Let's see how true they'll stay to the source material, since Roddenberry sadly isn't around anymore, and if they're able to bring some new life into Star Trek without adding too many of the tropes every current TV series utilizes, I'm kinda sick of "What happened last episode" openers and pseudo-sentimental story arcs, filled with cringe-worthy pseudo-philosophical dialogue ;>. This out of the way and it's Star Trek FFS ;D, I'm eager to finally watch the pilot, shouldn't it be out by now :? I thought they wanted to start at the beginning of this year...
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It's going to be a serialized season so...one overarching story told over 13 episodes. Sorry:P The good news is that ST:Deep Space Nine for the most part invented serialized storytelling so if it's more like that and and less, say, "teen angst in spaaaaace" it ought to be ok.
I'm eager to finally watch the pilot, shouldn't it be out by now :? I thought they wanted to start at the beginning of this year...
They keep pushing it back for...reasons. The current date is Sept 24th of this year so we will see. I won't go into more details since you can find a lot of info out on the internet.
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Yeah, already did some reading up, gotta admit I felt kinda lazy while writing my original post, shame on me :P. Oh my... I hope they don't plan to go the Abrams route and plaster it with nonsensical PostFX like he did with the reboots - although I honestly don't think they're bad flicks per se (even if they ain't what I myself'd call ST, similar to the new SW movies (at least to an extent, but that's another story)), they would've been better off if being called 'LensFlare Trek', hehe ;D.
Well, let's hope it's just them trying to avoid a case of haste makes waste and a truly great new sci-fi series will be born, I surely won't mind a new fix instead of rewatching stuff like the old ST's, Firefly and others for the xth time now :>.
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I tried to like the first Abrams-Trek movie (after years of denial) and while it was an okay sci-fi flick it wasn't Star Trek to me.That said I know plenty of fans (including those who actually grew up watching the original series when it first aired) who liked the new movies so to each their own.
Discovery has a lot of baggage, a lot of preconceptions, like every other post-TOS series. What matters is whether or not it can convince us it has the same magic, the ability to bring out the same feelings in us. LLAP
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Humankind has not left the solar System.
Mars and Earth are more or less in a state of a cold war.
And the People that lives on asteroids to mine them are in the middle and get exploitet from both sides.
It is more like a corperate conspiracy Story set in this setting.
Travalling in Space Looks more like travelling in a Sub Marine and a space battle has the same Feeling.
Overall it was so thrilling that i watched it just one day.
I suggested it to at least one of my friends who was not really interested in it.
The same as you, after reading about it.
But surprise he got hooked and watched it in one day as well.
I would give it a try it really stands compared to what else is provided by Sci/Fi Themed Shows These days.
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without adding too many of the tropes every current TV series utilizes
If it helps any, Star Trek has had a long history of tropes and ripping off other stories. That doesn't make it bad, necessarily. They even ripped off themselves with the Next Generation over and over again.
Disclaimer: I am a pre-Abrhams Trekkie, and I am not purposely insulting the shows.
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Hope the serie dont became the next star trek by Abrams.
Yeah, I don't like how they took a lot of visual cues from the "Kelvin Timeline" movies including some species, but it's still got enough "Prime timeline/real Trek" going on like Harry Mudd and Sarek that I am cautiously optimistic.
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Holy smokes!!!!!!!! I didn't even know! This looks awesome! My only concern is that this might just be nerd bait created by the jocks to get our lunch money. Perhaps by luring us into known places at specified showtimes they plan to beat it out of us as they are wont to do. Or perhaps, the jocks have refined their methods since highschool and this is a sinister plot to make us spend our lunch money on some "subscription service" in order to view these episodes. I mean, it's not like we can depend on mom to protect us anymore. She's got BINGO on Sundays now and her afternoon naps means she's incommunicado for like half the day!
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A lot has changed since I first posted this almost a year ago:
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I highly recommend "Chaos on the Bridge" which chronicles the struggle to make The Next Generation and its growing pains. LLAP
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Hey khaz i want to start to get into star trek, but is such a big franchise with so many series and spin offs and books and more... where should i start?
