Following the tradition of this and this, I decided to do something fun like that again, except this time I made some changes.
Now instead of a postcard, one lucky winner will go home with this super generic black coffee mug.

As seen here: super lame boring coffee mug

But how generic it is exactly? Well, pretty generic if you're gonna use it for cold beverage, however things get far more interesting once you add some coffee to the formula or hot chocolate or just me standing next to it - so pretty much anything that's considered hot.

And now: ultra cool white custom SG logo coffee mug

That's right, you are now a proud owner of one-of-a-kind, custom made, non generic Steamgifts coffee mug. Except you have to win it first.
The rules are simple, just leave any coherent comment in this thread, could be a simple "thanks" or "count me in" or you could tell me a story about that time you met a cute foreign girl on Barcelona beach called Iris and you had a really wonderful time together and she gave you a phone number before leaving but then you went for one last swim and completely forgot about that number in back of your swim shorts and the water washed away the ink so the number was lost for good. It's been 10 years since then, every now and then before bedtime you think about her, asking yourself if she was the one. Maybe, just maybe things would be different if you left that number on a towel or somewhere before heading out to the waters. But now you will never yeah, as I said, a simple "thanks" or anything else should suffice.

Few things to point out though:

  • Do not enter if you are not ok with providing me your REAL LIFE address if you win cause that's the only way I can send you the mug. You are still free to comment just be sure to point out in bold letters somewhere that you are not entering.
  • Obviously, I will pay for the shipping and all expenses, you will only need to pick it up once it arrives at your doorstep. Everyone in the whole world are eligible to enter (yes even you Trinidad & Tobago) so no worries there.
  • Aside from the mug you will also receive a very rare, two-of-a-kind xarabas autograph. I say two of a kind cause there is already one on eBay going for a ridiculously high price, as seen in this completely legit picture here
  • And lastly, aside from the coffee mug and my autograph, you will also receive a random wishlist game from me once the mug arrives. To be eligible for that, yo must not add any item to your wishlist starting today, only the games before July 30 will count. Or you could, but I won't take those in count anyway.

The giveaway will remain open till Sunday next week (August 8) and it is starting riiiiiiiiiiiight about..... NOW!

EDIT 1: Since few people asked me about this, yes it is a thermal mug that changes color with temperature - black/cold > white/hot. These are not two pictures of different mugs (as some actually assumed so).

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9 years ago*

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Thanks for mugging us, xarabas!

9 years ago

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I'm in. One can never have enough mugs.

9 years ago

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bold entry
i have few of those cups, ive won them on orienteering competitions
can show pics if some1 is interested to see different then Xar provided

9 years ago

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not entering, just felt like I had to:

View attached image.
9 years ago

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That is fucking awesome! Muggy is such an odd, yet funny little character. And this suits him just fine!

9 years ago

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thanks for the chance

9 years ago

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Oh boy, I can't wait to add an exclusive mug to my mug collection! :OOOOOOO

9 years ago

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count me in

9 years ago

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I want to enter but I'm afraid that isis might just come by and steal it.

9 years ago

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Thanks for making this "bizzare" giveaway 'd

9 years ago

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lol i was looking this thinking it the coolest thing and i must buy, but then i dont ever drink hot drinks so it would jst be a black mug. great work though

9 years ago

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usually i don`t give my adress to anybody on internet .... but this will be an exception

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Oooh, I recall someone mentioning one of your previous topics like this (I wasn't exactly aware of steamgifts' existence at that point). Despite not meeting a cute girl in Barcelona, you can count me in :>

9 years ago

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Bought my girlfriend this last week and now I'm jealous whenever I see her use it. I'll show her!

9 years ago

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well, count me in then :D:

9 years ago

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I'm very much in, because I like coffee and Steamgifts.

9 years ago

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I could tell you about that time I met a cute foreign girl on Barcelona beach called Iris and i had a really wonderful time together and she gave me a phone number before leaving but then I went for one last swim and completely forgot about that number in back of my swim shorts and the water washed away the ink so the number was lost for good. It's been 10 years since then, every now and then before bedtime I think about her, asking myself if she was the one. Maybe, just maybe things would be different if I left that number on a towel or somewhere before heading out to the waters. But now I will never know.

9 years ago

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I am in, coffee and Steamgifts are how i spend every morning anyway.

9 years ago

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Count me in :)

9 years ago

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Best idea ever, here's my generic entry :)

9 years ago

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Wow, that story was a bit sad to read :o

Count me in, Mug looks awesome :D

9 years ago

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It is the mug's destiny to come to Australia!
I volunteer as tribute.

9 years ago

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Sure, why not?

9 years ago

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"you add some coffee to the formula or hot chocolate or just me standing next to it - so pretty much anything that's considered hot." . Look at Xarabas with dubious eye, ..... yes hot indeed

9 years ago

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This is amazing. Haha

Entering. ^^

9 years ago

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Omg, a thermal mug, with steamgifts logo! Of course I'm in! Thank you for the chance!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by xarabas.