Okay, got my 3 day suspension for something inherently stupid as a test and it worked, so I'm fine now!

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Phahahaha pretty much this xD

6 years ago

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haha very funny :D

6 years ago

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Be careful. BL has limit of 300 entries only, as far I remember.
Tried to do same thing something similar but I stuck at not even one fifth of what I intended to BL. Removing all these entries was a major pain in the ass when i found out that it's pointless if I cannot keep my promise.

6 years ago*

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1000 entries

6 years ago

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It must have been changed at some point. Thanks for informing, it may prove useful in future :D
(I'm sure it was 300 back then, as my first goal was hitting the 1200 of people that didn't read the description of my event giveaways and it was disappointing to finish my project so early)

6 years ago*

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Heh, good luck filling up your blacklist then... I think?

Anyway, happy cake day!

6 years ago

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Up into the 200s now! :D

We've got a ways to go! I am back up to 666 whitelists too, by the way. ;)

6 years ago

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Are there even any normal people on this website? It seems like every third thread that's not about a sale or bundle is some attention-whoring shite lmao. Try to step outside your bubble every once in a while. It helps.

I don't like most of you, and let us be honest: you do not like me

It's probably safe to say that most users have never heard about you or what you personally think you are standing for 🤔
I assume this is just supposed to be a well-memed giveaway train, in this case: Well memed fam. 👌👌

6 years ago

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Wait, what do you mean most have never heard of him? Personal opinions aside, he keeps popping up in discussions so I assume people that check discussions would be at least aware of him.

And no, there are no normal people on this site. What even is normal?

6 years ago

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That is quite a good point. It's a freakin' circus here! Let's all party like it's 1699!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Amazing... It's a paradise! Now we're getting into it! Old-school style! That pic rules!

6 years ago

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No, I have seen this guy before. But the thing that irked me most about his post was

because, as a whole, I don't like most of you, and let us be honest: you do not like me.

Just sounds like a super irritating generalisation to me. Mostly because I assume that of the small amount of users that are actually visiting the discussions and not just happily botting away, the ones that keep up with or are trying to cause drama are quite the minority... And the last time I've seen this super Fabs person actually was when he gave away quite a few games lol.

What even is normal?

Not the regulars of this website, fo sho.

6 years ago*

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I think you have to face the mirror sometimes, and just say... "I'm okay with being me!"... Maybe you are closer to what you speak of than you realize, and thus see everything colored the way it is colored by your own warped perspectives. The difference between you and me... is that I am aware and admit it, while you are still in denial about your inner truth. Don't be afraid to let it loose!

Take control of your life - shape it from the palm of your hand, bend it and fold it to your will!


Humility and humiliation have a fine line between the two...

I'm just giving shit away... before I set sails when the list fills, or maybe I'll stay here. Of course you haven't heard of me. I'm always in the shadows... stalking... and waiting. For that chance. To give away an item to the community. Those are the real whores. Greedy bastards, like myself....

The door is open, but we also have these rules, and them's the rules! Take it or leave it! Jump on board if you want a shot at some good ole' "Russian Roulette"

6 years ago

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Sorry for the late reply. Well I did indeed 'hear' about you, didn't you take part in or launched a large giveaway train or puzzle only a few weeks ago? I don't remember what exactly it was but the name and avatar seem familiar. And aren't you one of those weirdos that write some random shit under every goddamn giveaway, even topping it up with a YT link sometimes, making me waste all my time? Look, you just did it again. You really are the worst...

Anyway, it seems so many people here go though the same circle of posts, which usually starts with something positive - be it a giveaway (train), a notspam/help/PSA thread etc., then something happens in the comments or somewhere else and the next time I look in the forum it's the same person having a mental breakdown inside a new thread they made telling everyone how much they are ungrateful gift-grabbing whores and how they are literally going to quit SG forever. A few days/weeks/months later they come back crawling out of their holes (I dare you).... It's like an addiction. :( Maybe I just have to accept it the way it is. This is the circle of SteamGifts. tHe CiRcLe Of LiFe.
Godspeed, mushroom man.

6 years ago

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I said I was permanently leaving? When? Hmm... Glad you know more than I do about something that does not even exist. Guess that makes you God. Joke is on you then, because as your creation, I am out of line... hehe!

I am typing my thoughts, and I get emotional. I care too much sometimes.... There is no breakdown... It is a perception by yourself interpreted from... what I typed. In a way you are just my puppet on a string, so to speak. Play along with the puppeteer as long as you wish. I only hinted at considering going, since I was reasonably angry for what happened. I needed a few days to cool down... and also possibly not being as involved is my conclusion for now that I've come to. I want a grand finale, and also concocted a fun way to play around and make a silver lining out of my own upsetted-ness... So, I apologize if I hit a nerve... You are making futile attempts to shake my foundation, because your own lacks something that you crave of my own... I never ever said I was gone for good. Find a post by me stating otherwise - I dare you! :3

Wait, I don't want to waste any more of your time - sorry. You seem arrogant enough as it is for some humble little me to nit-pick with "Your Lordship".

Betcha can't listen to yourself this verson 1.0

6 years ago

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Well I never wrote that I wanted to convince you of anything. ;]

I was merely stating the perhaps made-up and only existing inside my desolate mind, but that's irrelevant facts. I think it would have been mostly correct for all the usual 'rage thread' suspects still.

In hindsight, it probably wasn't very nice to accuse you of attention-whoring if all you did was merely using a forum as it was intended, so sorry about that.