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Let me ask you this:What sort of fiction do you enjoy the most? Are you a fan of people venturing into the unknown on far-flung adventures surrounded by good friends and compatriots, each with their own stories to tell but ultimately working together in the end?
Or do you prefer stories of disparate characters facing incredible odds as well as battling person and interpersonal demons? Stories which unfold slowly over the course of several books/seasons/movies/games?
Or is there a mixture of the two, or yet another option entirely?
If the first one whets your appetite, then you can't go wrong with The Next Generation or, to a lesser extent, The Original Series.
If the second sounds more "engaging: then start with Deep Space Nine.
I will say that for the sake of worldbuilding and continuity starting with TOS or TNG makes the most sense, but to a person with modern sensibilities then they may seem dated (especially TOS). If you start with those I'll gladly point you towards some excellent resources for "skip/watch" treatment of the seasons.
Hope that helps! I am always happy to know people are interested in getting into the greatest SF franchise ever. (Sorry Star Wars, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, etc, I still love ya!)
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i got no problem with old sci fi, i even enjoy classic doctor who ! will start with the original series probably, because i want a more friends fighting together thing right now, and chronologically it makes sense! thanks for the answer khaz
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If I may be so bold to also throw in my 2 cents, easiest depictions as possible:
The Original Series (TOS) - for nostalgia and comedic reasons :D,
The Next Generation (TNG) - for (IMO :P) the full Star Trek experience, little bit slower approach with a lot of exploring and venturing to where no one has gone before, but not without it's action
Deep Space Nine (DS9) - for full-on war with a slightly religious/spiritual touch and terrorism, very action-packed and straight forward
Voyager (VOY) - kinda combining both with a more desperate and darker tone due to them being stranded far away from home, more in line with other late 90's TV series and going back from the story arc-model of DS9 to a weekly/episode themed approach
There's also a mid 2000's-series simply called 'Enterprise' and an animated series based on TOS, though both are IMO the weakest and least accessible of the whole franchise. Best way to start would be maybe TNG/DS9 (depends on what you like most, just watch some episode(s) and decide for yourself) or one of the movies, they're possibly the most accessible anyway.
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I am finally getting around to ENT and you know what?Despite what most rl friends and other sources have said...it's not bad, especially if you follow a good skip/watch guide. I've watched less than 15 episodes and am already in the third season with the Xindi arc.
Deep Space Nine (DS9) - for full-on war with a slightly religious/spiritual touch and terrorism, very action-packed and straight forward
Straight forward? I choose to disagree, at least when it comes to the character development. Almost all of them changed in dramatic ways, especially Sisko, Odo, Kira, and...Garak. The best character, perhaps.
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For someone who didn't think she would... I watched Firefly and adored it (despite the questionable ending) and enjoyed the movie. I'm really getting into watching SF TV shows/books. I'm going to start reading Dune and watch the mini series. I've also started Doctor Who (the 2005 start) but The Next Generation is spiking my interests.
Basically what I'm asking is if you had to dive into a SF universe what would you pick? I'm slightly overwhelmed on where to start :)
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Everything you listed is a good start, although Dune (especially the books) can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning, most of it is very slow-paced and more 'philosophical' in nature... for continuity's sake I'd recommend maybe TNG or Doctor Who, there's already much to discover there, it really depends on what your personal preferences are, science fiction is a broad topic - from fantasy epics like Star Wars to intellectual films like the original Solaris or 2001.
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DW is a good intro, especially considering the UK connection. It's much more dependent on telling a fun, exciting, good story and despite being somewhat sad at times is usually light-hearted.
TNG...it's hard for me to view it objectively since I grew up with it and it is all filtered through nostalgia. That said, if you decide to start watching it then a lot of the first two seasons are cringeworthy and skippable, so I recommend finding a few good "skip/watch" guides on the internet.
Otherwise...I've really come to enjoy Orphan Black in the past year, sort of missed the hypetrain for it but caught up quickly. Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is good clean fun, especially if you're a fan of the MCU.
Like Skibby said below SF runs a very wide gamut and like Fantasy or Mystery it's a lot easier to define what is not SF than what is, sometimes.
