So, I've been thinking about life, and I realized something I wasn't aware: I have no dreams. Sure, I want to make enough money to have a comfortable life, I want to marry with a great woman and have kids... But apart from that, I simply have no ambitions. I could spend the rest of my life as an ordinary citizen, doing what normal people do.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I want to hear from you: do YOU have dreams or ambitions? What are you doing to accomplish them?

12 years ago*

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first of all dreams isint real its a lie

second future means more power and weapons
and you cant control dreams they are controling you by playing rules you dont know and you cant change it

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I fail to see how more power and weapons is a bad thing. Wars will continue to shape the human race, and there's no way to prevent that, so why not be really really good at it?

12 years ago

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Nothing wrong, most of the times our "dreams" are projections of our parents wishes for us.

Better to have no dreams than having someone elses dreams IMO.

Dont think about your dreams and future, think about doing what you like. You can't go wrong with that.

12 years ago

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My parents wanted me to be physicist and study outer space, I want to be a BAS technician and study the earth.

12 years ago

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this is lil bit right. listen this song, mate:


Album: Oh Lucky Man! (1972)

(written by Alan Price)

If you have a friend on whom you think you can rely

You are a lucky man

If you've found the reason to live on and not to die

You are a lucky man

Preachers and poets and scholars don't know it

Temples and statues and steeples won't show it

If you've got the secret just try not to blow it

Stay a lucky man! A lucky man!

If you've found the meaning of the truth in this old world

You are a lucky man

If knowledge hangs around your neck like pearls instead of chains

You are a lucky man

Takers and fakers and talkers won't tell you

Teachers and preachers will just buy and sell you

When no one can tempt you with heaven or hell

You'll be a lucky man

Takers and fakers and talkers won't tell you

Teachers and preachers will just buy and sell you

When no one can tempt you with heaven or hell

You'll be a lucky man

You'll be better by far to be just what you are

You can be what you want if you are what you are

And that's a lucky man!

Oh yeah, a lucky man

And that's a lucky, a lucky, a lucky man

A lucky, a lucky, a lucky man

12 years ago

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I have a lot of dreams! And will only accomplish a small portion of them (unless I'm imbued with superawesome powers and eternal life, then maybe I could accomplish most of them)

12 years ago

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I want to move to Canada.

12 years ago

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I want to be girl for 1 day.
I want to play with my boobs xd

12 years ago

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watching too much anime?

12 years ago

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Nope only Naruto, Bleach and Fairy tail :P

12 years ago

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My dream is always outperform myself, expanding horizons and becoming a better person. Doing things like learning a new language, moving somewhere else, graduating on several fields, having a family (maybe), getting a better focus for reading lots of books and learning how to play instruments are things I want to get done mostly.

Yes, it's a virtually unreachable dream. Trying is fun, though.

12 years ago

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Might sound weird to you but I want to be immortal.
People confronted me about this saying "but you'd watch your loved ones die" and "you'd get bored" but to be honest death scares the fuck out of me. The fact that I'm an atheist and I don't believe in afterlife probably has some effect on it, but yeah, that's how it is. Not to mention my interest in what will future bring. Fortunately I don't think about it a lot, so yeah.

About more realistic dreams, just the usual stuff:
Lots of money to be able to live how I want, possibly a great woman at my side.
Not really marriage nor kids, I don't really believe in the first one having a meaning and somehow the second annoy me.
I'd also like to visit some places on earth but there's too many to list them all.

12 years ago

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If you're around 20 I think you'll be able to become immortal, with two conditions: that the world doesn't suffer an apocalypse, and that you'll have enough money.

I don't think that being scared of death will be enough of a motivation in the long run, though.

12 years ago

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Almost 20. And, except for the money issue, It would be enough motivation. At least for me.

12 years ago

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My dream is to survive school -.-

12 years ago

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It will only get worse. Trust me.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Forget the past. Fuck the future. I live for today.

