Comics are better, nobody likes live actions because directors and producers says that a movie is another universe, so think that 4F movie is in a crazy universe and has nothing to do with comics, I mean hollywood like to make shit out of masterpieces, remember spiderpussy and other crappy movies.
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the news has been out awhile. Michael has responded on the issue: clicky
First of all, he was funny and spectacular in Chronicle (2012) and also did a brilliant job in Fruitvale Station (2013). Regardless of the color of his skin, he has talents.
You have to give people chances, especially those with talents. And Jessica Alba was not even Caucasian.
Edit: When I ask people about Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman, they all told me about how sexy she was and how much cleavage was shown...yeah, quite talented she was.
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which one? owned by Fox or by Disney? The one owned by Disney (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) is promising mostly because he seems more mature and muscular than Evan Peters (rubber guy in American Horror Stories)
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The Fox one, Disney's Quicksilver looks better but not as good as the porn version
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Indeed. And there are those who haven't watched the previous movies. Just ignore it all and enjoy the movie when it comes out. As long as the movie is good, that is all that really matters.
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that ain't no Ironman... that is the goddamned Living Bullet from the justice friends!
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If we hadn't, then maybe TC would understand that reboots don't need to look the same.
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Thank you... Thank you so much...
I really actually thing Thor's costume for that thing was better than the current one.
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I mean, I don't think it affects the basic nature or the characters too much to say they're adopted brother-sister. I think Michael was great in Friday Night Lights (well, I think most everyone was), and I think he can do a fine job with the character.
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It is a really weird thing to do just because I grew up reading the comics. Why didn't they just make Sue black too considering there are many great talented black actresses.
Anyways I'll still watch it cause you never know it might be enjoyable. Plus really I only care if Toby Kebbell can play a good Doctor Doom. Don't be ruining my favorite villian.
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Adoptions happen all the time, what's wrong with that? It's the end result they are most likely going with, or at least can be inferred.
I also don't see the issue here when Jessica Alba was of partial Mexican descent while Chris Evans is of Irish and Italian descent. Blood relations, which haven't been stated in this movie at all, would be just as difficult for that end result there as this "problem" for this yet another completetly separate from all previous comics, cartoons, and live action portrayals version.
It's honestly no worse than having a Spider-Man without a New Yorker Queens accent. That would just be wrong and against the very spirit of every Peter Parker Spider-Man.
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yeah... not a really good characterization, specially reed (i don't like this reed at all), and the skinny Ben... i loved the former Ben
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Agreed. To those saying that one could make up something to make it believable ... really, if some complicated backstory needs to be created to justify a dramatic change from canon, then it's generally not a good idea.
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That said, if the OP feels that Jessica Alba as Sue Storm is the standard, frankly, all credibility is lost. ;)
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More complicated than leaving the story and character origins, which were perfectly fine, as they were.
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What are you talking about? There are mixed race families everywhere. One child doesn't even have to be adopted for them to have wildly different skin tones. You don't need a "convoluted explanation" why my brother is black and I'm pale as a tissue. They could just as easily have different mothers.
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As far as I know, you can't be born to different skin colors if you have the same parents. So if this happens, Sue and Johnny must have different mothers, as they share the same last name, which mean the same father. OR Sue Storm is an albino, then I can't argue with that. My biological knowledge may be wrong, though.
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Having the same last name doesn't mean they have the same biological father. In any case, they could have opted for an Asian Reed and a Native American Ben, and I still wouldn't mind. As long as they don't suck.
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"As detailed in The Marvel Saga: Official History of The Marvel Universe #16, Susan Storm, and her younger brother, Jonathan grew up in the town of Glenville, Long Island, children of a physician named Franklin Storm and a woman named Mary."
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These two are twins, but have different genes effecting skin and hair colour. One tends towards the Italian parent, the other towards the Irish.
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Well, they are different, but slightly. And they are not from the same egg so twins here are not different from normal. And obviously this degree of different is absolutely normal for any siblings. But one totally black and one obviously white can be either from different parents, or extremely rare (if this is their intention to make the characters "special", then, oh, well...)
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If it can happen with twins, it should be even more likely with "normal siblings".
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Failed. Remember that the skin colors are not dominant/recessive trait, but blending one, in which the genes decide the AMOUNT of melanin, not the type. The more melanin, the darker the skin. So that's how you get brown skin color, a blending of white and black skin colors, or light yellow, blending of white and yellow.
