So, as you can see in the picture below, the physical GTA V uses 7 DVDs. (According to the owner of the Russian version) To me it's quite absurd and makes me want to change to digital distribution even more. What do you think?

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9 years ago*

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Would you prefer a digital or physical copy of a new game?

View Results
Digital all the way!
Physical, just to get to touch it...

No blu ray copy?

PS3 only has one disc. Not sure about 360, but doubt it uses 7 DVDs.

9 years ago

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The 360 version has 3 discs, if i recall right. The pic has me quite sceptical also, only time tells I suppose!

9 years ago

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360 has 2 discs.

Reference: My own copy.

9 years ago

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I just played my copy yesterday. Great job memory!

9 years ago

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Blu-ray for the pc is pretty much dead all Blu-rays come with a digital copy so why would you buy a blu-ray for your pc. when a stand alone player will do just fine or a console that has Blu-ray

There is still a need for disc because not everyone has fast speed or unlimited download,i know its hard for some people to think that far ahead as they live in a small box.

Though the one thing disc give you that digital can not is a faster way to install a game if need be,

Though people do not like disc that is fine,but then those same people bitch when things like San Andreas happens you loose music you paid of,try to take that away from dvd version.

Either way even if i had fast speed and unlimited i would still prefer actual disc over just digital,so that is why i keep backups of the games so if they try and removed stuff i can just put it back from my backup of the game.San Andreas is one of them thank god i had a retail disk to put back the music they removed.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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7 standard DVDs are ~33GB unless they are this special dual layer discs, but I don't recall anybody using those in mass production

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Opss... I wasn't aware, thought that we are still stuck on standard DVDs, maybe because the last game I bought in physical copy was EA Classic Bad Company 2 (that was on dual layer DVD, but didn't exceed the limit much, it is ~5GB, so it wasn't so obvious) ;)

9 years ago

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Of those PCs that still require optical drives, I would wager about 90% of those only have DVD drives. Shit, I dont even have a bluray drive. When selling an install medium, its best to go for the lowest denominator, especially since a bluray drive can still read dvds anyway.

9 years ago

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I got mine more than 2 years ago, it was a 3 year old clearance model (so now over 5 years old), still came with a blu ray drive. I figured they would be more common after all this time, at least in systems that still have drives for physical media.

9 years ago

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For the giggles, I checked the "Top of the Line" computers at the local Best Buy. Only one had a Bluray drive.

9 years ago

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I have a Bluray drive, but it isn't really that standard in PCs yet. Makes sense to go DVD still.

9 years ago

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Why is physical media for PC still a thing? It can't be cost effective.

9 years ago

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Because not all people live in places where high speed uncapped internet is available.

9 years ago

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  1. not everyone has a high-speed Internet connection
  2. not everyone has an unlimited data cap
  3. when Steam fucks up, you can go get a refund. With digital, you're Shit Out o Luck
  4. boxes are sexy
  5. it activates on Steam anyway and retail will most likely be cheaper (especially all regions that aren't North America or Britain, in my country retail edition is around 30€, instead of 60)
9 years ago

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All of this.

In my country, even special physical editions usually are cheaper than digital ._.

9 years ago

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I've read somewhere that the retail copies don't activate on steam, they're RGSC only

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Just because they can afford it, doesnt mean its cost EFFECTIVE. Although, its more profitable for them this way, since it costs about a buck each for them to print out these copies and they get to keep an extra 10% per purchase compared to selling through steam.

9 years ago

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nowadays it may be true for collectors editions, special editions etc. but a lot of game collectors switched to digital and there's nothing wrong with it. I mean I have almost 1800 games myself on Steam alone Not to mention on other platforms like GOG, UPlay, Origin, my old DRM free discs, console discs, cardridges etc. I'd say estimated 2500+ games. It would take crazy amount of space to have boxes for them all. For comparison - I also collect movies - own ~2000 DVDs/BR's - and they take 3 bookstands alone - and game boxes are quite often biger than DVD boxes, and always bigger than BR boxes. I also collect books - and I had to move most of my books to boxes placed in basement, yet still have 4 additional bookstands full of books all placed in two rows. If I were to have physical copy of every of my book/movie/game I'd need like 20 bookstands just to store them all - very few ppl can afford a house big enough just to store this stuff.

