It used to be pretty bad, but it isn't anymore. Origin is about as solid as anything else, just an issue of not wanting to have all my games split up on a ton of different 3rd party software launchers.
I used to not use Origin, not I have it for the exclusives. I prefer Steam, or DRM free whenever possible.EA doesn't need to be, and shouldn't bother being their own distribution platform. There's no good reason (that I'm aware of) not to just break down and sell your shit on Steam. Saves you the server space and reliability, and I bet it would outright increase sales overall to sell Steam codes for your games.
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I'm largely sharing the opinion of Flanlord, but I really, really hate running 2 of the same type of programs at the same time in the BG wasting my systems RAM, and It bothers me to no end that I cant see all my games trough one common interface.
In that sense the ubisoft game launcher or w/e is way better, whilst I still have 2 annoying apps of same type running in the BG while playing a ubi game, at least its only while playing a ubisoft game and as long as I bought the game trough steam its there in my steam list in all its glory with the nice image in the bg and all... well, still annoys me but a whole lot less than say, origin(bleah).
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They have their reasons. They cut-out the middleman profit (i.e Steam's profit) and gain maximum money from the sale of a game.
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Steam didn't want certain EA games on steam so that probably had something to do with it :P
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When Steam starting hosting MMO's, they changed their rules so that all DLC purchases had to go through Steam. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 violated this by selling map packs in-game, so Valve pulled the game when EA refused to cooperate, which forced EA to pull their own digital distribution method out of the air.
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It is great, way faster than steam, it's still missing features.. but steam was like that long time ago.
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Yes i know, steam used to be faster before the new steam client was implemented, it got visually better but so many bugs/glitches cropped up that i think it wasn't worth it that much. It's still like that today, sadly.
Also i can't say that steam is slow, it's crashy, yes. Since i bought my new gaming computer, steam pretty much launches in 3 seconds and game lauching is a few more seconds again. My previous pc used to take minutes for that and had issues with steam community being on while ingame. (unstability problems as you can see)
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Origin is great. If you are such a blind fanboy to not admit it is your problem.
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OH, yeah. For the most part, I've never gotten into EA games, so exclusives have never tempted me. Though, if I did want one, I wouldn't be afraid to buy it on Origin, but I'd be upset to have all of my games in one place except for one or two.
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there isnt 1 good origin exclusive game. i only got origin to play bf3 because i had a new computer and it was the thing you did with new gaming rigs back when it was released. one of the most boring games ive ever played, reminded me why i hated cod and its ilk. was tempted to buy simcity but decided (wisely) against it. there really isnt anyting else. all other games will eventually come to steam in a few years and be significantly cheaper, thats if i still want to buy them. and thats not to mention the contracts you have to sign up to. mostly im just still pissed off at ea for buying up and gutting bullfrog, the best games studio ever, i'll never forgive them for that.
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Most boring game? Dude, BF3 is one of the most fun games, dem bf3 moments... no game can do that :), if you play with friends and do awesome stuff like flying dirtbike + rpg etc... also, there are good origin exclusives, mass effect, battlefield, dead space etc.
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This. I hate having multiple accounts, I want ONE library where I keep all my (digital) stuff. I don't use GOG either for that reason, despite the fact that GOG has a far better reputation than Origin (and yes, I know that I can add non-steam DRM-free games to my Steam library, but I still have to keep the setup file somewhere else).
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This pretty much for me. I don't want a separate program to run to play games. All my friends are on Steam and there isn't a moment that Steam isn't on when my computer's on.
And just like you, I'm not a big fan of EA. The only EA game I still had interest in was Battlefield but they did a horrible job with BF3 IMO and they lost what little faith I had in them. Nowadays when I see the EA logo, I just don't waste my time, no matter how cool it looks, because I know EA will have something to do with making it boring.
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I've never come across a reason to use Origin, every game I've wanted has been on Steam, and Steam is already installed so it's convenient. Oh, also, I don't like EA. So any money of mine I can keep away from them sounds good to me
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Origin also scans all your computer files programs and prawnz
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What about their good products? Are you a fan of those?
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i has it for my sims pets and the chap 5 dolla bf3 :0
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People voting with their wallets against shabby consumer practices? Customers making purchasing decisions on such arbitrary and meaningless criteria as quality of customer service, and company ethics?
