I know of a few but I really don't know if I missed any. If you don't know of some on Steam, what about off?

Only oes I know of are as follows:
Anodyne is kind of like Link's Awakening but with eldritch horror mixed in.
If you squint, Evoland's dungeons are a lot like Zelda dungeons.
Ittle Dew is a straight up Zelda parody. I don't have a problem with parodies but comedy and I have a bit of an off relationship.
Shipwreck is very much like Zelda gbc games, complete with multiple dungeons and the big boss fights.

There are others but they're either similar to Zelda 2 (Elliot Quest and Super Chibi Knight) or felt a lot like the console Zelda (Darksiders and Lili: Child of Geos). One could make the argument that the ones like Zelda 2 are not Zelda-likes at all while console Zelda has a different feel from the older and portable Zelda games.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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^ This

9 years ago

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wow this game looks neat.. wishlisted.

Thankies (@=

9 years ago

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Never mind, didn't read all of it.

9 years ago

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EvilQuest and Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas are the only Zelda similiar games that are not on your list.

9 years ago

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Spiral Knights. It's a f2p game so your mileage will vary but I enjoyed it for awhile when I used to play it. For a new player, the clockworks depths should have enough mystery and variance to remind you of Zelda for awhile. You'll never encounter seriously hard mental challenges, but the enemies themselves may prove to be a challenge should you stay invested up to Tier 3 and beyond.

9 years ago

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Sad to say, but this is a game that I shouldn't recommend. Yes, the game is fun at the beginning, but once you start trying to get higher tier weapons it becomes a huge grindfest.

Let's start at the beginning, what made this game good back then and what is it now.

Energy: Sure, it sucked that you're limited to play the depth levels only certain amount of times, but it was there to help you activate certain stuff in there like turrets, doors with treasure, robots etc. NOW, it sucks, because it's a premium currency now, which means if you want to activate these said things, grind credits for energy or spend real money for it.

Revive system: Back then, to revive players you had give half of your current health just to save him and it was great! NOW, you need to find these items called "revive sparks", their the ONLY way to revive other players and yourself, but only if you used the emergency revive, replenishes after each level. And if you wasted that and don't have any life sparks, then you're SOL, unless you spend energy to purchase it, which is more expensive, than in the shop.

Crafting: Back then, to get certain weapons and equipment, you need to grind for materials, credits and energy just to craft 1 single item. And the prices for these are overpriced once you want to get up to tier 5 weapons. NOW, it's even worse. In order to craft weapons and equipment, you need to find rare materials that appear rarely during your runs. Combine that with credits to energy prices and it becomes a nightmare just to craft 1 item.

Finally, the bound system (unchanged, but still want to talk about it). If you want to use a weapon or equipment, you need to bound it to your arsenal. Ok, nothing wrong about that. But then, check this out. If you want to sell it, trade it or something, you need to UNbound it. How? You need to spend energy at Absurd prices, just to make that item tradable again.

Lastly, the community. Let me talk about this. I had a friend, let's call him Jim, I was looking for a guild, just so I can be with some people, to have a team, just to talk to. So I contacted him and he accepted me. As time went on, after gaining ranks, the guild started to get weirder. Trusted people turning into douchebags, trolls taking over guilds with insane rules and worst of all getting my friend's account banned. So, he asked for my help to "start over", as well as creating backup characters if something terrible happens. After all that, I started rarely playing that game, until I said to myself: "let it go". So I stopped playing this game.

tl; dr - Game itself downgraded after each change. Not good f2p business model (bound system). Guilds required to be paid after each interval just to run around the guild rooms, so if you don't do it, guild room will be closed till you pay up. After a while it becomes a boring, forced grindfest.

9 years ago

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Energy: Er...turrets were 100% worthless, treasure doors were a mixed bag (generally worthless). The only true difference between now and then is crafting and revives. You used to be able to craft some cheap stuff by wasting your mist, that's no longer possible, but in its place you actually can find the items you need naturally to craft so you won't have to spend energy, this all depends on your luck of course, but better than 100% relying on CE. Sparks of life the new revival might as well be discussed in the next section.

Revive system: Sparks of life replace the old touch revive system with a side of CE purchasing. A set of 10 costs 200 CE. At time of writing (I logged on just to check), you can buy 100 CE for 8530 cr or if you are desperate, a single one from the market at 1997cr. So ignoring buying a single one since that's generally unwise, a set of 10 costs 19000 cr. A true new player is going to earn a good amount of those through the beginning missions, and unless they are very unwise, they shouldn't be running through all of those along with their given emergency revives. I could point out the similarity to Warframe with its 50 starting plat that someone could also foolishly spend on revives, but I'll move past that. The game isn't supposed to be rewarding people for dying unnecessarily, at least you get a free full revive. The touch thing also only mattered if you had someone else to play with, even though this IS a multiplayer game, you know the lower levels are generally less populated so a new player is going to be soloing a good portion of that until/unless they make friends. And don't forget, the similar comparision in the old days is that the price increased by doubling every time you died.

