And apparently he went on a 6 month travel, where he hiked the pacific crest trail, traveling 2650 miles across the United states and totally forgot about this SteamGifts website...
He apologized and sent me the game I had won nearly 2 years ago!
And went to contact the winners of his other gibs from the time

I honestly never thought I'd get it, but it seems like not all lv1 randoms who make good gibs and disappear are bad guys...

Did anything like this ever happen to you?

oh and obligatory gib

7 years ago*

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Did it ever happen to you?

View Results
I never tried, let me go add all of them

That's a long ass title btw

7 years ago

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Are you a ghostwriter for patd!

7 years ago

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a what?

7 years ago

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You wrote this album?

7 years ago

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Maybe :3

7 years ago

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at least OP is for PatD's earlier work.

7 years ago

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what a beautiful story, those kind give me faith in humanity

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Sounds like you got pretty lucky twice on one giveaway!

(less the wait of course)

7 years ago

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I remember being super happy when I won it because it was a wishlist game with over 3000 entries... and then ended up being super sad when I didn't hear from the creator in over a week :\

7 years ago

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There's alaways hope it seems... ^^

7 years ago

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Haha, that's pure awesome.
Hurry, get a lottery ticket.

7 years ago

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you hit the jackpot T_T

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Kinda. I recently entered and won a giveaway, but the creator never got back to me. I can't help but feel something happened to keep them away from SG or something. They weren't a complete stranger to me - in fact it was a whitelist giveaway. I'm sure something must have come up that made it impossible to get in contact with me regarding this. I just hope it's nothing serious. ^^

7 years ago

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Just a question.
Which game did you won?

7 years ago

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It is linked in the GA, LEGO The Lord of the Rings

7 years ago

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Whoooa, thank you so much for the info, I didn't saw it at all.

7 years ago

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Yeah it's linked in there... Didn't want to link on the thread in case it would be considered calling out or something... idk... :v

7 years ago

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I imagine it does happen, people forget... pretty lucky they came back and delivered!

7 years ago

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Acabou da melhor maneira :D

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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title sounds like yellow press))

7 years ago

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Cool story, but I loathe the clickbait title.

7 years ago

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You won't BELIEVE what doctorofjournalism has to say about this OUTRAGEOUS thread!!!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Normally loathe clickbait titles as well, and I was fully expecting this one to be some inane meta/parody of sorts with a throwaway meme title but was surprised to see it actually turned out as described (like some lost Upworthy post from 2013 when everyone was still innocent). I found that oddly subversive (even if unintentional)--kind of like out-meta-ing the meta, if that makes any kind of sense--so that made it ok again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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I'm too meta for the meta :3

7 years ago

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totally unintended 👀

7 years ago

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That's great!

Did anything like this ever happen to you?

Not to me, but tragikos describes how he finally received an almost three year old win here :)

7 years ago

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Similar thing happened to me, but in my case I knew about the reason and just waited ;) I've won a brand new AAA game, but it wasn't so hard to win as yours, actually it was opposite ;p back at the day there were only 3 lvl 10 Polish users on SG, one of them made a GA to see who of the other two would win (Public polish group, lvl 10, Polish region lock, all polish users could see it, but only 2 could enter) ;p I won, but GA creator had an accident irl and because of that went offline for over half a year till he got better. But as I was aware of this whole situation I wished him fast recovery and simply waited - over half year later he got better, came back to SG I got the gib ;p

7 years ago

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Being elitist is fun :3
And glad he recovered fast :D

7 years ago

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I have a related story. I went on vacation for a couple of weeks and won a giveaway right in the middle of being away. When I got back, the giveaway creator was waiting for feedback for a week. I activated the win, marked received and tried going to the giveaway page so I could leave a comment, apologizing for being so late. But, by then, I was already on his/her blacklist.
So, if anyone wants to do me a solid and leave a comment saying something like "The winner is sorry for being so late on his feedback. Was on vacation at the time.", that'd be great.
Giveaway link is this:

7 years ago

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I've left a message for you.
Though, in my eyes, that's a bullshit reason to blacklist people for, and I would barely bother to reason with such people.
If he blacklisted you simply for not activating, then he should have acknowledged his mistake when you did activate. If it only took around a week, it's not a big deal.
If he blacklisted you simply because you didn't say thanks, he should have waited until you actually did activate it, since it makes no sense to expect thanks from a person that didn't even get time to activate the game yet.
If he blacklisted you simply to reduce your future chances, it's stupid as the game you won is part of the most discounted bundle in the history of bundles, so its true value is like practically zero.
So I don't see any logic behind that blacklist and if he blacklisted you for any other reason, he probably wouldn't care about your apology anyway.