Shame on you, Ladeeda -_- What do you do for an encore, you drunken yellow brute? Give money to charity? You realise educating one kid in Africa, or providing a village with clean drinking water won't change anything? Your breathtaking arrogance makes me ashamed to be a Steamgifts poster with a cartoony avatar.
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Well if BF4 or NFS Rivals goes on sale for $10 I'm buying it. I'm not gonna wait 10 years and hope it comes to steam like what people do with Mass Effect 3. Origin isn't as much of a failed drm as Uplay. Uplay would get NO sales if they don't put their games on Steam as well but Origin, we know that it's NEVER coming to steam so people like me just buy it.
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People's views on Origin vary, but there are still a few "proud" people left in the world with the "arrogance" not to compromise their principles for the sake of missing out on a computer game.
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Son, I am not disappoint. Finally someone who gets the concept of "I can live without this 1 fucking game because the company behind it is a decrepit cesspit of purulent vipers". Just like with the Xbox One - the company behind it was shown to be the first partner in the NSA's PRISM program, 6 years back. That that fact alone isn't enough to make people a) realise the true intent behind the device and (more relevant to the point I'm reiterating here) b) decide to never invest a dime in anything from them again just boggles my mind. Really just flabbergasts me. It's like people want an Orwellian life.
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So? How is telling us that you have issues and can't resist buying games help your case? You know there is such a thing as NOT buying a particular game, ever.
Unlike you, I have no compulsory need to own any of the exclusives that EA chooses to publish only through their unwanted platform. Some of them I'd probably like to own and most likely will buy if they ever come to Steam. If they don't, then I'm perfectly okay with not owning them, ever.
I have integrity, and like thousands of others I'm choosing to vote with my wallet.
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.. Your CASH is your vote / voice. Don't buy, they stop trying to pull the shit they do. There's no need for protests, nor any reason to perform such protests, as they'd accomplish nothing. The profit would still keep rolling in because of idiots who ween at the teet of commodification and impulse buys don't understand the concept of "I can live without this 1 fucking VIDEOGAME because the company behind it has gone down the shitter in the kind of crap they pull".
You know that Origin does wonderful things like scour your HD for personal files? Even going so far as to scan through your Skype chat logs? Aside from that, the company behind it is one of the most unethical companies in the games industry at the moment. With their DLC practises, the way they bleed smaller devs dry, leech their creative talent out, the way their customer support treats customers as saps to milk dry rather than paying consumers with any rights. There's so many examples you can put forth that show the way EA thinks - "get money, fuck bitches". That's all they care about.
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Now you're the one using stupid analogies. Who's praising them? The closest I see is that people don't buy from them because they don't like their business practices. It's the same as not buying from Chick-fil-a because the owner said some homophobic things, or not buying from Nike because they use child labor.
Or maybe it's just, and stay with me now because this is complicated, maybe it's just people not buying because they don't like the product being offered?
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Some people have no pride, and can be bought easily.
Good on them. Pride is bad, kids.
Pride comes before a fall. If you start off crawling, there's no chance of ever falling over.
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Exactly, they want to make money. By us not buying their product, even losing one customer at a time, it slowly adds up, and when they stop making money, they'll change something. Or so goes the theory anyway.
(Also, to answer your first question, I don't buy Nikes because I don't like Nikes, just like I don't buy EA games because I don't like them. I do, however, refuse to buy puppies from puppy mills and generally only eat organic meat despite the difference in price because of the better business practices)
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And I still won't buy it because I hate how much EA changed the game from 1 to 2 (same reason I won't buy Dead Space 3). I don't care about Origin, but that's not a moral thing. If enough people agree with me, the poor sales will convince them they're doing something wrong.
It's called voting with your wallet because it works the same way as voting for the president. One person won't do a thing, but if enough people think like you and say "One person won't change a thing, so it doesn't matter what i do," then nothing really will change.
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Yes, I would not give one fucking penny to someone who was using child labour to produce marketable items they make profit off. Especially not to a faceless corporation that had turned it into a well-oiled machine of exploitation and abuse. No matter how fun, nice, comfortable or good their product was. It's called having some fucking backbone / integrity. Along with not being a spoiled brat who must have every unnecessary luxury item his little heart desires, regardless of the cost to others.
