WARMACHINE: Tactics - Standard Edition got bundled
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Hm, I'm not sure I understand. I got it as part of a bundle to begin with, which I thought meant when I lasted it I'd get points for it as if it were a bundle game. Did SteamGifts just not have it in their system as a bundle game? And can't all games be bundled at some point in the time? I've noticed games often get added to a Bundle after they've been out for awhile.
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You initially got more points (CV) for the giveaway then you should.
Games are added to the bundle list manually by an admin. SInce this can take a couple of days the system gives you normal CV at first.
WARMACHINE must have just now been added to that list with a bundle date of March 8th, which is the day the Humble Bundle was released. Since your giveaway started the same day, your GA is now considered bundled and your CV has been adjusted accordingly.
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Because those are humans adding those games to the bundle list, and not automated system.
Imagine all bundlers (whole 1) get sick and can't handle bundle list. Would it be fair that people who bought the bundle for 1.70$ in very first minutes got full unbundled CV for those games, while those who bought the same 1.70$ bundle but 3 days later, got only 15% bundled CV?
The system is as fair as it can be, and if somebody is ranting about his level going down then he either doesn't understand how bundled CV does work, or is trying to cheat the system and getting mad because his tries failed. I hope you're in first group and you know already how it works.
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CV = contributor value , which is what lvls you up
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I'm not upset even a little. You said that it's "lame", so I explained to you how it works, and why such measure is required, together with other users. If you're not trying to cheat the system, then don't be shocked that your unbundled CV was retro-actively changed to bundled CV. You could be mad if you bought that game for full value, while I assume you did not.
CV = contributor value. 100% for unbundled games, 15% for bundled games. Level is based on CV.
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Your CV can change, even if the giveaway was years ago. How it works is the game will be added to the bundle list on the date it was put in a bundle. If the giveaway you made was after the game was put in a bundle, its now considered bundled and you get less CV for that game.
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Here's a list of bundled games you can look at before purchasing games to give away. Keep in mind if your game isn't on that list it doesn't always mean it won't be bundled. Your best best would be to get Enhanced Steam for your browser and check bundling/pricing there or check isthereanydeal.com.
Welcome to SG and have fun :)
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It happens to everyone at some point. Nothing for it except to make sure your games aren't bundled.
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How do you do that? By bundled do you mean like Humble Bundle? In which case, I think almost all games eventually get bundled, meaning they depreciate in value after time. If I giveaway an un-bundled title and it gets bundled a year after I gave it away, will I lose points then? Sorry, I'm just trying to figure out how this works.
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You only lose CV , if it gets bundled before u made the giveaway otherwise you get full value
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As long as you gave the game away before it was bundled you get full CV. If you give away a game from a new bundle and get full CV your CV WILL be reduced as soon as the game gets added to the bundle list. Say you made the giveaway a week before the game was bundled your CV will not decrease because it was not in a bundle when you made the giveaway.
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Going to go with everyone else here and say you probably got the full CV for the game before it was added as a bundled game into the system here on Steamgifts. Your giveaway was not grandfathered in for the full value because you created the giveaway after the bundle started. If, for example, you gave away the game a month ago, you'd still retain the full CV for the game even though its bundled now, because you would have given it away before it was ever in a bundle.
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^That is to say, if it goes approximately 95% off in any region, compared to USD price.
This could mean 92-93% off in Russia [which is almost always the one causing it].
Basically, if you want to play it safe, check lowest price of the game you're giving away on steamdb and try and keep it as close to 90 or lower as possible [though usually 95% is the cutoff].
In other words, if a non-Russian exploiter could buy a Russian copy at roughly 95% off, then even if it's only 80% off in most regions, it'll still get bundled.
The formula is (1 - discount) * (1 - converted price discount)
For example, with Trine 3, it's currently 80% off, and an extra -74.69% off in Russia.
Take the .2 (100% - 80%, or 1 - .8) and multiply it by the .2531 (100% - 74.69%, or 1 - .7469) to get .05062 (or 94.94% off)
That 5.06% is right at the 5%-or-less cutoff, so you should definitely assume it'll be bundled [even though this particular game has actually been bundled for some time now, already :P].
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Russia - 75%
Euro +11.05%
Such fucking bullshit...
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Wait, let me get this correct.
For example: https://steamdb.info/app/332390/
It's 85% off right now which means .15*.3979=0.0596=94.03% off in Russia right?