In cases of twins, there is an off chance that during cell division, meiosis to be exact, ALL chromosomes containing genes that produce melanin are pulled to one half, and the opposite ones are pulled to another half, causing one daughter cell of white skin color and one daughter cell of black skin color. This is extremely rare, because the process of chromosome division are random, and this kind of semi-identical twins are not common, so results in an approximate of 1/1,000,000.
In cases of non-twins, to make this happen, the above rareness must happen TWICE in two distant time, which mean (1/1,000,000)^2 = 1,000,000,000,000
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Sorry, it's your fail. You fail to understand the deal with recessive genes. Two people can be black because their white genes are recessive, but their kids can inherit only the white genes and be white. It happens. So certainly in a mixed marriage (one black with recessive white, one white) it's pretty likely.
Edit: Example of couple with mixed colour children. Probably just harder to find because the search is harder, but I imagine a lot more prevalent than twins.
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This is the perfect example of how skin color genes work. And obviously they are not dominant or recessive, as you can read from the last part of the article (which also says that it is "highly unusual", and even a doctor of Medicine has never heard of it before). Read more.
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Sure it's not one gene, but for example this article says that the chance is 1:500 for twins (fraternal) to have different (presumably he means significantly different) skin colour. I'm sure that the chance of very black and very white siblings is quite low, but still, I'm not sure how in the face of examples you can claim that it's impossible. Even if it was one in a billion as you claim, that doesn't mean that there couldn't be several such families in the world, and, in particular, that one such family would be the Storms. Even if it's just one such family in the world, it could be that family.
By the way, Michael B. Jordan isn't the blackest of blacks, and Kate Mara isn't a blonde with blue eyes, so all the more reasonable that they can be brother and sister. (And yes, eye colour isn't related, just mentioning it to stop any nitpicking.)
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I feel that changing the actors is a good first step. Jessica Alba wasn't that great. Still, the movies weren't a commercial disaster (though the second was less successful than the first).
Anyway, I dislike reboots which tell an origin story again. Why not just give me a totally new adventure?
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Changing the actors is necessary after a less successful sequel. So I'm glad they are. Looking at the box office, you're right, surprisingly the original films weren't a commercial disaster :S Then again I was never a fan of The Avengers and that film blew up the box office lol.
I really like the idea of an origin story as it "starts out fresh" so to speak. In fact I'm expecting to see something I haven't seen before with a reboot :P A totally new adventure wouldn't be as exciting for fans of the comics (which are no doubt the primary audience they are targeting).
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Do fans of the comics really need yet another rehash of the origin story? If not a new story, why not a new take on an existing story? Sure, comics themselves do reboots with new origin stories, but the ratio of original to origin stories is a lot higher than in movies. Surely the Fantastic Four have done something over the course of their history which is worthy of a movie.
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I understand what you're saying, but it's been several years since the last film. There are many people who aren't familiar with the fantastic four and wouldn't be able to properly connect with the film in the same way comic fans could. A reboot in particular should have an origin story IMO as it allows the story to have gradual build up from the start rather than just throwing everyone in the deep end.
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But what kind of origins though? I was glad we got to see the Lizard and Electro (though I would have preferred Shocker personally) this time around, but I feel it's slightly a waste of air time to redo the Green Goblin (why not Hob Goblin). Even setting up Fisk now would be a good start to the next one.
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Most people don't read comics. Tons of people might not know origins and have no idea "why that flamy guy is flamy".
Just look at this list from March 2014. Best selling comic book had a bit over 100k buyers, rest didn't even get over that number.
Just look at The Walking Dead - 65k bought comics. And then check tv series audience: over 10 millions during whole season 4. Around 20 times more people watch tv show then buy comic book.
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What Jonex said was: "A totally new adventure wouldn't be as exciting for fans of the comics (which are no doubt the primary audience they are targeting)."
I understand that you don't agree with his point, and you argue it well, I just wanted to point out it wasn't mine.
Regarding the "why that flamy guy is flamy", you really think they'd understand that after an origin story? In particular an origin story of The Fantastic Four? That's like the least important part of this, and usually any other superhero comic story. Some guy gets into some implausible scientific happening and gets powers as a result. OOOh-kay. Not saying that there aren't superheroes where the background matters (there are quite a few), but in this particular case I feel it's really a throwaway story, and viewers would be much happier to get some meaty story in the minutes dedicated to "strange cosmic radiation changes people and they need to learn to deal with it". It could be done in short flashbacks and not have a movie dedicated to it.