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So you're saying buying something THAT YOU DON'T NEED that's being offered at a good price, regardless of the cost on the rest of the world, is anything other than being a spoiled brat?
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... But you can decide to NOT. FUCKING. BUY. IT.
And we're giving a VERY good set of reasons not to buy from EA / Origin. And as far as your comparisons go - you can use public transportation, or buy from a company that cares about values you agree with. With games, there are SO MANY FUCKING GAMES out there for you to spend your time on. You could happily spend hours of your life playing games on Steam instead of playing games on Origin.
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.... Hence my "spoiled brat" remark. Get it through your skull - you do not have to buy every fucking game you like playing. You can live without them. And if you gave 1 shit about what the company behind it is doing to the games industry, smaller games devs, or the fact that their software is a privacy invading piece of shit that scans and transmits personal data from your HD, you would decide to not give one fucking penny to them. You're acting precisely as what I said. A spoiled brat that finds getting what he wants more important than his principles or the cost on the games industry and consumers of supporting a horrible company.
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You are saying the same damn things. And I have to repeat myself again. I'll just copy and paste it.
"you don't NEED a car but you want one. You don't NEED x amount of food but you want it. You get the point. I don't NEED a game but I want it because it's fun."
so in your terms, everyone in the world are "spoiled brats."
And you are a hypocrite. You have like 400 games on steam. I'll quote you on this. "you do not have to buy every fucking game you like playing."
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1) To some degree, yes, we are all spoiled brats in the 1st world. And I was just tonight talking with a friend of mine about how if we in the 1st world would make even small concessions in our lives and give up a hand full of the luxuries we have, or make slight adjustments to our daily lives, a lot of the worlds' problems would vanish like snow before the sun. But it's one thing comparing a car - something you can use for productivity, or to get you to work at a job in a company you couldn't reach by foot or bike - to buying fucking videogames. The two are entirely out of whack as far as comparisons go. Videogames are 100% optional, and are purely, 100% luxury items. Having a "ooo must get" mentality towards them is akin to, indeed, a spoiled little dumbass kid who must have everything he wants.
2) I have that many games on Steam because of a) 141 wins on this very site, and b) about 100 games I got either from other users as gifts, or from other free promotions / giveaways, c) 8 damn years on Steam, with enormously cheap sales on games from all over the net, or trades through sites like TF2outpost. I didn't spend an enormous amount of money on the games, nor did I buy them from disreputable companies that try pushing shitty DLC on gamers, or do any of the other horrid things EA / Origin did / do. I don't own, for example, Fez, even though the game looks fun to me, and won't enter giveaways for it either, because the maker, Phil Fish, is one of the most abrasive and self-aggrandising cunts I've ever seen in the games biz.
Your comparisons are fucking ridiculous and pointless.
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HA! Mr. Spoiled brat bought games he didn't need!!! All of us on this site are spoiled brats! We all own computers! We don't need computers! I have some awesome headphones. This gives me no productivity whatsoever. I'm a brat! I have money that I earned which I would like to spend and not keep it in a bank locked up to do nothing.
You are a freaking hypocrite. You keep contradicting yourself over and over.
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No, you're going for ridiculous and out of context comparisons that make no sense because while you understand the point everyone's making, you refuse to admit that buying stuff off a shitty company is directly supporting them. You're trying to prove me wrong to win the argument so you can keep pretending what you do is ok, as long as the price makes it favourable enough to you. Just like with your "now if Nike were selling Jordans for $10 you wouldn't buy it because of child labor?" question.
You're trying to justify your own lack of principles by stating an out of context and grossly overstated, exaggerated version of what I'm saying to try and make me out to be a hypocrite, which according to your logic, would make buying things from a company that's been proven to have shitty business practises and privacy invading software ok. Your analogies are flawed, your logic is flawed, your argument is flawed.
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Can't respond no more because there's no more space but dude, what are you even saying? You just keep posting these long paragraphs which I don't want to waste time reading. All I'm saying is cheap games = me buy. EA isn't killing puppies or enforcing slavery. They're just greedy company. And you just said you purchase games on sale(which you don't need), which makes you a brat? Respond to that.
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... And now comes the next default stage of someone losing an argument. Pretending not to hear / flat-out dismissing / ignoring me / saying you didn't read what I said. Like a fucking child sticking their fingers in their ears. If you're going to act like such a childish jackass and not read what I reply to you, why don't you fuck off and stop replying all together?