6 years ago

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I'm still waiting on those... facts. Anyway, until that time, have a great one! Everything is assumptions here, so we can now move along and pretend none of this happened. Sound good to you? Sounds great to me! Nothing to apologize for. You didn't do anything to me - only yourself. If you're right with you, it's all good. Then again, that is what amends are really all about in the first place, if we are doing them for the right reasons... ;)

6 years ago

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i see your blindead and raise with blindead

6 years ago

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nice song, I like this style!

6 years ago

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Oh please don't go. You make me sad when you say that, man!
And to anyone who don't even know who you are and presume nobody else does: lift up that rock, you're not using the site as it should be :P

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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+2 Supersecret bump!

6 years ago

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Oh no, someone is hosting a creative giveaway event instead of posting another fucking "deal thread" we have every single day like people are bots. Must be attention-whoring bitches.

Also, no offense to deal thread creators - just making a point here

6 years ago

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I like a sprinkle of variety and diversity. Kinda like party sprinkled donuts!!! And... candy on top, with more candy sprinkles on that candy!

But, as you mention, this is in fact the only conclusion one can make, based on the above commentary, in a logical sense.

Actually, I'm done here! Let's end this!

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6 years ago*

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Hi Superfabsy,
naah, sorry. I'm one of the few peeps who actually do like you and don't want to benefit from a blacklisting event.
But I must admit it sounds absolutely interesting since I'm a fan of unconventional events or experiments.

Though I'm not quite sure if your game is just for fun or a statement of cynicism.
In short, I'm not the best fitting candidate for those experiments and I pass on this

6 years ago*

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Yeah... it'll be interesting to see if I get flooded, and the event ends before the better games start to roll in, or if it stays small so I can keep it going for a loong time!

Who knows what'll pop up next? Behind the Shadows...

6 years ago

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I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to formally request you change your name to Superfabsy now.


6 years ago

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I kinda like it, actually... Maybe I'll do a straw poll sometime - wait... it might be against the rules...

6 years ago

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inb4 all the "why did u blacklist me?" comments

6 years ago

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Necro-reply! I want to make it look legit... like I'm not forcing my own thread into the forefront for selfish reasonings or adding random music tracks to make it entertaining to all. That's no fun at all!

How am I doing with it?

6 years ago

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Nothing selfish about bumping your own thread.. But if you really want to be clandestine about it, get one of your buddies to do it ;)

6 years ago

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I see what you did there..

Are you... perhaps... psychic?

From the second quote indent there...

This is just as easily abusable by asking others to bump your topic for you, off of steamgifts... and then replying to each response over and over....

Fuck... why not do it ON steamgifts too! Without telling people! The concept is mind-boggling...

You just took it a step further my friend.... ^_____^

We're traveling too far down the rabbit hole... no return in site. Sight? Site....

6 years ago

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last time i checked you wanted to leave sg. its harder as it seems to abandon this site.

6 years ago

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Humans are a confusing bunch... eh? I guess that's why we have confusing rules. I am gone... but I am here as well.

It's a riddle to solve. It's because I am "bi-winning!"

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6 years ago

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one speed one gear gooo!

6 years ago

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Tiger blood, Adonis DNA, F-18 bro, etc...

6 years ago

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I'm on a drug. It's called "Superfabs". It's not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.

6 years ago

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Well thats one hell of an idea

6 years ago

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It's still going! New one is up! :3 Replying here, since I'm not allowed to post my own bumps now, or musical links...

Awaiting further confirmation since fun police have struck again...

6 years ago

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Already joined for next round!

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6 years ago

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But wait! There's more!

6 years ago

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It sounds interesting and enhances a single GA entry to a philosophic altitude. I like it:)

6 years ago

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Thank you! :3

NepNepNepNep! <3

6 years ago

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Can't say I've ever had the pleasure or displeasure of talking with you, but since I love zoomers AND mario brothers, youre ok in my books 🛁

6 years ago

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Thank you! I'm late to comment, but at least I got one in! I think that is a good thing. :D

6 years ago

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Microwaves popcorn

6 years ago

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I read its not healthy ,beware

6 years ago

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you're telling me...I broke my tooth on a rock hard kernel...for reals though. Freaking expensive.

6 years ago

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Is it stale yet? ;)

Tasting awfully buttery from this side of things! ^_____^ Yakuza's up!

6 years ago

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You butter believe it has ;)

I like it stale though!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Drink superpiss next time!

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6 years ago

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bump, will take a chance to get blacklisted in the future, since this game, based on the screenshot will not be something i will be able to play or even understand lol

6 years ago

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I hope there will be more. Depends on how big the blacklist will get after round 1. ^___^

Good luck later if in fact there are more offerings here!

6 years ago

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I feel sad

6 years ago

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Same here... I think. Nah, I'm winning! Never sad. Always turbo-charged! Tiger blooood!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Would have been funnier if you started this on "Black Friday" and called it "Black-list Friday" :P

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Yeah... Could not stay away from this awesome community! Luckily some have immunity. ;)

6 years ago

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I think lots of people gonna listen this song XD

6 years ago

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\m/ (>.<) \m/

6 years ago

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You're safe now.

6 years ago

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Are you just doing it for fun, is it a social experiment or do you just want to blacklist people?
Regardless thank you for this interesting event.

6 years ago

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All of the above. ^__^ Makes it easier on everyone else already targeting me if I've got their names on my list instead if they wanna rely on cross-listing. Just remove me, enter my giveaway on cooldown, lose, and bam! Now I've got them on mine instead! Plus they can win something.

It's all about winning! That is why ... we are they are I am here, afterall!

6 years ago

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Really wanted to see you post this one. I feel it's appropriate...and awesome!

6 years ago

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Liked it a lot, but forgot to comment! Great times - my favorite era, with some of the ultimate movies, music, clothes, etc.!

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Zomby.