Info about special editions here:
(Special Edition $60, Anniversary Edition $150, excl. shipping)

5 years ago

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for $150 i really hope it comes with real life sized Harvester

5 years ago

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😁 thnx for the chuckle

4 years ago

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special editions coming with stea mkeys, if something!

5 years ago

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We are going to have to act if we want to live in a different world

5 years ago

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4 years ago

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Later I noticed the promising screenshot on the store page:

View attached image.
4 years ago

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Ohh.. Good stuff 👍

4 years ago

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I'm going to guess this doesn't include C&C Generals? :(

5 years ago

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Correct, only Tiberian Dawn and the first Red Alert and their respective expansion packs.

4 years ago

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The remastering was made over the old engine used in the DOS ages, so the only two games that came in this remastered version are C&C and RA (plus Aftermanth and Counterstrike). Only RA came with a Win95 "pure" executable by that time.

Btw, really old Westwood members worked on this remastered? Wow!

5 years ago*

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Don't need the clutter of the physical editions but I'll definitely be picking this one up when it releases.

5 years ago*

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this better be good!

5 years ago

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Would be hyped if not all others of this type failing spectacular (Warcraft anyone).
Hoping for the best, but pre-order? Yeeeeah... no.

5 years ago

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All other failing?
Age of Empires 2 DE was a huge success. They went way beyond what people were expecting by making it look nicer, better fps, rewrote the Ai, new expansion, etc along with a discount for people who purchased the 2013 edition of the game.

Remastering should be easy if you know what needs to be overhauled and what should be left alone.

4 years ago

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Commando's 2
Final Fantasy VIII
and of course
Warcraft 3

But maybe I just haven't heard enough of the ones that did succeed.

4 years ago

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Still think there are plenty of good examples. Like Resident Evil 2, Final Fantasy VII, Darksiders, Titan Quest, etc.
Sure, they can mess it up, but from what I can see, they are listening to feedback and its got a pretty positive response thus far, so I am expecting a good release.

That said, I never played C&C, so I am just commenting as an outsider with very little knowledge of the game.

4 years ago

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Then play them, here you go,in chronological order.

4 years ago

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warcraft 3 remake was successful tho. i bought it and loved it all over again

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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First of all i'm gonna start saying i'm a big fan of C&C since kid I litterally grow up playing C&C games. I was exited until I saw they are just Remastering 2 Games + DLC and they got the guts to call This a Collection?? lol Really!? Like WTF!? This is ridiculous and sad at the same time :(
-Command & Conquer + DLC
-Red Alert + DLC

Also the by seeing the Youtube Trailer graphics looks awful (Liike sh*t)
This is 2020 we deserve something better don't you think?
The truth is that this shoud be Free for the people that already have the 2 games.

5 years ago

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What looks so terrible about it? It's a remaster, not a remake. The graphics look nicely cleaned up (not remade), they added achievements, it has all the DLC and the full price is only $20.

I imagine if it sells well they'll be releasing more collections with the rest of the games.

5 years ago

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But still naming Only 2 Games + DLC's a Collection is misleading. 20 years later they give us this? This looks more like a cash grab for me.

5 years ago

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I mean I'm thinking that they are just starting the collection with those 2 games + its dlc

4 years ago

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The CnC community already remastered the old engine, expanded the UI, and made the multiplayer playable again. For free.

4 years ago

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it looks good at a distance, but i bet once i install and play some of these games, they will turn into trash and the nostalgia will be lost forever.
but i must admit they did a great job reworking the graphics, they look amazing. 👍

5 years ago

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Ah, don't need this overpriced modern cashgrab!

5 years ago

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4 years ago

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When companies run out of the earth...& recycle.
Anyways I started C&C with Red Alert this means nothing to me

5 years ago

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Same. I expected Red Alert 2 in the collection. This is such a letdown

4 years ago

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yep same here mate. :(

4 years ago

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SHould of started with Dune 2, its not too late though, it means something to you, RA2 is great but you should expierience where it all started from and advanced.

4 years ago

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Might be a cash grab for something else to come afterwards ?!!

4 years ago

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definitely cash grab of nostalgic

4 years ago

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Yesterday in my infinite wisdom during a sleep deprived condition, I bought the 25th anniversary edition for 177 USD.

4 years ago

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I've played the original versions of these not too long ago, and they're both pretty fun, but there are some subtle changes in Red Alert 1 that make it hold up a lot better than the first game. Small things, like how the harvester dumps its resources end up making a big difference.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Get this instead people:
The CnC community already remastered the old engine, expanded the UI, and made the multiplayer playable again. For free.
Command and Conquer, Red Alert, Dune 2000.

4 years ago

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I was excited by the news when they announce the remaster but I am disappointed by the results. Its kind of playing 640x480 in a 1080p environment. I thought they would be remodeling the units to better looking 3D models while retaining the gameplay. I just realised RA 2 is not in this which is very enjoyable. RIP Prism tanks. :(

4 years ago

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Ofcourse you would love the most overpowered broken unit. And same, i tought 3D, i tought wrong.

4 years ago

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Hahaha, yeah they are broken. Its not that I dont like other units. Just that I had a lot of personal fun trying to 1v8 Easy enemy while besting my own time. They are great memories. I didnt forget about the Mammoth Tanks and Telsa Tanks. Barricading in buildings are always fun. Tanya and the SEALs "Who's your daddy!" Great memories.^^
Cheers, Cruse~<3

4 years ago

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I bet you dont like V3s, they suck, their supposed to be the counterpart and their terrible, theres plenty of units not to like. Obviously the most powerfull is the most fun, yes, seeing everything being wiped out with ease. 1v8 easy..well, that should be easy, might be able to do even normal which you should if easy is succesfull. Your own time besting? Wow you go far with that... i guess you have to since all you have is skirmish after campaigns and skirmish is just boring... great memories, yes. Meh, barricades are paper thin like every other building. Yes, if theres just infantry, its good time with seals or tanya, yes.