So yeah - I don't think that nowadays with all digital media avaiable it makes one any less collector if he decides to collect digital copies.

9 years ago

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DVD are cheap as hell to produce on,so really it cost them more but not that much

Blu-ray cost more then DVD

As far as cost effect,why do they need to be,people pay the same and sometimes more for Digital,your making up the difference for those who do buy retail.

So thanks for still making DVD cost effective for those who buy digital.

9 years ago

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Pfff, whatever. I had a game on about 20 floppies.

9 years ago

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You're old school mate!

9 years ago

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Those are some really big floppies. Normal are only 1.44 MB.
For 65 GB it would be 46222 floppy disks.

EDIT: Oh, I read it wrong. Just skip the first sentence.

9 years ago*

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An LS-240 3.5" floppy could hold up to 240MB. The compressed pre-load from steam is 59GB. So you would only need about 246 floppies.

9 years ago

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but you need this -
New pc dont have this kind of power :D

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9 years ago

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If only that sucker had a DAT slot, it would be full-on rubber underwear time...

9 years ago

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USB 2.0!? No way! XD

9 years ago

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High speed :D

9 years ago

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Well, not this game :-) Though now I kinda want to see that: GTA V on floppies. Just stack them as high as you can.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I read it wrong.
I also would like to know how big would be a tower like this, but I can't find the height of an average floppy disk.

9 years ago

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Well to be fair he never specifically stated it was GTAV. He could have pong on a floppy, since it is "a game" :P

I love arguing about stuff like this.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Steam version has 59 GB Pre-Load

9 years ago

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It's most likely due to compression so that you don't have to download the whole thing, uncompressed size should be about 65GB, that's at least according to the game requirements.

9 years ago

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Or it's 6gb day1 patch :P

9 years ago

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Disks? what is disk?

9 years ago

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its a round flat thing with a hole in it, and you put it on a device and tells you that it has to download tons of patches.

am i right console users? =P

9 years ago

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Nope, you are wrong.

A disk is a floppy disk, a square shaped object that goes in a drive in your PC to slowly read data.

Discs are round, updates are entirely dependent on the game itself, just like on PC.

9 years ago

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and your profile pic more relevant

9 years ago

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I own all GTA titles both digital and disc.
I wanted to have the disc and map in my hand, but I also didn't want the hassle of swapping discs to play.
For GTA4 I only had to swap 2 discs and based on OP, I think 5 will annoy me a lot.... so I will most probably end up buying the digital version too :D

9 years ago

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You needed to swap discs? I would imagine that it would require disc one to pass a disc check, and then the other discs just replace the need for a digital install. Its one thing to require disc changes on a console, a complete differnt story on a PC where you install 100% of the game's files.

9 years ago

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Unless you mean consoles you should not need to swap disc anymore,unless it is one that does not redeem a digital key or uses older DRM

Any game that has released in the last few years in most cases will need Steam,Uplay,Origin,or so on to play and will only need the dvd for install after that you will not to use it,unless you need to install the game again.

GTA IV for the pc does not need to swap 2 disc,only during install it swapped Dvd 2 for Dvd 1 so it could do its checks,after that you did not need the dvd in the drive.

You key is what gave you access to the game.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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with today's half cooked games patches are inevitable. and some of them are HUGE.
so what the fuck are we still doing with DVDs .

also 2015 release on PC with +50GB game that will need high end PC and it ends on DVD!!! not even BR?!!

9 years ago

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so when they have a 15GB day 1 patch you only have to download 15GB instead of 80GB

9 years ago

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if you preload it maybe, and then what? next month update will put the game into unplayable state for whatever you have to wait for (i have shitty internet)

9 years ago*

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Tons more people have dvd compared to bluray drives. It would be an insanely huge blunder to ship these on bluray discs when most of your consumers dont have a drive to run it. I suppose they could market a special addition on bluray discs, but that wouldnt be cost effective.

