So, it only just occurs to me now on Christmas day, that now is the best time to swipe a ton of cooperative games from the steam sales. The problem is, I can't for the life of me think of any good new ones.

Dear SteamGifters, your mission should you choose to accept it is simple :
Shout out the names of any awesome cooperative games you think that more people need to play. The more obscure and highly discounted the better, but even well-known recent releases and games that aren't exclusively co-op are fine too. I'll be peeking back into this thread during the day and will try to list the more tempting co-op titles just in case any of you want some new pixels to grind with friends and family.

(no particular order, but numbered just in case you check back once more are added)
1) Tabletop Simulator - A simulated tabletop for boardgames and RPGs
2) Magicka 2 - Listed only because I'm an idiot and forgot that this was even released.
3) Killing Floor 2 - Well known quasi-arena vs-AI FPS that is still in Early Access, but already highly playable.
4) Earth Defense Force - Sadly not discounted this xmas, but may be worth wishlisting for when it is? Soldiers vs giant insects, woot!
5) Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime - Cutesy space-survival local co-op, new and with fair discount!
6) Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - A bomb defusal game where one person is the technician, and the other has to hurriedly give instruction on how to defuse, wither neither player having access to each other's information or screens.
7) Eon Altar - A single or multiplayer RPG that requires a smartphone or android device, which is used to manage your inventory and deal with personal matters such as levelling up... or dealing with private thoughts, hidden betrayal quests and so forth. Sure, you could tell your teammates you are here to steal the jade idol of Nogiranth, but what if they're here to destroy it? What if you want to use your current teammates as sacrificial pawns in a strategy to kill a king you have to talk with? Interesting concept.
8) Victor Vran ARPG - More arcadey, action, reflex take on the isometric combat RPG.

9 years ago*

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Victor Vran ARPG?

9 years ago

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That totally counts, perfect <3

9 years ago

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Eon Altar is one I just discovered, and I totally want to check it out.
The downside is that it requires people have smartphones from what I can tell, but the hidden asymmetrical play aspect really intrigues me.

9 years ago

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That is pretty cool, moreso because my brother (the main person I'm gonna be doing coop with) just got an older iPhone for christmas.
Thanks a ton for this one!

9 years ago

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No problem. It looks like a ton of fun, but my roommate is the one I'd have the most chance to play with and he doesn't have a smartphone, so I'm kinda in the air on picking it up. If you have someone to play with, it looks like it'd be really fun.

9 years ago

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Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes!
Also Portal 2 coop levels.

9 years ago

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Guardians of Orion i guess. Orion prelude was awsome.

War in the north was Nice as long the corrupt save bug does not occur.

Sanctum 2

If you have lots of time and patience shogun 2

9 years ago

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Sanctum 2's good. It gets kind of grindy after awhile. But good game.

9 years ago

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Don't Starve Together
GRAV : Reborn
Rocket League

9 years ago

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Borderlands 2, resident evil 6, left 4 dead 2, awesomenauts.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Dead Island

9 years ago

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3) Killing Floor 2 totaly worth
or mortal combat X

9 years ago

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sniper elite 3
Zombie Army Trilogy
Tomb Raider multiplayer

9 years ago

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Forced is the best modern I can think of . It actually requires cooperation otherwise it's impossible to finish.

9 years ago

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I don't know any hidden gems of cooperation, but Borderlands and Serious Sam franchises are great on coop. I didn't try them very much, but "The incredible adventures of Van Helsing I/II" look pretty good. I might get shouted at by this, but Payday 2 is also fun on coop.

9 years ago

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Jackbox stuff if you're looking for like party games.

9 years ago

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Space Engineers coop especially in survival and/or realistic modes.

9 years ago

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Tabletop Sim has been my #1 wishlist for a while now, they don't like sales though.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Uroboros.