I buy things I enjoy, yes. That doesn't define me as a spoiled brat. What would, though, is buying things I enjoy, at the expense of others, or at the cost of supporting a bad company, thinking purely of what they mean to me and my want for them. Or having a shit tonne of cash available to me and not understanding the worth of what I have, or being appreciative of it. Be it games, or anything else.
As for "EA is just a greedy company"? They are part of what's wrong with the games industry and were some of the first to initiate some of the terrible practises we see today. Such as nickle 'n dime DLC bullshit, day 1 DLC crap, the way they've bought up then dried out smaller devs, destroying entire companies and causing game devs to lose jobs, overhyping re-hashed, unoriginal shitty games that serve in no way to advance or further the games industry and lying about their products.
They sell rushed, buggy, flawed products with "features" they say are mandatory, but in the end aren't at all. I'm referencing the Simcity debacle, where people couldn't even play the fucking game, which they "fixed" by simply disabling and chopping out some of the most desirable online features, effectively stripping it down to being useless, all while modders had already proven the "always online" feature to be entirely unnecessary. When people got angry about it, they had a press conference where they said they would give refunds to people, which they then didn't honour upon request later. When people then out of frustration told them they'd do a chargeback to get their money back (entirely legal and understandable given the circumstances), EA said that that might lead to (read: threatened) an account ban. Which would mean people would lose all the money they might have invested in other games on their Origin account - leaving paying customers high and dry, and treating them like they were somehow in the wrong for wanting nothing more than their money back for a digital product.
And then there's the issue of how Origin scours people's hard drives for personal data. Yeah, sure, that's totally OK, right?
And the only reason, the sole reason they get away with this rampant assholery, and continue to do so, is because of people like you, who think "oh this game's cheap now, I'll buy it; don't care who it's from".
Go ahead, defend doing that.
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Uh no, I'm not ignoring you on purpose. Things you say for example, "You're trying to justify your own lack of principles by stating an out of context and grossly overstated" That's what your whole post is and I am not gonna spend time to decipher that entire paragraph. EA is supposed to be notorious for overpricing their games yet my whole point was that I buy EA games when they are on sale. And at the expense of others??? Really, lets say an average guy sees BF3 on sale for PS3, he's really gonna say, naaah I don't wanna buy it and have fun with my friends because people on the interweb tell me not to because I will be supporting their nasty ways that I don't even know what it is. Yeah like they care about that.
I make some good points but you seem to avoid them most of the time. Well I'm sleeping now. Probably won't respond no more unless the thread is still alive in 16 hours. I don't even know why I kept arguing this long. I guess I like seeing people try to prove me wrong.
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Hey, I'm on your side...
There is no logical fallacy in your argument. Don't worry.
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Haha! Guess I didn't lay the Sarcasm Sauce on thickly enough... I truly hope there is nobody on the planet monstrous enough to write what I wrote with a straight face :)
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Pride has nothing to do with it.
--I don't like the way EA treats people. It doesn't matter whom they are mistreating, their staff, their customers, developing houses, whomever. They only (sort of) get away with it because they have a lot of money, and it's wrong.
--I don't like the way Origin scans my hard drive and sends all the information, personal and otherwise, back to EA. I consider it a gross and unnecessary invasion of my privacy, and it's wrong.
--I don't like the way EA throws its weight around by leveraging their published games in an attempt to form a strangle-hold on the market. "You can't buy our games except from our store!" It's a blatant power grab that stinks of EySnf, and it's wrong.
I could go on, but I think I've made my point. Not until EA stops treating people like Kleenex--to be used and cast aside--will they get my business.
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I have a feeling the OP has confused "pride" with "integrity".
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I was wondering that as well.. what the hell does any of this have to do with pride? I guess if you are trying to defend the indefensible, you invent some kind of means? Dunno. I DO know that the main reason gamers are being fucked over by publishers is because people blindly throw their cash at em.. they are fucking over their own customers, quite simply "because they can."
I avoid bad business models, not out of pride, but rather because I always felt that if I am not part of the solution I am part of the problem.. if anything I would say that the people that defend this crap are the ones with pride, just because they are too proud to admit they are being ignorant tweezots. Just my HUMBLE 2 pennies.
