Sacred 2 and Dungeon Siege III come to mind. Unfortunately, there's only so many couch co-op games. As for platformers, there's always the 'Splosion Man games.
Also, here's a great site when you're looking for co-op games:
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Eh, I wasn't impressed with either Sacred 2 or Dungeon Siege III, especially the console ports (though I was a huge fan of both of the original games (DS1 and Sacred: Gold) so perhaps I just wanted it to be the same. I think if you want to go for that genre you'd have to go for Diablo, though I've never played it.
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Diablo 1 & 2 were both fun back in the day, but neither is on 360. DSIII was alright and I mostly played it simply because its one of the few co-op games. My brother and I like playing co-op online, but options are pretty slim for good co-op.
Sacred 2 is really about finding the right builds. Its been a while since I've played it on 360, but a couple of the classes are rather dull while some are a lot of fun. I do remember that the Inquistor (which I played) becomes a brutal killing machine and is a lot of fun, and the robot Anubis-looking character is a lot of fun.
I'm not sure if its your cup of tea, but Dynasty Warriors have some measure of co-op in their games. There's always the LEGO games, too.
And for an old suggestion, I'd say Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2. I had a terrific time playing both of those games co-op, and both of you could be whichever characters you fancy.
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Dynasty Warriors seems like something that I would like, but I'm sure she's not gonna like. Even though I'm too intrigued to pass on it, so I'll probably be getting it even if just for me. Do you recommend 8 or 7, or is it better to play both of them or get familiar with anything else first?
But Marvel Ultimate Alliance, it's gonna be great, she likes the Marvel universe and looking forward to playing it. Thank you.
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I've only played 7, but its the first time in several versions that they really improved the series. I've heard 8 is good as well, but it doesn't sound like they improved it from 7->8 as much as 6->7. Plus, 7 is surely cheaper than 8 by now.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance can probably be found for just a couple of bucks. If you can, try and get the Gold version. It comes with a few exclusive characters, but even the normal version is a shitload of fun. Especially if you're a dork. The 2nd one has more polish (its about the Marvel Civil War), but its shorter and doesn't have any many characters. Still, its a lot of co-op goodness!
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Then I guess I'll start with 7 and the first Marvel.
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I already have Sacred 2 on Steam, but I've never played any Dungeon Siege game, seems interesting though. I'll definitely check it out, if not for the co op even just for myself, thank you!
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I've won Battleblock Theater here on this site and am playing it on steam so I'm probably not gonna get it for xbox, but Castle Crashers look like something that we would enjoy. Didn't even think that I could use them. Awesome, thank you.
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Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends, Battleblock Theather, Castle Crashers, Cloudberry Kingdom, SpongeBob games (lol), Fable III (local coop only on Xbox, Fable Trilogy currently on sale!), Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition (splitscreen), Worms 2: Armageddon (more like versus game, than coop), Lara Croft and the Guardian of the Light
Plants vs. Zombies on Xbox have versus mode and currently free for gold members!
It's from what I personally have...
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I've added Rayman games on the list. Cloudberry Kingdom looks like something she would love and I'm gonna love Fable III (on sale where?). I'm probably not gonna pick up Minecraft, just because it's not that appealing, but still thank you for all the recommendations.
I've loved Worms 2: Armageddon with my friends, all of the Worms are one of the best franchise for co op.
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Fable Trilogy (store itself doesn't show discounts for Xbox 360 games, but it's on sale right now with 67% off for silver and 75% for gold users)
Also, if you're new to Xbox, bookmark this site: MajorNelson and\or follow him on Twitter. He's working on Xbox Team and will tell you about Games with Gold, Sales, Xbox news and more...
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If your girlfriend enjoyed the occasional shooter, I'd recommend the Gears of War and Halo series. Both are great when played co-op. I didn't play much RPGs and platformers nowadays so I can't really recommend anything that suits your taste. Anyway, thanks for the giveaways and have a bump ^^
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YES, this too! How can I forget about this? The series is a load of fun. Highly recommended!
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Does storyline in Gears of War continue through out the first, second and the third game? So that I know iif it's better to start with the first one or I can just skip to the third?