Then how come it's bundled, feelsbadman. Even the converted price doesn't drop to more than 95% discount.
9.99 *.05 = 0.49 and it's 0.59 in ruble.
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"95%" is a rule of thumb - Sooth already stated that it's more or less a gamble to expect full cv for a game that is 90-94.99% off.
The idea is still, that heavily discounted games shouldn't give full contributor value. 94,03% still sounds like that game is on the bundle-list legitemately.
If you however think that a game is listed on the bundle-list unjustified, you can file a support ticket, that is asking for the removal of a that game from the bundlelist.
Providing calculations and good arguments may increase the chance that your ticket gets approved.
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Actually, the answer there is a lot simpler than you think.
The Deluxe version of the game is 87% off, making it bundled. If the Deluxe version of a game gets bundled, so does the base version (so as to prevent someone from simply putting a bundled deluxe version up as the base game to loophole full credit for it).
This is actually very common for RPGMaker games, where the Deluxe versions fairly commonly get a higher discount than the base games. Similarly, games that are in multi-packs often get put on the bundled list, since those games are calculated off the multipack price (which is typically buy-three-get-one-free, meaning a 25% discount multiplied against any other discount). As an example of this, Trine 3 ended up being put on the bundled list due to its international multi-pack price crossing the threshold, even though the individual game copies did not.
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Since you're new here I'll also warn you that if a game goes on sale 96% or more it will also be added to the bundled list. Even if a game is 90% off be very wary as they also take into consideration the pricing in all regions, and games in Russia go for a little cheaper than other regions. I got burned by this recently when a game I gave away a very long time ago was 90% off, but apparently went even cheaper elsewhere.
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I went from level 4.22 to level 4.21 today. Please put me back at level 4.20 so I can continue giggling at it like a twelve year old.
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You can see your exact CV by mousing over your level bar on your profile.
Yours is 2.69 exactly.
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Some do , some don't , it depends on the price of the game , tbh i have no idea what would make the monthly bundle games to get bundled
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both are not bundle , but alien isolation from the February monthly was bundled , but again its up to the bundler i have no idea what the criteria is
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That idea has been debunked. There've been numerous threads on the matter, and people checked RU price at the time and noted it wasn't low enough to count;
As I recall, it was bundled exactly on the bundle announcement date as well.
But, I just poked Shobo about it, maybe I can get an official clarification on it, settle it for good.
In any case, what Zoey is describing is how bundle listing usually is determined, so whether it was due to RU price or not is irrelevant, as Humble Monthly would presumably have made it bundled either way.
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That's exactly what I think, there is no point at picking one game and checking it against 1/6 of the bundle... it's either whole bundle or nothing (as you obviously can't pick a single game out of it). $12 is quite a lot for a bundle, so a monthly should be worth something like $240 total retail value to count as bundled (>95% discount).
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Directly from Shobo:
I'd say you can give yourself a cookie, but I think with that third point, you just gave a whole lot of people a cookie already. :P
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About 1), I suppose he was speaking specifically about Humble monthly bundles ? Because as far as I know that's not how it's done with multiple tiers bundle (Dark Souls isn't on the bundle list for example)
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Well, I've always thought that this is the reason why tier 3 games never (or almost never) make it to the bundle list. Because the average price per game is never lower than 5% of the full price of game x. And that is not the case with AI and monthly.
But hey, if a good game can be saved from bundle purgatory, then I don't mind. :p
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Oh, that. I seem to recall a staff member once saying that's because tiers are valuated for bundling individually.
I can ask Shobo about it to confirm, but that does seems the most likely basis, considering that T3s, as you say, aren't typically bundled.
And certainly, you and I thought the same on how bundles presumably worked. =O
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Pretty darn safe to assume Monthly will never get bundled.
Though if it ever does.. that'd be notable, given that all games'd end up bundled.
Well, I've been told that Humble offers no-questions-asked full refunds on Monthly if none of the keys were activated.
With that in mind, probably best to hold on to the initially revealed key until the bundle goes live, if you want to completely remove any risk.
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The best thing you can do is hold on to the keys and watch the bundle list. Humble bundle games tend to get added almost instantly to the list.
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when a game is heavily discounted (85-90%) or put in a bundle for really cheap price, it will be considered bundled-game. Alien Isolation got marked as "bundled" because it got a discount of 90% is Russia or something. It is the price of everywhere in the world, so anything can happen basically d;
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so actually this means, that if you want to raise your level you should NOT:
And only games without those conditions give you CV, but if those games will be placed to bundle or discounted, then you will loose those CV.