7 years ago

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It's ok. I was actually surprised that he didnt just reroll the giveaway, but I suppose he may have thought I had took the key and ran?
Regardless, thanks for the assistance!

7 years ago

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first of all, thanks DanZDK for the message. Then, yes putaquepariuotestcas is on my blacklist but not for the reason mentioned. If blacklisting is always subjective and don't need to be explained (this simply means I don't have to explain myself and there is no bullshit reason to blacklist but always subjective reason), here is what i can say:

  • my blacklist is dynamic: I check people/profile before adding them (of course) and I regularly check previously added to remove them (they often blacklist me in return but they don't remove me from their blacklists). I can sometimes remove on-demand (I consider this message like a demand).
  • The giveaway was part of a 140 cars train. 7 wonders is certainly one of the most recently given game here and not one of the best but it has a cost for me, not null. The blacklist isnt related to the value of the games or any other games in the train.
  • I check every winner for differents parameters like non-activated games, multiple wins, ratio, Steam profile(s) etc. Most often I don't blacklist for that but I can whitelist. If putaquepariuotestcas's ratio is low, it's not enough for a blacklist. He passed the SGTools and didn't cheated to enter, all is good for me.
  • I never blacklist for not having a "thanks" (but I appreciate having it)
  • I never had to blacklist because of slow reception of the gift (but I appreciate diligent reception). I won several giveaways while being on vacations. I appreciated people waiting for my return. I'm aware you can't always activate won games even if you can connect to steamgifts (if you're at work for example) and people arent always behind their computers. If I feel people are connected but don't receive the game, I first try to contact them. But again, I never blacklist for that (and never had to reroll for that). putaquepariuotestcas, you arent blacklisted for that.
  • I blacklisted putaquepariuotestcas after reception of my key to let the communication open if there is a problem on my side, like a false key (It's what I remember and always do but if you tell me you tried to contact me just when you received the game, I'm wrong)
  • I appreciate the apologize but it's not necessary.

Whatever, I kept a note of the reason of the blacklist and know exactly why I did it. I'm not going to say it but to conclude, I can say today that I don't find anymore this reason relevant.

Hope you enjoy my answer because it's lot of words for something I don't have to explain. ^^

Best regards

7 years ago

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It's ok. I wasnt trying to get off the blacklist, I just wanted to say sorry for taking so long to activate / leave feedback. You also dont have to explain why you put me there either, I just assumed it was because of the delay.

Anyway, thanks for the game!

7 years ago

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... You put somebody on a blacklist as a way to open up communication?

7 years ago

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This title keeps click baiting mee

7 years ago

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I Read This Comment And You Won't Believe What Happened Next!!

I wrote the reply :3

7 years ago

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I Read This Reply, You Won’t Believe What Happened!!
You’re whitelisted.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Good story, and Gib, love it that its lvl5 and i am not , this just motivates me to give more games and lvlup :D
Also i got that game.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Yeah it was really cool of him to still give me the game and contact the other winners... When I contacted him after so long I was only curious about why I never got the game... and well... the rest you already know :P

7 years ago

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praise the christmas miracle!
don't forget to get the matching shirt!

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Such a nice story. :3

7 years ago

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Guy from Brazil who won my GA had his PC stolen shortly before so he had no way to activate his win. Had to wait for a ~month for him to get a new PC and activate it.

7 years ago

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That's really cool. What drove you to contact him after 2 years?

7 years ago

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I was bored so I was scrolling my friendlist looking for someone to chat... and I saw him online playing a game, so I decided to say something (I had added him back when I won the gib but he had only accepted and never replied back)

7 years ago

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Wow, I'm impressed you remembered. I would have been like, "Who is this, and why are they on my friend list?" :)

7 years ago

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I usually add a nickname to people I add for specific reasons, so that I don't forget :P

7 years ago

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I hope he had a great time :)

7 years ago

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