12 years ago

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I stopped dreaming long time ago.

12 years ago

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I want to go into game design and programming and finally make that game I've been daydreaming of all these years. I'd also like to end up living with my girlfriend, and no, no kids. I hate kids and so does she. Eventually I'd like to end up as the head of my own company, big or small, and get a chance to travel the world.

...I dream big, yes, but why bother dreaming for little things if they're not what I want out of my life?

Also, I want to be partly/completely a computer and live forever. ._. Never grew out of that one.

12 years ago

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I don't think these are exceptionally big dreams (except being the computer). They're very reasonable, that is, not like you want to be the president, fly into space or cure the world of cancer. Good luck with them.

As for kids, there's a chance they will arrive one day. Women have a biological clock that starts sending "need to have kids now!" signals at some point. At least for most of them. Don't worry, once you have kids you'll most likely love them. I never really wanted them and I adore the little bastards.

12 years ago

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i have done everything i ever wanted to do and i'm only 21

12 years ago

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You should find new things to want then.

12 years ago

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To get a job? And read all those books I bought in past few years (this one will take some time ;P )

12 years ago

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Become an officer in the Navy, and then immediately get my enlisted brother to salute me >:)

12 years ago

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Well, I'm currently at a point in my life where I feel I can move forward. I'm 25 and jobless at the moment (not from lack of studies but for lack of need of my skills in my country). My only dream for now is to leave this country and find a job in a better place (thinking a lot of Canada), but I know it's close to impossible right now and I don't know if it will be ever possible.

12 years ago

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I don't know, why but I've always had the dream to colonize on Mars as a kid. I was always interested in space, and since Mars has ice and some amounts of oxygen, maybe I could get a stabilized atmosphere going, get a precipitation cycle going, be the first to discover some cool new elements, or something like that. Maybe find some fossilized alien bacteria (which has already been proven to be existent on Mars). And maybe when I finally get a real civilization started there and enough people to start an expedition team of sorts, I'll start searching for more stuff, maybe find legit some 4-eyed aliens aliens the size of a human deep within the caves of Mars, or maybe some lost technology. Hell if I know, it's all a dream of mine, of course. Maybe I'll use that tech to win myself and/or my colleagues a noble peace prize, or, at least, a lot of cash.

After that, I'll bring back our findings of our expeditions back to Earth, and become national heroes. I'll be honored by our government to do the honors of examining the technology with our top scientists. One day, the tech would help out the human race, and allow them to flourish into a new era of life, maybe cure cancer/AIDS, maybe create world peace and rid all evil in the world, all because of what I would have started...

In the end, the energy emitted from these pieces of tech would become known as mass effect fields.

12 years ago

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I want to find the Garden of Eden and grow acres and acres of divine mangoes. Awww yeeeeee

12 years ago

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well laugh it up but i already decided my future career choice.

i plan to be a teacher probably a tech class

12 years ago

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My current dream is to get out of debt in less than 3 years. That includes student loans and personal debt.
After that, I will take impromptu trips to Vegas for 2 nights and learn to tango in Brazil and explore what I choose to. Basically I am going to live life like a video game. Fear be damned.

12 years ago

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Just fyi, tango is not from Brazil.

12 years ago

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Thanks. Had a brain fart. Meant to say Argentina.

12 years ago

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You are welcome in my house then, unless you are a serial rapist.

12 years ago

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Move to another country and work in the gaming industry, but that's not gonna happen.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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Man this really frustrates 254 entries and 0 wins...

12 years ago

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To get married with my gf and have a job at F.B.I. as Ninja Agent(Code number 1337 :D)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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whats wrong with being a potato ?

12 years ago

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I dunno. I'm a happy potato

12 years ago

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Have my own restaurant of gourmet food but with accessible prices here in Mexico or work has a Chef in Royal Caribbean :D

12 years ago

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I am currently preparing for A-levels examination of May/ June... rest lies after that

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by a100Axolotls.