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The topic is shifting just a little. I was talking about those people who refuse to buy a game even if it's really cheap just because it's on Origin. Now if we take it to the extreme and say there's a Humble Origin bundle, would you buy it or not because it's on Origin?
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The topic is not shifting, at all. That's our entire point. If you have any sense of principles and common sense, and some fucking integrity, you don't buy EA games or use Origin. Period. No matter what the price.
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Yes it is. If the topic was EA in general. I hate them. Now if they never have sales, EVER, not even Amazon. I hate them. If they have games for $1 each but use the money for something bad(not bad, bad but bad), I don't give a damn I'll buy them.
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Then you have no integrity nor an idea of how the world works. Simple.
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Your opening post was about people being too proud to compromise their principles and buy from EA. I don't see where this has gone off track at all.
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Some wouldn't because they've got too much pride to sell out their principles. More fool them for letting ethics get in the way of their purchasing decisions. Who cares about stuff like integrity when you've got offers like Generic 3D Shooter 6 AND the first 38 of its 97 DLC packs available for less than a dollar?
If you look at all the great people in history, nobody has even got anywhere in life with character flaws such as pride and integrity, or by standing up for something they believe in.
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I use it as hyperbole. If that's the most profound critique you can offer of my post, you're wasting your time here.
I hope it has become clear that the quality of their games has nothing to do with my purchasing decisions. Aside from the spyware issues, which have been done to death, I'm more concerned about the fact that they are a piss-poor corporation, with (IMHO) ethical standards inferior to that of a gas chamber construction company than how good their games are.
You really are clutching at straws, trying to propose that having no integrity, and acting as a subservient consumer, prepared to lube up and bend over at the whim of the supplier, is somehow the only rational way to act. In all honesty, it's the sort of logic that a 3 year old could capably dissasemble, as has been done countless times by countless people in this thread already.
Of course, if you start from the position of being a moral vacuum, with no integrity, no personal pride, no sense of responsibility and no leaning towards doing the right thing, you will rail forever in the face of such arguments, since you will be simply unable to understand them.
If people have no problem with EA, they should go ahead and buy whatever products they want, and I have no problem with that. Telling people who think EA are ballbags (and don't shop with them for that reason) that they are behaving irrationally and shouldn't let their integrity and principles get in the way of a cheap product says more about you and the small price it takes to buy you off than it does about anything else.
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I really enjoy your posts, and for the life of me can't understand how you can stay sarcastic / humorous in the face of such rampant idiocy and lack of integrity. This kind of shit really gets me riled up. Are people fucking brain dead? Can't they slap open one fucking history book and see what kind of horrors the world has seen that started with a little nudge here, a little shift there. Don't people understand that the idea of "I want this luxury item, so I will get this regardless of the cost, long term or short, regardless of who's paying for it and how they're paying for it" will eventually be the fucking death of our species? We're already headed in that direction in 5th gear because of wonderful people like OP, posting shit like "Now if Nike were selling Jordans for $10 you wouldn't buy it because of child labor?" Is it that fucking hard to say "I don't need those goddamn Nike's, I can buy ANOTHER pair of shoes that don't come from an exploitative behemoth of a faceless corporation literally killing children with forced labour to make these stupid fucking shoes"?
Sometimes I find it hard to have any hope left for this species or our future..
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I have bought games that need Origin. I picked up Darkspore in a bargain bin and I have some NFS's that were on sale. It's because of these that I don't like Origin.
It has proven to me that it doesn't work either fairly or properly to it's customers. Autolog either actually. At first I was impartial, as I tend to pick up games after they have been released for a while. Games shouldn't have a shelf life.
I should be able to enjoy them after I pay for as long as I have something to run them on. It's unethical to me that they think it's okay otherwise.
If Origin played fair with me I wouldn't hate them. In the end it's my money. If they do get any of my money it will never be as much as they could if they had some morals. EA thinks it's okay to make you have an online presence with them but they feel they don't have to do the same for the games you purchase from them. It infuriates me. At this point I have no respect for whatever they do.
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All of us together are more than one customer. If thousands of people refuse to buy games on Origin, it's a thousand less sales for them. It's not about pride, it's about making a conscious choice of not supporting a company for whatever reason.
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Well when you buy a game that's 90% off/75% off they ain't profiting that much but preordering $60 games that could be(and most likely will be) shit is stupid. That's my take, I only buy them for Origin if it's only on Origin, and is on sale.
