Not really, the one thing life has taught me: YOUR DREAMS WILL BE SHREDDED.
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Go to work, get back from work and play videogames/watch a show/read a book, have a family trip here and there, repeat.
I'm not saying that is exactly bad, but...
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For me it's more like: put the kids in kindergarten (usually one, my wife puts the other), go to work, get back from work, manage kids until 10pm (shower, tell stories, try to stop them killing each other), walk the dog, take a shower and go to sleep. Get up at night to manage the kid with the ear infection or whatever, get up in the morning, rinse and repeat. Well, there's some free time in that sometimes, and I browse the web during some of that, but I rarely watch TV or play games.
I guess that's pretty normal. Hopefully it gets better as the kids grow up, but I've heard rumours that it doesn't. So I'm waiting until the kids leave home and I retire. Another 20-30 years should do the trick.
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But perhaps it would be a nice idea to go back to the topic at hand. I usually find small projects to do and I have some hobbies, and mainly I dream that my projects will be finished and successful and that I'll enjoy my hobbies. I'd like to go back to writing and get more stories published, I'd like to program some personal projects that people would enjoy (I have some ideas for those) and will hopefully make me some money, I'd like to get better at karate and have some more stripes on my belt to show it, and of course I'd like to play some games and watch some movies and TV shows. Oh, and I'd like some day to have a hardware review site where I will also make giveaways.
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And are you currently happy with your life? How much importance do you give to your projects? It's something that would give you satisfaction but not exactly make you unhappy in case you don't manage to achieve them, right? I don't mean to drag you down, so please don't think too much about it.
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I'm a reasonably happy person. I complain sometimes, but that's mainly do blow some steam, which is because at the low level life can have quite a few annoying little things in it.
I always expect my projects to fail to achieve everything I want from them, but I get satisfaction from finding ways to move them forward when I stumble. I also get satisfaction from trying and learning new things while I try to create these projects.
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They don't play videogames, wich gives them plenty of free time. They have no idea what they're missing though...
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join the Army. it'll give you purpose in life and it's probably the most fun you'll ever have, if you're OK with lots of deployments and being away from family and friends.
it can be tough, but it's rewarding. Hooah!
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Not really my thing, but I can see how a person could feel accomplished by being a soldier.
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look it up, man. they got hundreds of different jobs... even for folks who like to sit in front of computers all day.
sorry.. i guess i sound like a recruiter now. lol
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What's wrong with just wanting to live a happy life?
It's good to have something to strive towards, but the thought that "something" needs to be a fantastic end-goal or lifelong dream is just silly. If you really have some grand plan and are willing and able to devote yourself to it that's great, but I don't think it's a bad thing to have more modest dreams.
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Hmm. Yeah, I guess there's nothing wrong with that. It's not like we have "a mission" in life, we're just living. Still, I wonder if some kind of goal or purpose could make life feel less "hollow".
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But you do have a goal, and a way of working towards it.
You want to live a comfortable, independent life. You want to get married. You want to be happy. There are plenty of people who don't have these. None of these are things you get for free, you'll have to work for each of them. I don't see hollowness in finding a fun and well-paying job, finding a girl you love (and who loves you back), and filling your life with things that make you happy.
Maybe you just haven't found out what's really important to you. No matter how small your dreams are, the best thing is to find something you find fun and rewarding. This could be almost anything. A good job, a loving family, a cool hobby, whatever. Everyone has these bouts of run-of-the-mill existential dread now and then, but as long as you've got something productive to take your mind off of it and don't let it drag you down, there's no harm in it.
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You're right. I'm taking these things for granted when they actually aren't. Getting back more to my feet and thinking about it, I still have much to do accomplish any of those. I know things won't be perfect when I get there - IF I get there, but it might just be enough to shrugh this existencial crisis off. I really don't HAVE to have a "bigger" dream.
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I think that most people don't have a goal or purpose and those who have aren't necessarily happier. I get satisfaction from small things, such as getting ahead in a small project, helping people in minor ways (such as making a giveaway or posting about one on my Facebook page, winning something, getting a good word from my sensei or from my wife, and of course from what my kids do, thinking how great they are and good responses I hear about them.
If you feel you're in a rut, try to vary your day to day. Try to find a new hobby, learn something new or help someone. Find something which appeals to you and do it. If it doesn't work try something else. Ultimately, though, it's largely a matter of character (and also where you are in your life, and who's around you).
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So, you wanna be the very best, like no one ever was?
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Gotta love potatoes. They are good fried, cooked, in any way!
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I like to dream of a utopian future in which humanity controls every aspect of the human body. Aging would be a thing of the past as nanobots constantly repair our bodies, and our brains would be augmented beyond what anybody thought possible, creating a new, better human race.
This would of course be after I am woken from cryo-preservation, so maybe a bit further into the future than you meant.
EDIT: Sorry, I meant to say utopian, my bad.
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yup, it sounds utopian.. if i have correctly understood then utopian = good, dystopian = bad.
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Utopias always have some awful shit hidden behind them. For example, this aging being a thing of the past? Okay, fine. But there's mandatory sterility for anyone over thirty and government-dictated suicide when you're 100. That way, you help slow overpopulation.
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seriously here is my dream;
i dream about having a future,because i am aids and doc said you will die in 7 months..each game you gift to me gives me extra months of life..(the doc said this)..
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I add mine to this... More special one..
My dream? Medieval-fantasy world to live in. What all would I do to live in land with dragons, magic, and no idea of guns, cars and such things... I however feel this dream wont come true, lol. But atleast I can always abandon this world once in a while and dive to unexisting worlds filled by magic by reading, playing and roleplaying.. Going to create such a world myself too someday, as form of a book series. And who knows for sure what happens after death? You can always dream...
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smoke some weed listen some good song, i prefere one of mac miller songs, and thoughts will fly inside your head
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I guess my dream's similar to yours, minus the "getting married" part. Decent job to maintain a reasonably comfortable lifestyle and a stable internet connection. Surplus funds (as if there were such a thing) would probably go towards pursuing miscellaneous hobbies. I'd like to take structured lessons to learn to play that mandolin in the corner of my room (meaning not online courses/videos).
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So, I've been thinking about life, and I realized something I wasn't aware: I have no dreams. Sure, I want to make enough money to have a comfortable life, I want to marry with a great woman and have kids... But apart from that, I simply have no ambitions. I could spend the rest of my life as an ordinary citizen, doing what normal people do.
I don't know what's wrong with me, but I want to hear from you: do YOU have dreams or ambitions? What are you doing to accomplish them?
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