the only thing from ubisoft ive like is far cry 3 otherwise i say nah and ignore all there games
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Nay. :B The first one wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. Plus, it was full of bugs after its release. -_-
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i field commander used to say something like that when we were out doing excersices, hell be like "Its not bad, but its not good either, ITS SHIT!"
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He sounds like a wise man. :B Our superiors in the navy, when you were doing a job well, they would reward you with another jobs, so I was doing everything shitty. :P
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You are a awful person! You scam everyone !! people look at his -reps and screenshots, don't talk to this guy ! he is a scammer!
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why? i'm getting banned while i'm not a scammer and i'm only here to giveaway games? I haven't even won yet lol
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Yeah. The bigger issue is if someone calls someone out without proof and everyone latches on, it's only a matter of time until someone gets falsely accused. Heck, even if it's only one person, it could escalate depending on the circumstances. It's best to avoid drama in general, because most of the time people who would find out and avoid a scam are not the people who would read a random forum thread.
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You are a awful person! You scam everyone !! people look at his -reps and screenshots, don't talk to this guy ! he is a scammer!
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I'm going to make everyone report you at steamrep.com i won't forget this. I hate scammer persons. I will mail all my partner giveaway groups for blacklisting you
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Of course that's for sure, but i don't think he eligble to get any attention here, he does not deserve to get attention.
He is a scammer that's bad and needs to be punished!
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Even if it is true, don't be a SJW. That's equally as bad. His victims should report him on SteamRep to have a permanent record, otherwise the trade probation shows that Valve support already got to him. Others should not fall for him, and if they do, you cannot protect every naive or just flat-out dumb and careless person on Steam. There are literally millions of them.
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Making everyone report someone isn't effective; reports are supposed to be from firsthand experience, not hearsay; whether or not your allegations are accurate, your posts violate the no calling out rule and are an inappropriate use of reputation systems.
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Another ubiplof game.... with a lot of hype before release... and pure **** afther that xD
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Sites like G2A. It's not illegal to buy there, but nobody know where the keys come from and many don't want to risk buying there. I've personally never encountered problems with it, but there are people that did, so if you use it, be carefull.
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Never heard about it, thanks for mentioning!
I hope you don't mind another question, but what is the reason that "many don't want to risk buying there"? Is it because the keys could be stolen or something or is there a chance that they're not valid?
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Yeah, it was SOOOOOO good. ' rolls eyes '
I shit you not, the only thing I liked about that game was watching how his jacket bounced and moved around in-response to his movements. That was it. (I found the dude so unlikeable, I don't even remember his name either.)
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Similar. Played it a bit, got to like middle of game, forget about it. Year later friend said he's playing it, so I decided to finish it in more-violent-less-sneaky way. Until suddenly I scanned one bad-guy that he paid for his younger brother treatment, and instead of headshot I only beat him unconscious.
It was strange moment, not sure if not first time ever.
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Oh wait, Watch_Dogs 2. Not Sleeping Dogs 2.
removes vote
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You mean they sold enough of the first turd that they are making more for the people?
Shit must taste good these days if people are buying enough for them to approve another round of turd on a platter.Shit like this gets another game,but something like Sleeping Dogs does not.
This tell me in short as long as enough people enjoy shit games,they will keep making them...
Man...the future of gaming is bleak..
I thank you for this,and all those who bought this thinking it was good.
Also i must assume the OP is a fan of this crap,or just a heavy troller with the poll options..though i am going with the first one,since they took the time to post it.
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But still does not change i think it is trash a long with a lot other people....
And it is people who buy bad games that mean more bad games will be made....if Ubi had a better tracker record i might have a bit more faith in this game being better....but after seeing how they handled Assassin Creed,and other games...i do not have high hopes for this.
You know that people can have different opinions then you right?
So you are saying i can not say it is a bad game because others may like it?I mean after all i was just sharing what i thought of the game.I would expect the same if i made a thread like this,even if i liked the game i would expect those who thought it was bad to post about why it is bad and so on.
We all have games that are bad but we still enjoy...mine happens to be Postal 2...still i like it and have fun,but i still think it is a bad game.
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You have every right to say that you don't like it. You said:
"Shit must taste good these days if people are buying enough for them to approve another round of turd on a platter."
That's like saying people can't enjoy it. Sorry if I interpreted it the wrong way, but if say stuff like that, it kind of looks like you think people can't have other opinions.
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No it does not mean nobody can enjoy it,it means that enough people bought the shitty game for them to approve another one. Ubi is not knowing as of late to make good games let alone sequels.So yeah i would not be surprised if this just another bad game that people will buy just on hype alone.
Again why does a bad game that sells well get another sequel,yet a game that is way better Sleeping Dogs,does not even get one because it did not sell as well.It just proves that shit sells and if it does sell well they will most likely make more shit to sell you on promises they will do better.
Hell even serial killers have fun clubs,but that does not mean the serial killer is good because people like them.
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I actually thought the first was okay, but mostly because I enjoyed the freshness of the concept. I don't think a second would really appeal to me, because there's only so much Assassin's Creed Knockoff in the Modern Day Without the Assassin Bit but with an OP Cellphone I can take before it becomes just another boring open world sandbox.
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Yeah, the concept was cool and it's fun to be able to hack into stuff while you're just driving around, but the game itself was a bit boring in my opinion. I would love to see something like this in GTA or so (I know there is a mod for that for GTA V).
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I think it would have been a lot better if they focused more on the story and the hacking,and took out gun play or toned it down a lot..
I mean maybe it is just me,but i would have liked the idea of getting around situations by just hacking and getting away in a car using just hacks...or at the least make the gun play more balanced instead of feeling it like was added just for the sake of having guns.It would be also be nice to use hacks to actually get away instead turning into a cat and mouse type hiding.
Also the hacking was scripted to much to feel random or like you had a real impact on the world,i mean like the stop lights,you hacked then then everyone took off at once like some kinda drag race derby style.
Anyhow this may turn out to be a better version but giving how Ubi tends to handle franchises this one is not getting much hope from me.
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