9 years ago

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i didnt have any optical drive or anyother kind for that matter, for at least the last 5 years. but when i had the need for one i looked for options (buy used or borrow from friends).
and back in the ealy CD drive days you had to upgrade for a better one just because your new CD needed a faster one, then came the DVD. and now its BR i think. its normal for technology to run absolute after the new one becomes the standard .

and more to the point, if you can run GTA5 then you must have/can afford BR drive. it can be a minimal requirement maybe.
but 7 DVDs to manage is a pain the ass, even for the 1st time install only. i would rather sit for a week waiting for the game to download

9 years ago*

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No. Just no. I have an FX-6300, 8gb of RAM, and a Zotac GTX 970. Guess what? I love my DVD drive, and I'm using a 720p monitor. Yes, call me a blasphemer, but in some countries, you don't have the money to buy new hardware everyday, so most people tend to buy one or two pieces at a time. Also, note the difference between absolute and obsolete.

9 years ago

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(TIL) it felt wrong writing it but i didnt know any better, so thanks.
970gtx @ 720p? you like AA i guess!
anyway,i dont know why everyone took it as im a big spender, in most countries the average man lives paycheck to paycheck. and im just saying its time to upgrade if you still want the hard-copy :D

9 years ago

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First, I din't build my PC just for gaming, but for rendering some stuff too, so the screen wasn't one of my concerns. And I'm not saying that you are a big spender, but take in mind that averages are just that: averages. If you have 2 apples, and I have 0, the average is 1. Companies think about this kind of things before releasing a new product.

9 years ago

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Why would someone that rarly uses optical media spring for a BR drive? None sense. But ya know what? You can redeem the cd code and digitally download the game ANYWAY. WIN WIN.

9 years ago

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im just saying its time to upgrade, looking for things to come most games will need more than 2-3 games. and the single disk box will look better in a collection.
for me im sticking to the digital distributions. and the steam sale :D

9 years ago

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You would waste a week of idle pc time and electric then swap a couple disc,damn you must be special and above the rest of use bums.

Not everyone has access to fast internet and internet without caps,did you ever think outside your box for moment ??

Some people can afford a shit ton of games and the best internet out there,but if you do not have access to great internet having money is not going to some how make great internet appear

I will not buy a blu-ray drive to install one game how is that cost effective? Spend another say 20 bucks on top of what the game cost just to install t he game and more likely never use it again?

Pressing it on DVD is cheaper then blu-ray as single layer can only hold 50GB so they either need another disc or spend more on a DL

9 years ago

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who keep the PC idle to download?
fast internet wont need a week for 50GB :D.
data caps is yours to manage, i make sure i eat it all in my last week.
if you got money fast internet is not a problem :D
blu-ray is not made for this game only, and its an upgrade
i dont think 7 DVDs are cheaper, but i never seen a BL so i would not know.

and if you wanna talk cost, gas and manpower (your time) to pick the copy VS letting it be on a system running 50% of the day

9 years ago

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You can have money but not every place has access to good internet regardless why do you not get that? Are you in a bubble? i have money but i have shit net because that all i have.

Not everybody lives in a smog filled elbows to asshole city,some of us are rural.

Manage a cap,easy to say but what if it is only 50gig?

how do you mange that in one month??

Bottom line is i do not have a bluray i have no need for it,hell i barely use the dvd player why would i waste money on something i would never use outside of maybe installed a game or two every so often?

If you can afford Bluray what the fuck does it matter if it is on DVD? would you not just download it anyhow??Since if can afford Bluray you surely can afford better internet.

Still not sure how having money still makes fast uncapped internet just pop up but i guess it does in your world,some people only have access to download speeds of like 512kbs with unlimited cap some have better speed but like 30gig cap and have to pay out the ass for more.Some people only have ONE choice.Some people have unlimited cheap internet with no caps.

That is how the world works not everyone has the same access to stuff,and i do not know to many people who think,hey i can afford better internet but i am going to get the shittiest one i can find.

Either way,it does not change the fact just because you think everyone should buy a bluray just to make your life easier because you think money and buying stuff fixes all the worlds problems.Since if can afford Bluray you surely can afford better internet,so would you not download it anyhow?

