NIS has announced that the prices of all their games on Steam and Stadia will be increased from July 19th.
Here's a handy chart for the price changes (Red is the og prices and black is the new)
How do we feel about this?

3 years ago

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Is this a bad move?

View Results
Yes dood - probably won't buy their games for a while :/
No dood - just companies being companies
I dunno - I'll see how regional pricing affects me
Obligatory potato answer dood!

So they are basically raising most of their prices back to what they were in June of last year for NA on Steam.

Titles that go back to June 2020 prices

  • Birthday the Beginnings
  • The Caligula Effect: Overdose
  • ClaDun x2
  • Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku!
  • Criminal Girls: Invite Only
  • htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary
  • Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
  • The Longest Five Minutes
  • A Rose in the Twilight
  • Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

Titles that go back to July 2017 prices

  • Disgaea PC
  • Phantom Brave PC

Titles that has a new price not previously used

PSYCHO-PASS: Mandatory Happiness

No price change

  • Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
3 years ago*

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Depends on the game. Psycho-Pass for example was 30€, then they lowered it to 10, and are now raising it to 20€. Definitely odd decision, don't know how much they plan to profit from this as the games aren't that well known.

3 years ago

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I wouldn't say that was an odd decision, they are trying to find a good price point across multiple stores and clients. I'd say most of those games are really well known not just on PC but also consoles. Also, for PC prices it's not just Steam and Stadia like the OP mentions, it's also the EGS and the Microsoft store.

I've updated my comment above to reflect the changes for NA.

3 years ago

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are they not just ending there sale period ?

3 years ago

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Technically yes.
As I found out, they lowered the prices of their games in 2017, but now they will change it back.

(graph of development of the price of Disgaea PC attached)

View attached image.
3 years ago

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That's messed up. I already own what I wanted from that list, but still.

3 years ago

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"Phantom Brave: 5$ -> 20$". Sheesh, will that game come with a free gold nugget or something?

I guess this is one way to make me (force me to) finally get Disgaea...

3 years ago*

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If only XSEED got back to publishing Ys series abroad.

3 years ago

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I just got it for ~2€ while it is still cheap. At least they gave us a warning beforehand.

3 years ago

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Well, no Ys VIII for me. Good luck on them selling a 2016 PS Vita game in 2021 for $60 bucks. And I also wonder to what extent this will affect regional prices.

3 years ago

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I've seen it on sale as low as $24 USD, but yeah I agree. $60 base is too high now. Sale price might go back to being $30 at most.

3 years ago

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Not surprised seeing how they jacked up the price of TOCS 4 useless dlcs then put a falcom bundle with 3 games for 211€ (and that is with a discount of 52%!!!).
Imagine paying 442€ for 3 games....This company is so scummy. Why Falcom teamed with them is beyond me (greed probably).

3 years ago

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im getting 45 CV back \o/

3 years ago

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They probably decided that it's not worth it to sell games at lowered price year round when they can just put a deeper discount during sale each year and sell it at full price outside of sale period.

3 years ago

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Or they can give the same discount percentage and just sell them at a higher price forever (and ever).

3 years ago

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I'd go mad as a consumer, but then again, there's this thing called "inflation". If I was a business owner I'd do the same thing.

3 years ago

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One publisher more that don't want that i buy their games.

3 years ago

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Whats NIS?

3 years ago

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Nippon Ichi Software

3 years ago

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Meh. Most of the games impacted are pretty old and niche, so probably don't sell a ton of copies to begin with. I'm wondering if these titles are all about to be released on a platform that they currently don't sell through, so they want to be able to sell them at "full" price there. Steam's price parity requirement would force them to raise those prices everywhere. Just a wild guess....

I do have a couple of these on my wishlist, though. Might pick them up now while they are on sale (which could also be what they are hoping for with the timing of this announcement. Hmm....)

3 years ago

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Do you have a source with the original ? I want to share it but I don't want to share this one with the photoshop on the bottom.

3 years ago

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Unfortunately your only options are this one or the original graphic NIS posted that doesn't have the original prices - If you're interested in the original NIS version then it's on their site.

p.s. I didn't make this graphic so I hadn't noticed the bottom but I can understand why you wouldn't wanna share it w that.

3 years ago

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This is their announcement - but without the current prices.

3 years ago

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+1 another stupid greedy japanese publisher
(Others: Square Enix, Spike Chunsoft, Sega)

I wanted to buy all Legend of Heroes and last Ys games with better discounts, but it was expensive for me. So, I'll guess I'll never buy them.

3 years ago

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Just buy them now? I bought Psychopass around this discount price Mar 2020. Let's not forget some of these get bundled, like Yomawari I think, Japanese games tend to be long so $5 is quite fair if you're into these games.

3 years ago

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that's messed up
i just regret i havent had YS 8

3 years ago

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Are you positive its only these games?, there are more games from them I want to buy but I wish I didnt had to right now.

3 years ago*

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They haven't said anything about their other games so I presume they'll stay the same price but it's pretty unclear.

3 years ago

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I feel these worth the half of the current regional price.
I'm gonna bid the half of the current price. It is take it or leave it.

3 years ago

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The prices for Phantom Brave and Disgaea are absolutely insane. They're doubled and quadrupled! Such a shame, I was about to buy Ys: Memories of Celceta first (it's cheaper), but I think I will now have to fork over some more to buy Ys VIII, because that one will have a 50% price increase. Absolutely bonkers. How do they think this will drive sales in the long run?!

3 years ago

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Ouch on Ys. I wanted to grab it eventually (I know I won't get to it now) and by the time that comes the same sale percentage is going to be a higher price. Oh well :/

Grabbing a few of the cheaper things I was holding off on, thinking they'd be the same next sale. I guess at least there was a warning.

3 years ago

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Well, to be honest the base prices - especially for outdated games - means nothing. They can make later bigger discounts, resulting with the final prices being similar or exactly the same (but with better PR - hey, 80% down sounds always better than only 60% right?)

3 years ago

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as someone who's a fan of Japanese games, I've been used to waiting for the price of those game to go down over years Q^Q
but this is the first time I experience something opposite, it kinda makes me feel i'm punished for waiting to buy games TvT
oh well, like other said, hopefully the discount would be better after they adjust the price and it turns out that the resulting price will be better for us.
anyway here's a song to make up for the ramblings :)))

3 years ago

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Your song choice is as charming as ever! (I think all frogs should have their own theme since they're very cool creatures)
I've got to agree that it feels so odd that instead of a price slowly decaying it's rising. As a quick comparison Tomb Raider 2016 is now £13 full price but YS 8 (released on the vita in 2016) is £35 and that's before the price raise occurs! It's definitely put me off buying it before and now it's going even higher.

I'm happy to wait for sales (I'm not even sure I've bought a single game full price on Steam) and just waiting in general so I'll be there ready for when the price is low enough for me to justify buying it :)

3 years ago

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Glad I snagged a bunch of Disgaea games on sale from Fanatical and will grab the ones I want from the Steam sale.
To be honest I think price hiking really old games is grimey.

3 years ago

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Weird that the prices only increased there, and even beeing more cheap in Europe...

3 years ago

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so they've changed the price only on those particular games or mentioned titles . . .

3 years ago

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