8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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feel sorry for lauging.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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typo.. missed 'h' but i guess it's not that bad?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sorry, haha i thought you are some other guy who commented.. did not noticed that you are OP just the moment you said, polls are not able to get edited.

8 years ago

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it says alot about the game , when the moment i saw CS-GO i was expecting some Scam site to be mentioned ...

I personally despise FPS as a genre in general , i dont play ANY FPS other then borderlands , and thats only cause of the silliness .

The whole skin nonsense tho , is the most ridiculous thing in history of gaming . Like you see some 10y olds betting 1k worth of skins and literally losing their shit on twitch once they lost it to that Totally legit site they just found .

The only 1k a 10y old should have on their disposal its Monopoly money .

With all seriousness , you are better leaving the game if you dont enjoy it anymore .
I Dont think volvo will start selling Maps ( yet ) , but based on whats happening with DOTO compendiums i do expect them to release some seasonal shit which you farm like a retard for weeks , just to use it for couple days b4 it fucking expire :|

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I have no idea who that is :c

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm confused :c
Are you someone famous in the CS-Go Community :?

8 years ago

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This exchange me me lol much harder than it should have.

8 years ago

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Yeah i think i had a brainfart or something here :|

8 years ago

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I know right, I was so amused by it I took a screenshot so I can giggle over it again later.
P.S. I believe you wanted to say "made me" instead of "me me".

8 years ago

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It didn't me me lol hard enough to screenshot it. :X

8 years ago

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Think he thought he was known in sg
Or smth like that xD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Never heard of u aswell
I'm active everyday xD

8 years ago

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me too :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I think my brain malfunctioned or something . tho to be fair it has been having issues working at all lately
I DO know you from here , i just ... tough you ware implying that i need to know you cause of CS-Go and ... ah nvm i went full retard here sorry bout that :c

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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In case it makes you feel any better: I recognised you. :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Get back to the boobed nurses, please ;_;

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Not even close to Mille's scissors :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I miss the Silent Hill as well. :)

8 years ago

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I think I saw you around here and there

8 years ago

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it's obvious that csgo turned into a cow to to milk
spray, gloves, etc...

It could go f2p after the launch in China, who knows

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If they gain tons of new players they'll profit even more.

8 years ago

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well they probably won't profit that much. If you're too poor to buy csgo then you're probably too poor to buy 200$ knife skins or gloves ^^

8 years ago

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You know... China has a lot of players, I mean... a lot.
For every knife sold there are 999k of "cheap" skins sold, even if they take a small fragment of the Chinese community they'll gain a lot.

8 years ago

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Pink gloves and some rainbow colored knives and guns - that's the dream of every csgo-princess.

8 years ago

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Umm, why can't you just play it for fun and ignore the other crap? :X
innocent whistle

8 years ago

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But but , The SKINS !
You know when you use the 12k$ worth pile of pixels mashed together you literally do the same dmg and it makes no difference to the game whatsoever !

8 years ago

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It's not that.
It's valve pissing in the face of the csgo community, the game has a lot of problems and valve doesn't care at all.

8 years ago

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I don't understand how can people claim "valve doesn't care", there have been plenty of game improving updates this year alone(prime, data relays, hitbox, inferno remake,game balance, to name a few off the top of my head ). The game is constantly improved, on a slower rate compared to D2, and that's understandable due to low competition.

When they first emerged, there was a lot of demand for glove skins and they went ahead and made them. Now some complain there are too many cosmetics in the game.. kay

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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I just like running around shooting people.
Disclaimer: The above statement refers to video games only, and cannot be held against me in a court of law. :X

8 years ago

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Too late black helicopters are already flying

8 years ago

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I have my rainbow stat trak Swiss army knife and paisley patterned Nerf gun ready to deal with them.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't understand what skins have to do with being competitive, I guess.
I'd just sell off all the garbage and play with the default crap LOL.

Been thinking about picking it up. Been getting the urge for a competitive FPS lately.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ah okay. That was a bit unclear from the OP. :X

8 years ago

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+1, operations are the most fun. I just don't know why they don't make the older ones playeables - I liked the ones that required to get kills with enemy weapons, or the coop missions.

8 years ago

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People now days don't know how to play for fun, everyone thinks they're a pr0. I miss the good ol' days of CS :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"Most" people think they are better than they actually are, thus why everyone gets called a cheat etc etc etc when they spank someone's botty. This is why no one plays for fun, they're too uptight about their stats n ranks thinkin their pro's because they play a comp" game, most folks any way. :D

I do think tho they're going too far with these items, I'd lost interest with them ages ago, I prefered making my own sprays. I'll idle for a case then sell it for some muppet to open it for a crappy skin. :D

8 years ago

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I'm actually ok with this. I don't play the game, but this model of financing is way better than the other one, which is P2W.

8 years ago

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They should also adds scarves, hats, shoelaces, boots, and most importantly: pants. Adding special pants would be worth taking the lawsuit from Blizzard, who built an entire game franchise of making the players look for better pants. So there is hard evidence that the gaming community requires games where your goal is to get more pants.

8 years ago

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Pants or trousers?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Also available in silver and bronze of course.

8 years ago

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StatTrak lederhosen

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It's been a lot of time since I played this game. I usually played with some friends, specially arms race (specially for the "lulz". Backstabbing a friend and laugh its quite fun, sorry)

Cases are good because i could sell them ._. I don't care about gloves and teenagers' skins

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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well I dont agree with these things but its ok since I dont care about skins and stuff to be honest I dont play CS on ranking or something to raise my rank and skill I just try to play with freinds to have some fun. and I agree its so greedy that these stupid things are money base and cant be unlock via playing games for example a in game Curency or point wich can be get by winning matches or some quests but not with real money.