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Oh, you're right, we don't need WHOLE ORIGIN MOVIE. But audience need at least 5 minutes that will explain why he can start smoking or why spider-man is spidermaning around or batman is batmaning around.
It can be few minutes sequence in lab/space/whatever, it can be 5 minutes interview where reporter asks "so, how are you flaming?" and gets answer "we'll we went to space and were hit by radiation and that's how I became flamy boy" and then Doom attacks and we see fighting.
But it's important to be there.
Because you and I might know FF. But movie will be seen by few millions of people, with many who probably never seen a comic book in their life.
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I can only hope that this won't be a whole origin movie, but it probably will, based on past movies. A very large percent of superhero movies are: guy gets power, has to get to terms with it. Sure, these movies can be done well, but come on, can't movie makers do anything else?
By the way, I don't think that comic book sales stats represent the people who know about certain heroes. There are enough superhero movies and TV shows to make a lot of people aware of them. Even looking just at comics, I'm sure that many more people have read Fantastic Four comics over time than the number currently reading them.
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Well, in theory there can be even twins with different skin color, so it's not illogical, it just has nothing to do with the comics.
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Too bad Michael Clarke Duncan passed away. He'd have been perfect for a black Ben Grimm.
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The cast does sounds pretty weird. Just gotta wait and see how it turns out.
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Applying "logic" to a motion picture about a comic book series. Seriously, sip some perspective.
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That looks like crap. The last one had good actors and was a halfway decent film. Why redo it?
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We're talking about a fictional character that has been around for 50+ years now. And not a fictional character from a series of books, where the person's imagination conjures up how they view them. This is a character that has had a specific image associated with them for hundreds of comics. People have grown up with these images. It's not really that different than if Disney changed the colour of one of their characters. Though complaining about that would be "okay". Hell, people react badly to minor costume changes.
So it really shouldn't be surprising that people are reacting negatively. Some people are actually racist about it, but not everyone that isn't happy with the casting. It's simply a change to the image they've been bombarded with for years. It's not racism to not approve of that kind of change.
Though I will say it's really sad that if the situation was reversed it would more okay to complain. If David Hasslehoff was cast (again) as Nick Fury the studio itself would be accused of racism by legions of people and organizations. And the supporters of that change would be accused of racism (instead of the bigger issue of having horrible taste). That just shows that we're not progressing nearly as much as people claim.
Michael B. Jordan is a talented actor. People will get over it. Even many of the long time comic fans. Hopefully Jordan pulls it off. I've been really happy with a lot of these recent remakes. I was pleasantly surprised by X-Men: First Class. I was disappointed that Singer took the franchise back and didn't allow for one more film with just the new cast. The Amazing Spider-Man quickly became my favourite of the entire series. So I hope they can continue that with Fantastic Four.
Though I still think the most disturbing fact about the casting choice is that one of the most recent films that Reed Richards and Johnny Storm appear in is a Zac Efron rom com.
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You can always throw in an alternative universe, as they are doing with Marvel Cinematic Universe. Or "Ultimates". Remember that Ultimate Spider-man (Morales) is a mestizo mexican.
Still, pretty bad cast. It's like they don't care about the characters, they just throw people in there because they might be friends or economic reasons.
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Doesn't change that people have to get used to a change in image. No matter what the story is behind why the change happened. Or if there's no story at all. Hell, there was a really negative reaction initially to Hugh Jackman being cast as Wolverine because of the height difference.
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Today I found out that Sue Storm will be played by Kate Mara, and Johnny Storm will be played by Michael B. Jordan. So basically, the sister is WHITE, and the brother is BLACK, because fuck logic. And then the handsome genius Reed Richards is played by a not-so-handsome Miles Teller, who is famous for his roles in comedy movies, not action ones.
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Well, I'm better off watching the old Fantastic 4's one last time before my good memories being erased by the upcoming "franchise". How I love Jessica Alba. sigh
EDIT: I don't mean to say they are not good actors/actress. I just want to say, well, it's getting weird... Because Sue Storm and Jonathan "Johnny" Storm are blood siblings, their father is Franklin Storm, and their mother is Mary Storm.
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