i cant find it lol its more hard then playing portal xD
i only found the giveaways that ended 2 months ago lol
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I'd actually started this before SGTools became a thing, but you're right. Before I didn't really have much of a reason to worry about how to fix this (being the hard one to fix) other than people blacklisting (as seen in the other thread).
It's just a culmination of what's been happening for the past few months. I can see why people want to move towards it, and I'm not complaining that it shouldn't be done, I'm just trying to have my record reflect the majority of my time on SG instead of mistakes made before I fully understood the site (as said above, not an excuse for my actions, just want to fix it).
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SGtools acts as a barrier - you can set min and max CV, realCV, or - no multiple wins / non activated games.
Non-activation is easy to fix (just get the game) but people did nothing with their past multiple wins, as it's complicated to fix, and didn't really mean much. But now as it can limit entries, people try to fix it - just as OP said, old, inactive users can be hard to reach.
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There is a new tool that checks the users profile for rule breaking beforw providing the link to the giveaway. It has gotten quite popular lately, especially since we are no longer allowed to have special rules.
You can find more by search for the tool in the forums.
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Even if they didn't and that's the reason, it's still a good thing. People are cleaning their profile and undoing their past infractions; giveaway creators can better control the type of users of win their giveaways, and Support will (eventually) deal with fewer and fewer repeat reports of infractions. It's all good. A reason for celebration, not cynicism.
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i was checking their profiles they didn't sign in steamgifts for too long now lol
i think they are dead? =O maybe they died? really.. :O
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Split on this. On the one hand, I'm against continously punishing those who already served their suspension and kudos for trying to make things right. On the other hand, peeps are allowed to do what they like with their hard earned cash and should be allowed to restrict who wins their games as much as they like.
Best of luck to you.
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Think the same. This part of the SGTools rule is a very binary rule. It is impossible to distinguish between users that just don't care and repeat this behavior and those who made a mistake or changed their ways.
One of my happiest experiences with sites like this was when a user who had created a fake GA contacted me almost a year after it was over to apologize and send me a gift copy for that game even though I had gotten it some other way by then.
OP: If you are bringing that happy feeling to even one of the users you are contacting or who will win the reroll, all your effort is worth it :)
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me too lol i think its on the thread page somewhere in the old comments but im not going to waste time finding there xD
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let me explain why rerolling old ga is a pain and some people will avoid them.
i had to deal with a reroll for a 9-month old ga 3 weeks ago.
took me 6 tries, had to contact 3 users which didn't bother to reply back, and finally the last one accepted a few hours ago without even leaving a thank-you or confirmation that he activated the game. right now i don't even care if he activated or regifted it, i'm glad i don't have it anymore
so, for a mistake that it wasn't my fault, i had to deal with crap for 3 weeks, all because someone broke the rules. :|
rerolls are a headache for the creator, i understand why some users would deny it...
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I know. I helped a friend of mine to correct his previous mistakes (not because sgtools or any other blah blah blah here but because now he understand sg rules - most brazilians don't know english and most don't give a shit beyond get free steam keys). thank god I found some damn good gifters that didn't even asked to return the gift (all games was only few cents). one of them send another congratulating him for his effords. if this happens with me, I'll not see as a pain because I did helped him. this kinda make me understand the helpless otherside of this situation...
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I can't really think of anything that can fix those problems, at least not as far as SG tools goes.
In any case, I think your effort is really valuable :)
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Good luck with your little project. Even if you can't get rid of the multiple wins, I'll be more than happy to remove you from my blacklist as soon as you complete the other task, and I'm sure most people would do the same :-)
As for multiple wins in general, because they can be very difficult to get rid of and because the issue is so poorly documented I no longer check them in my sgtools-filtered giveaways. I leave it to myself to check winners for this infraction and probably won't ask for a reroll unless the situation is really bad.
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Unfortunately not - when I fixed my multiple wins last month, two people were downright impossible to contact and one even blocked me on Steam and ignored direct emails. Even then, support said that the only option was to wait for a SG admin, who are permanently overloaded with other site business. In the end, by pure luck, I was able to contact the most recent GA creators and thus bypass the problem.
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Hey everyone, to get to the meat of the topic, skip down to the **
I've been on SG for over 2 years. When I started out, I was completely oblivious to the rules and, because of it, regifted wins and entered into multiple of the same giveaways after a win. Because of the way support has always been overburdened I was not notified until I had commited several offenses.
Not knowing the rules does not excuse me for what I did, and I accept that. Since coming back from an exstensive ban (over a year ago) I have tried to give as much into SG as I can. I have been able to acheive CV level 5 and plan on continuing to give.
Graduating soon, so a real job might let me buy more bundles/games for people :)
This thread explains my position on the hate that seemed to be rampant a while ago towards anyone with any kind of violation of the rules and for the past 2 months I've seen a lot more of it.
The reason I am writing this is because I have been trying to clean up my record. I've been able to clean most of it, but the biggest problem is my multiple wins. I have tried to contact the GA creators, but many have not been active on SG for several months (up to a year) and contacting them through Steam has not worked either.
As far as I know, the only way to remove those is to contact the original creator, have them contact support, and have the GA either deleted or have them request a new winner. I have offered to send a new copy of the game to the new winner to the one original creator I have gotten in contact with, but most have not accepted my friend request.
Do you have any suggestions on how I could go about fixing this? Any help would be great!
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