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You don't lose the CV if your giveaway is before the bundle. So if, say, Skyrim was in a Humble Bethesda Bundle tomorrow, previous Skyrim giveaways wouldn't be changed. but the dozens of new Skyrim giveaways created tomorrow would lose their CV eventually.
And discounts are fine so long as it doesn't go below 95% of the US price in any region. These days, most games at 90% off get bundled because they end up 95% off in Russia
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Clear enough. BTW are you getting any CV for bundeled games or it is 0?
I tried to understand description of calculation, but not sure, that understand correctly.
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I was Level 2 for a few months, but am Level 1 now. That bummed me out.
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Yes, that's strange, i'm downed from 5 to 4 today, and my last giveaways was very very old leftover bundles and DLCs i bought as a gift just to share. Rollbacks are lame, gifts counted as bundled are lame also... i don't ever gave a bundled fast to earn CV, and i spare a lot of gifts counted as a bundle, it's ok, that's the system, but i hope this down thing was a mistake, because it apparently had no reasons to.
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Support said something about the SS and Deponia bug, but i got level 5 before this bug and didn't make any GA's of them trying to get false CV.
Well, whatever.
I'm kind of pissed off but nothing will change about it, so that's it...
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In case you are still interested in an explanation:
You created giveaways for Serious Sam and Deponia a long time ago. All three games had been bundled at the time so you received 2.25$ and 3$ CV.
From time to time Deadalic (adventure) bundles (e.g. 1) are on sale on Steam, but the single games are not on sale. If the bundle is cheaper than the single game on Steam, Steam reports the bundle price to SG.
Example: Daedalic adventure bundle, base price 50€ -70% = 15€. 15€ < 20€ for Deponia. Now Steamgifts gets from Steam not the price of the single game Deponia anymore but the price of the bundle.
Because CV is determined by prices without a discount your Deponia giveaway is not worth 3$ anymore but 50$ * 0.15 (for bundled status) = 15$. Similar bugs happen for Serious Sam and the Serious Sam bundle.
If these bundles are on sale for a week now, our CV is too high for a week. If a giveaway of yours just ended at the start of the week, you might think that this giveaway got you to a new level, but in reality the "Deponia bug" leads to a too high CV and thus to a temporary too high level. After the sale is over on Steam, you CV and level drop again to the original value (+the value of the game(s) you have given away in the meantime).
I hope that clears up the matter a little more and you are a little less pissed.
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Hey, sorry for the delay, but yes, it helps a lot. :)
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What about base price changes, apart from the "bundled-or-not" discussion?
If I'm right then a game which costs, say, $9.99, will give you 10 points, or if it was bundled 1.5 points. However, if the base price on Steam is lowered from $9.99 to, say, $4.99, you will only get 5 points or .75 points, respectively, for new and for old giveaways. Thus the value of all your given games decreases over time, letting you fall below the next level threshold eventually.
If you give a game before it was bundled, you retain the 100% factor (instead of 15%), but the base price still may change. Right?
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Yeah, but if i drop in levels, because i gave away a game that i paid the full price for and later it is bundled, i will refrain giving away expensive games in the future and wait for them to get bundled. If this is what SG staff had in mind, okay.
Sure it is about giving, but it is nice to have something in return every once in a while and with increasing high level giveaways on this site, i can no longer take part on giveaways because i lost levels.
I have no better idea for this system, but still, it is unfair for those who are not very high in level and give away games early when they are not in a bundle.
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Please use the search function of the dicussion board to find similar thread. Every argument has been given multiple times there.
Use enhanced Steam or similar tools, to see lowest prices across regions. If a game gets a discount of more than 95% compared to the US Steam store, it most probably will get bundled. All giveaways of the game are considered bundled from the date of the discount forth, even if support here only learns about it month later (retroactive bundling).
I think the only long term users, that have not been affected by CV drops due to bundle status, are the one that have never given anything.
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No, thanks. I will continue to discuss on a discussions board if i want to.
If this is not your "thing", please use the search function of, for instance, google, to find websites without a discussion board. Thank you kindly and please come again.
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A few hours ago my profile said I was level 3, and even allowed me to enter level 3 giveaways. Now I'm suddenly down to level 2 again. All of my giveaways have been confirmed. Any ideas what might be up?
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