And i was not implying leave it on 24/7 for a week,i meant a weeks worth a time wasted and whatever electric you would use during that week.

Anyhow can i join your little bubble seems like a magical place where everyone has high speed internet with decent caps and bluray players.

9 years ago

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what with the personal attack here buddy?
if you think out side the box, and money has no limit, you will find a way. i cant give you a solutions because i dont know about your specific scenario. but if your cap is the problem, buy another line to switch to when the cap is reached on the 1st. if its speed you want get 3-4 connections and add them up or split the files across. not sure about the details because i dont have the money to test it :D

the thing is, i just think the game should be released as a blue-ray media (its has been the standard format in drives for over 5 years), it would fit the whole NEXT-GEN/latest technology thing and looks nice in a collection, regardless of my actions. so excuse me for speaking my mind.

one last note before i go back to my bubble, how would you reacted if it was 8GB minimum or windows 8 only kind of requirement, regardless of how doable it is for now. they could ask for the latest product to run with the game, and if it has its fair share of the market or has been the expected standard for some time. they can force you into it or just stand and watch from afar. and the PS4/Xbone will be in blue ray ;)

9 years ago

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Advanced Warfare is 6 DVDs. It really does remind me of disk 1-5 floppy style.

9 years ago

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Really? Didn't even know that!

9 years ago

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Yep. :)

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This just makes me more curious. I am currently pre-loading GTA V on Steam but I've read that it will be locked until the release date. Does owning physical copy give you an advantage to actually play the game as soon as you install it even before the release date?

9 years ago

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It it's a Steamworks game, the only advantage is the initial installation will be done from the disk instead of downloading 60 Gb of data from your Internet connection. (faster and more cost effective for someone with slow/capped Internet) You won't be able to play it any sooner and patches will still be downloaded from Steam.

9 years ago

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I always thought those physical copies don't support Steam, rather Rockstar Social Club. Man if I knew they can be activated on Steam, I would most likely stand up and go buy a physical copy too lol

9 years ago

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Physical copys do use rockstar club and are still locked till release. Rockstar released a notice that they will be sending out emails for preloads and such.

9 years ago

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Probably not. GTA IV had a "release date check" DRMm this one probably does too.

9 years ago

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I seem to recall Baulder's Gate coming on 5 discs with a 6th disc for Tales of the Sword Coast... Although that was CD's rather than DVDs...

9 years ago

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But those are nice.
....of course the digital distribution of physical disc would be a solution to. burn+print...or even a future fancy 3d-printer that does not burn, but print is the dvds :-)

9 years ago*

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 used 5.

9 years ago

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It did? How big was it? Or If this was sarcasm then I just humiliated myself...

9 years ago

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I think like 5 gigs. But i own a physical copy. It is 5 discs.

9 years ago

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it was 4 cds and one play disc

9 years ago

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well.. if it has 7 discs... and you have a bandwidth cap.. its almost worth it to get the physical version. Think of all that bandwidth you would save.

9 years ago

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untill you have to update it in the 1st day, then something a week later.

9 years ago

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I never buy physicla copies but i would really love, having a big collection on a library wouls be awesome

9 years ago

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ohhh I love physical disks, if I'll ever buy gtaV I'll go for a boxed copy :3

9 years ago

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I have low speed internet, so yea, digital version i guess. Still, can't afford it yet :P

9 years ago

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lol, this brings memories back
4 CDs for wing commander 3
6 CDs for wing commander 4

9 years ago

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12 floppies wing commander 1
( and i guess more than 40 os/2...but thats another story a bit later :P )

9 years ago

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if i recall correctly, wc1 was only 3 floppies (amiga version)
wc2 idk, but i guess, with secret ops it could be 12 floppies...

9 years ago

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pfff....the amiga port.......the original release was on pc. there was a 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 version and i had the first version with i guess 12 at least 10 disc

9 years ago

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oh, how could i forget about the 5 1/4 floppies, lol

9 years ago

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8 CDs for Black Dahlia...

