first, lets say i have some keys from a bundle, are they tied to my steam account from that bundle site? like i can only redeem the keys on my steam account, or can anyone?
Nop, they aren't tied to your account, keys are only tied to a account when used on Steam client. Anyone with the key can redeem it.
second, as i understand, all bundle keys are also region locked to the country they were purchased in? or is that wrong? so if i bought a bundle, anyone in the world can redeem my key or just someone in my country?
It dependes on the publisher/distributor, but mostly the bundles are ROW.
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Keys bought from bundles are not tied to your account, you can trade or gift them, but most bundle sites claim that they are for "personal" use only.
Most bundles are ROW (Rest Of World) which means unlocked games but some are indeed region locked and they inform you about which games are locked to which countries.
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Most bundles are ROW (Rest Of World) which means unlocked games but some are indeed region locked and they inform you about which games are locked to which countries.
Usually they do, and Humble have finally started doing it when you generate gift links, but there have been cases where bundle keys have been region locked without the bundle site saying so.
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No, the keys become tied to your Steam account once you activate them. If you've bought them and they're sitting on your store account then they are good to go and you can give them away.
Some bundle keys are restricted to certain parts of the world, but usually the store which sells them also warns you about any possible region locks.
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thank you so much for the replies everyone. i guess i have one last question. what if, lets say, all my intentions were completely honest and i checked for any region lock on the key but the winner was still unable to redeem, is there a way for a giveaway creator and a winner to find a mutual solution?
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If you made a region free giveaway and the key turned out to be region locked then the giveaway creator and the winner could agree to delete the giveaway. But the winner could still be a dick and demand a key for his region. Either could happen in this place.
The best thing to do - any bundle will have a specific thread posted here in discussions in 'deals' and there will be plenty of debate on whether keys are regional or not from people with the same concerns. Answers will always appear before long.
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Also, you shouldn't be too concerned about getting the 'not received' in case there's a region-lock issue and no agreement can be found with the winner. You won't get banned or sued or lynched or whatever. :) Easiest way is to check the bundle page (or the bundle's discussion here, under Deals) if you're worried about region lock. Still, honest mistakes do happen. However, with cheap bundle games it is pretty easy to get another ROW copy through trading etc. if need be.
Welcome and good luck with GAs! :)
ETA: with region locks (I'm sure you're probably aware already) the tricky regions are RU+CIS and South America. Germany too on some games. If you are from those regions, researching the publishers who usually do region locks in bundles is helpful. And remember, those keys can still be given away by selecting the correct region when making GAs.
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You're off to a good start and welcome. if you haven't already, Please read the FAQ and guidelines. Another nifty tool is the search bar right under the new discussion button that allows you to search for questions already asked . If you want to have some fun comment formatting is here. Here are some good threads as well.
lets say, all my intentions were completely honest and i checked for any region lock on the key but the winner was still unable to redeem, is there a way for a giveaway creator and a winner to find a mutual solution?
Especially if you write written warning in the description, most creators will gladly allow for a deletion of GA ticket.
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sorry but i have some questions because i really want to make my own giveaway but i do not want to screw anyone over at all.
first, lets say i have some keys from a bundle, are they tied to my steam account from that bundle site? like i can only redeem the keys on my steam account, or can anyone?
second, as i understand, all bundle keys are also region locked to the country they were purchased in? or is that wrong? so if i bought a bundle, anyone in the world can redeem my key or just someone in my country?
thanks in advance to whoever helps me, it'd be much appreciated.
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