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Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)
Good and inspirational story, great characters, little challenges on the way, perfect play with a gf. One controls the fox and another the girl.
edit: I checked is not available on Xbox 360 sadly, only on new gen consoles and PC.
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She likes them more than I do. I'll maybe get it for co op and for her if she's gonna want to. Thank you!
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I remember people saying the Tales of games were fun pass the controller style, and I'm a huge fan of Eternal Sonata (mixed reviews, pass the controller style also) for RPGs on 360. I'm pretty bad at platformers, so I'm afraid I'm not much help there since I have only hate in my heart for them.
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I agree, already have some of them so I'll probably wait a bit before getting more, but thank you!
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Favorites for my boyfriend and I have been Borderlands (1&2) and Dead Island. I like that you play together co-op on these and not against one another. Two Worlds 2 was another (we only played on Steam and it was a bit buggy, not sure how it is on a console, but it was still fun). There's also Firefall, free to play on Steam. I think it's available for 360 - not sure about the free to play.) But this is another one we've spent a lot of time on. It's a mmorpg, but compared to other mmorpg's I've played the community/other players are super nice and easy going. I like that I am able to be a female character in all of these, (not that I won't play guy characters ... but hey it's only fair to have both /cough /cough GTA franchise.)
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Just bought Borderlands in the last HB, and am looking for Dead Island on xbox. Thank you for your input, I like that together co-op better too, even though an occasional versus match doesn't hurt. I'll check the Firefall on steam.
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I have no idea, but since I entered the giveaways have a bump :D
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I have never had a Xbox but I wish I could get it just to play Fable 3 in coop with a Friend or my sister. I've heard it's very good!
I have had a good, funny time playing The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon on PS2 with my sister. It had coop story mode and we both loved it. From what I've checked it looks like Xbox also has this game. I know it's a little bit old now but who doesn't love Spyro?:P
Also, thanks for the giveaways! :)
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I had a ps2 before but never came across Spyro, don't know why. It's an excellent recommendation, thank you!
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I'm pretty sure Scott Pilgrim is no longer available
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Mindjack. It was an absolute shitter of a game but it was great fun in c0-op
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That's quite the list, you've been very helpful, thank you a lot.
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I don't know how good at gaming your GF is, but my wife has difficulty even using a two stick controller. (She's just played hundreds and hundreds of hours less games than me...) This has made finding fun co-op games difficult; anything really 3D is pretty much ruled out, as is anything that hangs on very fine control. But here are a few things we've had some success with:
Dialbo III - This is the big one. We've played this together a ton. It's forgiving of small mistakes in movement, built for same-couch coop, and lots of fun.
Monaco: What's Yours is Mine - This requires actual coordinated planning as you play, but is still only a 2D game. We found it a fun team effort until it got too hard at least.
Puzzle Fighter - I got this on sale a while back. It isn't co-op, it's head-to-head, but it seems to nullify most of my advantage both with controllers and with fighting games, leaving us on about an equal footing. We've played a bunch.
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It's true, she's actually really good at platforming and I think Monaco would suit her and we've played some LEGO games together.
But she's willing to try shooters too, so I'm hoping she's gonna like them, otherwise I'll save them for friends. ty!
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As someone who played a lot of coop with a friend back in the day I think I can help you out. B)
Gears Of War Series
Army Of Two
Okay, nevermind, that's it. :D
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A lot of people recommended them and I'm getting them even if just because they are xbox exclusives. Looking forward to playing them.
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It's because they are almost made for coop. I had great fun playing them with a friend, ah, good times.
Also I don't know if it's available in the 360 makret place but another game that comes to mind which was an awesome coop game is Obscure. I think I played it on the PS2 back then, but when it's on Steam the chances might be good that it's available for the 360 as well.
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Probably got all the recommendations I needed, so I'm just bumping the thread if anyone else wants to join the giveaway.
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I know there are already some topics about xbox 360 games but couldn't find one that I could use. Just got an xbox 360 recently and I've been trying to find games that I could play offline with my girlfriend on a couch. I think that we would prefer something with a rpg or better yet platformer feel to it. If the campaign would be in co op mode would be perfect. But nevertheless, any suggestion of any genre would be greatly appreciated.
Also, a little something, not much, just some bundle leftovers.
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