so both of you made a mistake? i think there are three options:
tell the creator your Story and
or buy the right game cheap and activate it on the right Account.
and next time dont activate keys on other Accounts then the one you use for steamgifts ;)
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Contact giveaway creator and find a solution together that benefits both of you.
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Contact the giveaway creator, provide replacement for his alan wake key and agree to delete the giveaway, the most corrrect approach. Alternatively reach giveaway creator, explain the situation, agree to delete the giveaway and somehow make up for his key that you've used. Maybe he'll be fine with it considering he made the mistake to begin with, or maybe not, who knows.
And there is always a dick move, mark as not received if he doesn't provide the correct game, since the giveaway is invalid and in theory you can't be suspended for activating wrong game on some other account, even if everybody knows it's wrong. In practice this is possible only if giveaway creator makes the mistake in the first place.
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dick move
Well if the key was invalid/duplicated it gonna be justified but using the key on another account puts him in the same sinking boat..
He should have contacted the creator..
Since if he owned the game Steam would have gave him that info.. Inspect element works if that failed..
For an example the result was “289046 complimentary reviewer package” which after a quick search turned out to be Athopiu - The Final Rebirth of Hopeless Incarnate with a bunch of DLC. by Strifeborne
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Giveaway creator didn't provide the winner with working key for the game he announced the giveaway as, nothing else matters in terms of the rules. He could give him 100 GTA V keys instead, and that doesn't change the above statement, neither what the winner did with the keys.
He would be totally guilty if the giveaway creator did provide the valid key for the game he announced the giveaway as, and the winner activated it on some other account, whether he admits to that or not. Because in this case the giveaway creator didn't do anything wrong, and he has full right to expect from the winner to comply with the rules and activate the key on his own account. Except in this case he didn't, and you can't enforce activation of non-giveaway game on his account, because that game wasn't being given away to begin with, therefore is entirely out of the scope and jurisdiction of SG. It's exactly the same as if I made a giveaway for the base game, and give the winner separate keys for the base game and some DLC - SG won't in any way enforce my DLC key, and the winner can do anything that he wants with it, because it wasn't a part of the giveaway. He could even regift the DLC and that would also be within SG rules, even if entirely against your expectations.
Likewise here, invalid game wasn't a part of the giveaway, and SG rules do not apply to it. So yes, it is a dick move, like I stated, but fully within SG rules and guidelines, and you can't suspend the winner for it.
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Wow. i wish that were a userscript that could then be used as a convenient key checker.
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Archi is correct.
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a dick move, mark as not received if he doesn't provide the correct game
That's not a "dick move", that's how things work on this website. If a creator is unwilling or unable to provide a working key for the game the giveaway was for, you mark as not received as you, in fact, did not receive the game.
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yeah archi is correct but the whole thing of providing a key back and asking to delete the giveaway is odd. it "should" be marked as not received. he even mentioned that a key for another game isn't within sg's rules boundaries. so i guess he's taking the "humanitarian" way into consideration, but then the giveaway author should provide a key for the right game aswell, or have it marked as not received
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I referred to dick move as doing just that and not following up with the fact that he activated the key on some other account. It's something that is fine within SG rules, but not necessarily fine in terms of what you should do in this case. If it was honest mistake (so guy activated some other game on his account by accident, believing that it's the right game), then we wouldn't have dick move to begin with, since it's the giveaway creator doing a mistake and winner not doing anything wrong, so his loss. But in this case both of them made a mistake, and the winner should not randomly try the key he was given away on his alt accounts to see if it works there. It's against SG rules when the key is valid, and at least worrysome in terms of correct approach even if it isn't.
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This happened to me, but the other way around. I accidentally gave a guy the wrong key for a game within the same series. He activated on his account, and then told me that it activated the wrong game. We agreed to delete the giveaway.
You shouldn't have tried it on another account. You should have went back to the giveaway creator and told him it was the wrong game. Usually when you try to activate a key for a game that you already have, it will tell you which game. That was your mistake for not paying attention to that.
If I was in your shoes, I'd just buy a copy of the correct game for my account since it's relatively cheap compared to the Alan Wake game itself. I dunno, it's up to you. That's the most correct option here I think, since you did put it on another account.
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I paid attention, and if you did too to my OP I said "when I click finish Error message appear "steam failed to install (connection time out)""
That what made me freak out and try the key on the secondary account.
After the too many activation attempts block removed I tested with a used key for a game I own and steam did like normal and started installing that game but again not for the key in the GA.
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I'd say offer to delete the giveaway, since you essentially stole the alan wake key by using it on a secondary account.
Both in the wrong, creator selected wrong title on giveaway and you used a secondary account to activate a win.
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Yes of course, your reasoning doesn't matter.. activating a win on a secondary account is shady and against the rules here.
Doubt it matters this time, because it was the wrong key/game.
But if you would have just contacted the creator first, he could have at least given the unused key away under the correct title.
Now it's activated on your alt account and creator gets no CV for giving it away.
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So you Mr. self appointed judge branded a total stranger online you know nothing about and a "thief"
If I was a thief would I came to ask for a good advice here in the first place ?
And you know what every advice that has been posted here so far had came to my mind before I post this thread yet I still posted to see if there was a case with a proper solution.
Even what Archi called a dick move came to mind and with all due respect to him it is too dick a move for me to do it with anyone let alone to person who is generous and created the GA in the first place.
When I joined this site about 3 years ago I did a GA and broke a rule in it by posting a ref link which other members told me about so I fixed it and made sure to be familiar with the rules.
So those rules you allowed yourself to call me a thief because of my "shady" act has nothing wrong about what I did.
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GA creator here, got in contact with him. By the way my key was from the site Lootboy, seems like it's a common thing on their site that you get Alan Wake instead of the supposed Alan Wake American Nightmare :d
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For what it's worth, I once got an invalid key from Lootboy, contacted their support and they provided me with a working key no problem. It's not the same situation, but perhaps they'd be able to assist you as well (especially if getting a key for the incorrect Alan Wake game is common). Good luck :)
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What made me try the key on the secondary account that the main account on Steam client kept giving me the Error message "steam failed to install (connection time out)" , when I try to activate a key for a game I already own it start installing that game so I thought because the game was removed from the store before (and came back a while ago) maybe they revoked old keys or something.
GA creator in the GA description wrote "Lootboy steam key" usually when I enter a GA unless the description has a paragraph (someone advertising for a site or a steam group..etc) I don't pay attention to the couple of words description I assume it is for example ("from humble bundle" or "good luck")
I never saw or heard about lootboy before this, and I know I should have been patient with the key and not freak out like I did.
GA creator said he would contact support for a replacement if not GA can be deleted np, if he needs a compensation for the used key he can either check my steam inventory (and I know not much in it there) or wait a few days cause I have no online money to buy a key right now.
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Same here. Have had this error several times
Just wait a bit and dont panic .. Not that hard
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Origin and Uplay tell what the key for and ask for a confirmation before activating it on the account, not sure why is Steam like that.
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I won a giveaway (Alan Wake's American nightmare) when I tried to activate it in Steam Client it said "product already owned" and when I click finish Error message appear "steam failed to install (connection time out)" kept trying on both chrome and Steam client until I got the too many activation attempts block.
Then me being impatient I activated the key on my secondary steam account and turned out the key was for Alan Wake not Alan Wake's American nightmare
So what should I do
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