On the FAQ page it says:

"When creating a giveaway and selecting a game, you'll notice "No Value" games are marked with a double asterisk (*), and "Reduced Value" games with a single asterisk (). If you hover over those icons, you'll see the effective date for the value adjustments. For example, if a game is marked with a single asterisk (*), and hovering the icon shows "Reduced value since January 4, 2018", this would mean giveaways created for that game on January 4, 2018 or later will receive reduced contributor value."

This means that giveaways made AFTER the effective date will have reduced value but the ones made BEFORE the effective date will still have full value, so what I don't understand is why does our CV drop when we made a giveaway for a game BEFORE its value got reduced?

3 years ago

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Sometimes, the CV reduction is retroactive since the staff can't keep up with all the price changes.

I.e. You give game on Dec 10th and it says full price, but game has been given away free somewhere Dec 5th. When they update the game info, they set all givaways after Dec 5th are 0 CV, making yours 0 (even though it said full price when you were creating it).

EDIT: In your case, I would assume Oppenh4imer answers your question fully (see https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/8EqEx/why-does-our-cv-drop-after-we-have-already-given-a-game-away-at-full-price#1oLBnOl)

3 years ago*

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Your CV isn't reduced if the giveaway is made before the date it is bundled/given away for free.
Bundled/Free games are added to the lists by real people, so they are not always available to do so. To prevent users from abusing the CV system by just making giveaways quickly after a game is free, the CV is changed retroactively for all giveaways made after the moment when the game was for free/bundled.

3 years ago*

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that is not true if that was the case no one would ever lose CV or go to a lower level

3 years ago

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It's true, but it leaves out the other way to lose CV, when a game's base price gets lowered on Steam. If you give away a $50 game before it's ever been bundled, you will retain that 50 CV even after it shows up in a bundle, but if the publisher lowers the price to $40, you will end up with 40 CV.

3 years ago

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There are two different ways CV can change:

1) Games are in bundles. You citation of the FAQ is concerning this. If your giveaway stats and finished before the effective date, which might be set retroactively, if support only learns of a bundle or high discount after the bundle is over.

2) The base price of the game on Steam changes. Your CV is based on the current price on Steam for a game. If a games get permanently cheaper on Steam, you lose CV. If a games gets more expensive, you gain CV.

3 years ago

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That makes sense, i guess i didnt think about that, so when i made the giveaway the game had already been bundled but SG just didnt know about it and after they updated the value my CV dropped too.

3 years ago

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Because adding games to reduced CV / no CV list is not automatic. It's manual, and moderators physically can't track every possible way to get game extremely cheap or even free. Then somebody creates a support ticket "hey, %gametitle% was given away for free (or sold extremely cheap) at %sitename% on %date%". And that game is added to reduced CV / no CV list effective from specified date. And yes, it means CV of everyone who made giveaway after this date will go down. I understand your frustration, but that's the only way to fight abuse. So, if you found some game that is selling extremely cheap - don't create giveaway for it, create a support ticket instead, so that it's added to lists in time.

3 years ago

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I will keep that in mind, I was just frustrated that I went down a level all of a sudden and had no idea what happened :D

3 years ago

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