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I don't care if their games are on 99% sale. The fact is, the way EA runs things (whether it is making their games or treating their customers) makes it inevitable that origin is gonna fail. I'd rather keep pre-purchase Bioshock Infinite than buy a discounted game just because it's on Origin. EA needs to get with the program.
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Some people complain about spyware, but if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to worry about.
People just hide behind the "pride" excuse, but really they're all colossal pussies who are scared about the incriminating materials Origin might find when it snoops around their hard drive.
My creative tax returns, ladyboy solicitations and earnest letters to Santa Claus all deserve a wider audience. Thank you EA, for making my dreams come true.
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I use Origin a lot less now days. I have it of course I have games i bought on Origin. I'm not really happy with how EA handles things, and how they pressure the developers they produce for. Best way for them to hear you is when you speak with your wallet. When or if they improve on how they conduct business they'll get more business from me. I personally like steam, and like to keep my games consolidated.
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Origin is awesome. Unlike Steam, Origin gives out almost their entire catalog for free!
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I never use the Origin client but I buy the game and then add as a non-steam game. Origin is about 2nd best in the drm world so having games on it has some value. Something like capsule, impluse, and Uplay is what I will never use. If you buy a game there it's as good as a drm-free version of it.
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I just skip Origin games due to EA's pricing and customer support. There are plenty of other games out there, more than anyone could play in a lifetime.
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I refused to buy both battlefield 3 and mass effect 3 because they were origin exclusive.
I'm not a big fan of installing spyware on my computer, nor am i a fan of EA for taking my choice as a consumer away.
They do not deserve my money and so they do not have it.
"Just buy it because you don't have an option" is not a reason to purchase any product.
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Umm. No, it isn't. You also have the option of not buying from a POS company with a POS piece of software.
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Not it isn't, because there is always 3 options.
1: Buy it
2: Don't buy it (Yes, you can NOT buy games. That exists)
3: Pirate it
My explanations for what I do and why will be posted below.
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It's not. Origin is spyware. Google a little, get informed. Then come back and argue.
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... From reading your reply, I can tell you've not googled enough yet. Go inform yourself better about what spyware is, and what Origin does that makes it spyware.
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But you do want to waste our time asking us to explain things for you that are common knowledge? Oh and you do want to waste your own time posting these posts without knowing what you're talking about? Right.
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If there’s supposed to be a part where Origin deletes all my personal information and Tweets my porn collection to all my friends, sorry, it just didn’t happen. Origin itself runs quietly in the background, using up less RAM than does Steam, and let’s me play Battlefield 3, which is all I wanted from it.
“But WiNG,” you might squeal, “Origin is spyware! It just has to be, because Electronic Arts is evil!”
While a few initial reports from my fatherland, Germany, may have fanned the fanboy flames in this regard, continued testing has repeatedly shown that EA’s Origin isn’t spyware, at least not any more so than Valve’s client is. The data it collects isn’t personally identifiable, isn’t reported to EA, and isn’t considerably different from the stuff Steam does to your computer. If there’s some NSA-level security breach Origin is capable of, it hasn’t been found yet, which should speak volumes considering just how many computer-savvy hackers out there hate EA.
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I have no sympathy for EA, but my main concern right now is having all my games in the same "place". For example I actually prefer Desura to Steam, but I'd rather get a Steam key because that's where the bulk of my library is.
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I am with you, I don't really mind using origin for its exclusive games. Do I wish that they weren't only for origin, yes, but that won't stop me from buying a game (though I never use the origin store). I much prefer having steam for all my games, and I really do dislike EA in general, but there are just a few series that I really enjoy so I can handle Origin for them.
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I almost posted something serious for a minute and then I remembered.
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There are no Origin-only games that I like, so I just don't use it.
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I use origin for my sims 3 and the expansions. I will probably buy BF3
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136 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Alamar
29,604 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by Masafor
Do you really not use Origin at all or do you just say it because this is the internet? Why? Who cares about pride, games are games.
Edit: Forgot to mention I mean for Origin exclusive games. Of course steam is the best! Sometimes there are great deals on a game like Dead Space 3 or Mass Effect 3 and people don't buy it because it's on Origin. It's never coming on Steam anyways so just buy it!
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