4 years ago

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Everyone is acting like the "Command & Conquer™ The Ultimate Collection" doesn't exist ¯\(ツ)

4 years ago

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The Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection has a known crashbug quite late in the first game, making it impossible to beat...

4 years ago

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I'm sleeping on this until they re-master the best C&C game - Renegade.

4 years ago

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^ This!

View attached image.
4 years ago

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You could try out Renegade X to hold you over in the meantime. It's multiplayer focused, but it scratches the C&C 3D itch. :)

4 years ago

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We could only hope for remasters like the fans did with Renegade X. Apart from pulling it into the 21st century presentation wise, they solved a lot of the multitude of fsckups the original devs made. Looking back oldRen is soo unbalanced as a multiplayer title i dont even know what they were thinking back then.

4 years ago

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And now its even worse with games staying in stalemates with the engineer tank repair meta, so boring and tiring, gameplays worse too, so wonky, jittery floaty non punchy gameplay. Awfull.

4 years ago

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You talking about Renegade X or old ren in the later days with the ton of mods added? :D

RenX has massively improved gameplay and mostly everything. The one thing that bogs it down is the fact that its a remake of an old inferior game and the community got split along the way: lot of vets want it to be just like the original, so maps mostly resemble the old vanilla ones, while gameplay, and improved player count(32-40 to 64 or even 80) would suit more open terrain, and more lanes of advance. So on better new maps like Lakeside or Desolation or Steppe RenX plays great(with evenly matched teams of course). On old ported maps like Under or Field Ren X struggles alot.

4 years ago

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New renegade x. Its so unfun. It always boils down to artilery battles in the middle or hills or chokepoints with everyone playing engineer and keeping them alive and thats pretty much renegade x for you, its also extremely unsatisfying with floaty jittery movement, floaty uninpactfull gunplay, tiny maps, no commander mode like Nuclear Dawn, not every infantry class or vehicle avaivable from the tiberian dawn like bikes or chem troopers, no bigger incentives to capture tiberium silo like i dunno, replacing flame tank flames with tiberium liquid, most maps or servers have no aircraft allowed, whole tiberian dawn soundtrack isnt there, it doesnt feel tight or satisfying, tiberian sun vehicle chances in crates are non existant, annoying radio quote spams, cant purchase more harvesters so youre always low on money, tiberium fields dont deplete, cant fly a-10 warthogs to fuffill bombing roles, engineers repairing buildings is too effecting, hero purchases feel like a waste without making a difference, tanks are flimsy and weak which is a crime for the mammoth, no medic class if i recall, veterancy doesnt apply to vehicles you use i dont think, grenadier doesnt throw grenades for some reason, etc. i love the concept but it just so poorly done and they chose UE3 instead of 4 which was avaivable at the time and they refuse to put it on steam for no reason, like, its so stupid.... no shit x is a improvement over a nearly 20 year old game. Yes, it got split, cant believe theres folks still playing original renegade. Those old vets are just nostalgia pink goggle boomers who dont want to admit flaws like the ones calling the original game remasters perfect when their not, they could of added medic for GDI in tiberian dawn but didnt, they didnt enable the multiplayer exclusive units for campaigns for no reason, they didnt lower prices like for mcv which is an insane 5k cost, they didnt remove the stupid sam site prevention of airstrikes instead of doing something else like making sams more accurate or able to one shot the a-10s so airstrike is worthless, they didnt make certain tech avaivable when they should be like apaches for nod, they didnt increase health for rocket soldiers, buggies/humves 3 shot them, freaking miniguners are better at destroying light vehicles its so stupid, not every soundtrack was remastered, instead time was wasted remastering music from future games instead, keeping stupid tech restrictions like MRLSes requiring ion cannon uplink? wtf? Not improving units like nods missile trucks to be good against vehicles, not enabling engineers to repair buildings in TD, those old vets purposely want games to remain bad with their problems instead of improving them, their nostalgia is too strong. I wouldnt know anything about maps, sorry, other than theres few paths and their so tiny but when you play big maps and as infantry without a vehicle, their too big and takes a long time to traverse them only to die without making any difference, i hate it, theres no winning anywhere.

4 years ago

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No, that would be Generals and onward, it would scratch some awfull FPS itch.

4 years ago

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Thats not even a RTS.

4 years ago

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I grew up with these 2 games. So I'm getting this on sale at some point

4 years ago

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But after getting The First Decade on DVD, Ultimate Collection on Origin(through Amazon im not paying EA scum directly :D), and discovering OpenRA since a few years back, im really hesitant to shell out 20 Yuropz in advance for a probably lazy Reforged-like cashgrab.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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This is good, you caught me off guard hehe.

4 years ago

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I was telling a buddy of mine the only thing this remaster was missing was Kucan making an appearance. The marketing team for this game did a phenomenal job hyping the game.

4 years ago

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Too bad they haven't included Generals + Zero Hour one of the best RTS ever

4 years ago

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middle of the sale and now it's 15% off. the EA snakes...
guess i will buy it now anyway if i find enough good deals to reach the the 5€ discount.

4 years ago

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Maybe because game is one month old? it will be at higher discount in few months

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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A few games have done that though. Not sure how snakey it was. I picked it up on the third of July at the same price and discount that it is now.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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You can't discount game that is less than month old.

4 years ago

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You knew this would happen.

4 years ago

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Wake me up when Red Alert 2 releases

4 years ago

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Its gonna be a long sleep.

4 years ago

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