8 years ago

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CSGO became free for me. Why? i bought it 50% off , played some time later got a newly released case, instantly sold for ~7$ .. and other skins and cases - profit ..

new update, new things. nah.. 50% chance profit 50% chance spending it on cool things..
and btw OP i don't get it why are you dumping your csgo inventory?? to obtain huge profit on that site or because you don't care anymore?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I've been thinkin about cashin mine in for sometime now. With spray's and now gloves I think it's gonna push me towards doin so. It's not the greatest inventory but it didn't cost me very much most from trading crap a couple years back and will make a nice tidy sum if I were to sell them. I'll just sell on market and use profits to buy new games.

8 years ago

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Oh god, glad i stopped trading

8 years ago

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I havent touched CSGO since BF1 was released. Not missing it at all atm.
First sprays, now gloves. I couldnt care less. I'm not even gonna try to make money out of the new cases.

8 years ago

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I want horse armor.

8 years ago

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Coming up next: Map Skins.
Play the same levels, but make them appear cell-shaded, TF2-cartoon style, 80's neon style, or just use the CS 1.8 retro skins.
These are bigger though, so expect them to be more expensive.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I personally don't like glove skins, but why would they not add them? The whole purpose of the game is not to add enjoyment to people's lives, but to make money. It's a business and it makes sense that most people who want to buy cosmetics and have the money have already bought knives, there's no reason to buy even more knives since you can only wear 1 at a time. Nobody had glove skins so they're going to make a lot of money off of it. I don't understand what is wrong with it? They made some improvements and bugfixes with this update as well and I'm pretty sure they have different departments for cosmetics and gameplay. (though the size might be a lot different)

8 years ago

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Milking the game~~

8 years ago

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Silly, your recent threads are kinda drama generating.
Don't get me wrong, but maybe get some time off steam and pc?
Or play some rl game to vent? :) I am doing so, so I know it is good way :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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sure, sure, we all have our procrastination explanations :)

I meant, like this thread - what did you expect from Valve? c'mon, they monetize as much as market allow themwith already gun skins, stickers, knives etc . So like thread about CS now cashgrabbing and you are finito with this is kinda like drama :wink wink:, before was some news about inequality in male/female wages in gaming industry which turned to be not so true due to bbc clickbait :)

But that is my point of view, which might (and probably is) be wrong :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I knew that! I was wrong! I am so smart!
can you hire me as your assistant in doing nothing for work? I will do the nothing, while you can do the actual work part
oh, and I did not gain any new BL from this, which is kinda achievement

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8 years ago

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If it's merely cosmetic stuff, no big... I'd say just profit from it.

8 years ago

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oh come on, these are cosmetics only, who gives a crap

like seriously

8 years ago

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I own the game but dont't play it, can i get a huge?

8 years ago

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Valve greedness is over limit right now, instead of making new operation with new stuff, another paid cosmetics... useless...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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so stickers, knives and other skins was understandable greediness ? :D

8 years ago

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This is a Counter Strike: Global Offensive Skins

8 years ago

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I never understood the appeal to weapon skins (and now glove skins...) now one can see your weapon besides you. Why spend 1000$ on a fucking knife skin?

I'm not a fan of skins for LoL, OW, etc. But at least they are actually cool, and other people can actually see them.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well II meant moreso that because of the movement of the game, enemy teams won't see each other guns because they will be too focused killing each other. And people die a lot quicker too. So I guess people see each other's guns if they are taking it fro their dead body. lol

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't get it why people are triggered by this. It's not that the gameplay is affected in any way and that people with skins or gloves get any advantage against people that don't have them. And gloves skins update was expected, even demanded by the community from the first day when they were implemented in the pro scene.

Honestly I was very happy for skins in CSGO because they earned me some money to buy games on steam. Because of the lack of time to get better I'm not playing the game anymore so I'm not really hyped for the upcoming updates but I'm glad they are still doing it.

8 years ago

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Thank you for this reaction, was gonna write something similar but then noticed you have already done so. Totally agreed!

8 years ago

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Adding skins have never been a problem, it's just they delay contents too much because of it.

See overwatch? People have no problem whatsoever, but that's because Blizzard know how to balance things around. They add contents, they add skins. Meanwhile in CS:GO and Dota land...

The latter has performance issues that are yet to be addressed, and they keep adding bugged skins...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Why would you presume the same people that work on skins develop the operations? Adding more skins into the game, as in making valve more money delays development of future content? Come on.

8 years ago*

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To be veryyyyyyyyyyy honest, I'd be on that side of argument if they actually demonstrated some capabilities.

I talk in behalf of Dota, as I'm more knowledgeable of that than CS GO.

In Dota 2, there are plenty of skins BUGGED. Animations simply don't work, or simply override each others.

Instead of fixing THAT first, they add more skins. Guess what, the new skins also bugged....

Now people can argue, hey that's free game, you don't have the right to complain. Oh yes, of course I do have the right, I buy the damned skins from the shop for 35 bucks A POP. I am entitled to bitch and moan.

Not to mention that adding bugged skins means degrading performance see Tinker's skill ruining a match because of Immortal item's mecha effect. And yes, it affects ALL ten players in that game. People have been complaining about that to Valve, non stop.

If fixing that requires months, it means new content is taking even longer to be implemented. Tit holds true in Dota. Maybe only Dota players know this sentence: 'Hello Diretide....'.

My core complaint is, (I don't mind them adding skins - it's for the game's development of course I approve) just be responsible and fix whatever problems arising BEFORE you add more bugs to the game. In dota that is.

Once again, if you think I disapprove skins entirely, no I'm not. I know if the game earns profit, I can enjoy the game more as they keep adding new stuffs. I just don't like how they work.

8 years ago*

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Closed 8 years ago by Deleted-0940624.