So to put this into comparison from a higher level (not new player nor pro player perspective), say you die 5 times on Vanaduke because you and your party aren't great at it. Your first death the only way would cost half of somebody else's health, that could cause them to get one shotted. The new way allows you to not inconvenience them. Really I just compare it to my very old Shadow Lair Snarbolax run I did the first time. Way back then (and tbh I never went back), it was bad for everyone involved, revives went up to like 320CE for the next one. Because the old system was multiplicative and punishing for it. Even reviving one another wasn't enough. 10+20+40+80+160+320 CE for a revive?That meant I died 6 times even with touching in a full party. If I had repeated that run today, that would've only cost me 200 CE with 4 revives to spare. The new system actually allows you to play worse relatively.

Crafting: Same as before. Replace the orbs which you MAY find with the CE costs, it's the same exact thing. 3 Eternal orbs of alchemy cost 800 CE. 800 CE is the exact same price it was in the old days. Historical link the difference between now and then is you have a CHANCE of not paying 800 CE, the old way you had to pay 800 CE (700 if you saved your mist). There is no difference with this from before to now except CE is higher and that was always going to go up, we all knew that. Key thing is, even if it was the old system, it would STILL be 800 CE with the current prices because the game is unpopular and funded by the people paying for it.

Item binding is irrelevant to a new player, and even as an old player it can be irrelevant, that's only if you want to sell weapons. If you're trying to do that, then you're in it for profit off of a good UV which is something that really has no place in a discussion with a new player. They need to get base weapons well before worrying about stuff like that.

Community: I had a friend who got her account stolen last year, she made a new one got the old one banned, and now has spent more time in the game than I ever did. You don't spend 2,097 hours in a game like that if you hate the community because she definitely doesn't spend all that time playing, and remember, this is her new account. Her situation is unique to her, just like mine is unique to me, and yours is your own unique experience with the game, but neither of those things are a representation of the game. It's like me telling you the league of legends community is toxic, it is, but not everyone, and not every match, it varies greatly depending on mode, elo, and time of day, the important thing is whether you find the game fun or not.

Back on topic, I have my own issues with the SK development team but it honestly isn't relevant to suggesting it to a new player. If I were saying something like "I ran out of things to do/lack of updates" is silly when a new player has a lot of existing content to go through to reach that point.

Anyway OP never responded to any of these replies, not saying he never read them, but honestly not really worth going too deep into it if they'll never play anyway. My recommendation was based only on the style, it was truly based on The Legend of Zelda and Phantasy Star Online (according to the developers way back). I figured OP can get a few hours out of it because upon checking How Long To Beat, none of the games he mentioned go on longer than 10 hours. Anodyne holds the record at 10 hours for completionist obviously this is based on personal reports and sure players can spend more or less time on them, but the key thing is, I'm preeeeetty sure you can spend at least 10 hours in Spiral Knights without running into half of these issues. And even if you do, the price is free for trying it. That's why I said to OP, your mileage may vary as it is a f2p.

9 years ago

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The Binding of Isaac is just like the dungeons of Zelda 1. I hear Finding Teddy 2 is like Zelda 2.

9 years ago

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Bit Dungeon II maybe? I'm not sure how it plays but graphically it does remind me of Zelda on SNES.

9 years ago

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The Ys series is really nice (Ys 1 & 2 seem to be a bit of a "love it or hate it" thing due to the unorthodox combat system, but the other games are not). They are not clones of Zelda, but they have a similar gameplay style.

And I'll highly disagree with the comment about The Binding of Isaac above. In terms of gameplay, Isaac has very little in common with Zelda 1, it just happens to have an aesthetic that is a bit similar.

Also, I feel that Zelda 2 is getting a bad rap. When Zelda 2 was released, there was no set style for Zelda. And if Zelda 2 is not like Zelda because it differs from the, at the time, only other Zelda game, then OOT should get the same treatment as that game did a complete overhaul of the system as well.

9 years ago*

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I don't think it has a bad rap. Its just the black sheep of the series.

9 years ago

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I thought Zelda II was a good game in its own right. It was just different.

9 years ago

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I tend to agree. Zelda II was just wildly different than the first game, and since its release there have been others that have followed the example of the original but none that went Zelda II's route because of its poor reception. Zelda II was a good game on its own, it just suffered from being so different from the first. The reason OOT doesn't get the same treatment is because of it being the era of 3D graphics, so it was viewed as amazing for what it did, enough so that people still follow its designs. Out of all three mentioned, they were all great in their own way.

9 years ago

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Ys I & II is a great suggestion! I've never been all that much of a RPG gamer, especially back then, but I just loved playing that game on my Turbo Duo. In fact, Ys I & II being on the Wii's Virtual Console was the single biggest reason I bought a Wii. I didn't want to have to set up my Turbo Duo just to play it. I really should just sell my Turbo Duo, though.

9 years ago

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Secrets of Grindea? It just released into early access. I've only played A Link to the Past so that's the only thing I can really compare it to.

9 years ago

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Nice one, I forgot about this game as it took so damn long to finally make its way onto Steam.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Well if you just look for a addicting retro style game, you can play Famaze for free. :o

9 years ago

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Like prinkle said, Secrets of Grindea. Or just wait for the newest Wanderlust!

9 years ago

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I thought Bastion had a Zelda feel to it
Haven't played it yet, but Diehard Dungeon looks like snes era Zelda and gameplay

9 years ago

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