9 years ago

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Oregon Trail was on one 1.38MB floppy disk.

9 years ago

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60GB? That's a joke compared to Star Citizen's +100GB.

I miss the times of having tons of game CDs.

9 years ago

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me to ;_;

9 years ago

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They should just start selling games on USB drives. While much of the gaming base dont have a bluray or even many dont have any optical drive, 99% have at least 1 USB port. Plus, slap a nifty logo or art on it and the damn things will be collectable to boot!

9 years ago

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Gta V Comes with 7 DVD's thats correct.

9 years ago

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Increase in texture resolution and uncompressed audio will do that for you. CoD: Advanced Warfare also comes on 6 or so disks, for pretty much the same reasons.
Yes folks, that's next-gen for you - everything looks and sounds better, but it does come at a cost.

9 years ago

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steam master race

9 years ago

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It would be so hard to put it on BLU RAY. DVD should be dead, but movie and gaming industry keep dragin' it on.

9 years ago

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While I agree on that, not everyone has one and few stores are selling PCs and/or laptops with BR drives by default, so this is imho a good move for these people and capped/slow connection users as well.

9 years ago

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Bluray is dead on the p that is why mot people have no use for it so they do not buy it.

And if it was not for DVD recorders DVD would have struggled to adopt the pc at the rate it did as at the time most people bought them to backup files and what not.

But most people do digital now also and bluray movies come with digital copies so even less of a reason to have one in the pc,the the other reason is the drives are still more then most are willing to spend.

DVD are still not that bad,it will become more of an issue when games reach 100+GB on average.

At this point there is no price effective way to do it other then bluray which most people do not own,most people i know do not even have a DVD drive

I wish everyone had access to fast internet with at least decent caps or unlmited.

I would be thrilled if i had even 150gig cap

9 years ago

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im just replying to this because its a more reasonable argument and has a calm tone to it :D
personally i dont know anyone with a blu-ray drive in the PC, and i think its because of how long the price for DVDs been low that it was even used as backup media. and the Huge sizes of the consumer HDD dropping to its lowest $/GB. making the blue-ray an overpriced technology
also if the average game reaches +100GB i think blue-ray would need to hold 100GB or we would be looking foe a successor.
but my personal problem would be how hard it would be to get a PC game from the local market, and if it does arrive to my market it would be at least weeks after release. life in the land of console peasants

9 years ago

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Yeah here i think Game Stop would be one few places to still get pc games,though not off the shelve most cases i think you would need to order it,though they use to stock big new releases only.

Amazon would be where i could get retail games then i could get it right to my door on release day if i used 2 day shipping.

Blu-ray XL would work but i am not sure at what cost as that is 100GB and you have to have a drive that supports XL.Though more people might get bluray if games get that big and become the norm which for now i think most games will still be around 30-50gigs.

All i was trying to touch on earlier was at this point bluray is not an option since most people do not own a drive let a lone bluray.

I do think as games get bigger it will be a thing unless internet takes big steps in lifting caps and boosting speed to those who need it.

I also understand why you would want bluray but at this point most do not have access to it so it would be a dumb move to force bluray,and some people can afford to game and play games but might not always be able to afford upgrades out of the blue.

The ones that can afford to upgrade on demand and use bluray in most cases are usually the ones that have access to decent net or maybe afford to spend a little more if they go over the cap.

In the end cost of doing anything other then bluray i think will be too much at this point unless they maybe have an option for extra cost to put it on a flash drive and people are willing to spend the extra for it. A

64GB USB at retail in the U.S run abut 18-20 bucks. so maybe if they bought enough they could do it without raising the cost or not raising it much anyhow?

Either way i would like bluray even know i would have buy another drive,was going to buy one some time back for backups till i found out that at that time and current sate of bluray blank media was bleak as a lot est showed thy did not last that long and the ones that did cost 2 or 3 times the cheaper stuff which meant 25GB 25 pack went from about 30 bucks to 75-100 for ones that last longer,though by now it could be better So i just got a bigger hard drive instead

And sometimes i get a little to involved in a debate,i try not to but it just in my DNA

9 years ago*

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