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ENT isn't half as bad, especially the intro theme is catchy as hell ;D... and despite things like T'Pol being more of what Seven of Nine was allegedly supposed to be, I too enjoyed their endeavours into space quite a bit more than people made it out to be.
Yeah, badly phrased on my behalf with the 'straight forward' thing... I meant it more in a scenario way, with the overall theme of occupation and terrorism and war putting quite the obvious stamp on everything. Character-wise I agree completely with you... though it's hard to describe one's favored childhood memories with so few words and without spoiling anything :D.
Garak truly is one of the highlights of the show :>.
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I have to agree with Skibby that the intro to Enterprise perfectly captures the human spirit of discovery.
The health of the eye seems to demand the horizon.
We are never tired so long as we can see far enough.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Not everybody has to agree with you Khaz. I for example think DS9 is the worst show in the whole Star Trek franchise.
(Still technically not a bad show, just the worst in comparision with the others.)
I mean what's more exciting ? Going out on adventures yourself or sitting at home and have other people visit and tell you about their adventures ?
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Not everybody has to agree with you Khaz. I for example think DS9 is the worst show in the whole Star Trek franchise.
I know, it's just infamously hated in the Star Trek community as a theme song:P I personally find it jarring and the worst song in all of the soundtracks except for possibly the entire ST IV:The Voyage Home which manages to combine the worst excesses of 1980s synth/techno music:P
I am curious, how do you rank the Star Trek series then?
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I have to admit that the song on it's own probably wouldn't have worked on me but in combination with the pictures it stirred something in me. Also keeping in mind that ENT comes even before TOS in the timeline I think it makes sense that they chose a more old-fashioned intro song for it. I honestly can't remember the soundtracks from the movies at all, but I think each show had an intro song that suited its time and the show it belonged to. (With one possible exception since I can't remember the Voyager intro at all neither.)
Ranking them is kind of a though one but I guess I should preface my ranking with the fact that I'm more of a "used to be" Star Trek hardcore fan. So I'm ranking something I've seen in the last 5 years against other things that I've seen 10 - 15 years ago.
Yeah, I guess that's it in a nutshell for me :D
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Almost the exact opposite for me, TNG/DS9 alternate first and second for me with TOS constantly third.I haven't quite decided about ENT and VOY because despite having watched the 3 former series at least 3 times all the way through, I am just now getting through Enterprise and I still have a lot of Voyager "holes" to fill.
I am enjoying ENT a lot more than I thought I would however, especially having skipped big chunks of seasons 1 and 2. I've watched every episode of 3 except for 1 and just watched the one where Shran appears. Combs is so awesome, he's easily in the top 5 Star Trek guest actors. I like the characters, especially Phlox and his unflappable optimism and cheerfulness.
I wonder:Do you view the shows through streaming services or other HD devices? I think that has a lot to do with quality of picture and being able to watch the older episodes.
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Yeah, Shran and the "return" of the Andorians are among what I consider Homage episodes and I enjoyed those a lot.
I'm also a big fan of Phlox for the same reasons you mentioned plus I like his curiosity and outside-perspective when it comes to human culture but I also found The Doctor on Voyager quite interesting and entertaining.
I mostly watch TV over streaming services (including ENT) but I already noticed the thing with the "flat" colours in TNG (and to a lesser degree also in DS9) back in the day when I was still watching them on regular television. My guess is that both shows were shot during that time when some shows and movies were recorded on video instead of film. Apparently there was a time when the industry had not decided yet if film or video was the format of the future (or maybe rather if video was going to replace film).
But that's just a guess.
This conversation made me wonder if they possibly did a digitally enhanced version for the DVD or BlueRay sets like they did with the original Star Wars movies and maybe that's what causes the difference in perception but considering the colours in all TNG clips I've seen on YouTube are "worn out" like I remember them from TV probably not.
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The cover to that comic book is nowhere near as good as that 90s x-men / star trek crossover comic. I don't think it's even as good as that painting I did for a Star Trek TNG fanfiction...
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Old skool Klingons are a design classic and also I don't like change. I also found my epic fanfiction art.
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