Just a half an hour ago completed trine 2 with friend. Awesome game to play in co-op. He suggested me to buy Lara Croft too, will do it on christmas sale!
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have played bl2, forgot to mention that. dead island epi felt too bland to me
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+1 for Red River, Dragon Rising is good too, but enemies in DR are bullet sponges on highest difficulty (3 friggin headshots to kill a guy with a sniper rifle?!?)
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Iwould recommend:
Borderlands 1&2 because it was clearly made for coop,
Lost Planet 2 because it is pretty damn fun with friends if You can to endure the pain in the ass that GfWL is,
Magicka because it keeps you playing it in a good old-fashioned love-hate relationship,
Trine because it is beautiful and really makes You work together,
Saints Row 2 because it is crazy-ass GTA with a solid coop,
Gears of War because guns-with-friggin-chainsaws,
Splinter Cell 3 Chaos Theory because there is so much possibilities for a derpy moments that I would say that EVERYONE should play this game at least once with the best friend,
Terraria because You can drownn your friends in lava and just be a dick to each other or be a Super-Special-Awesome mining, monster slaying, loot grabbing cooperative.basically it is like playing with Legos :D
I hope it will help You ^_^
Also be sure to check www.co-optimus.com
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I'm surprised that nobody even mentioned one of the best coop games released this year: Battleblock Theater. Also, I would definetly recommend you Lego Star Wars 2(or complete saga) and Lego Indiana Jones 2. Althought many people dislike Lego Indiana Jones 2 because of some drastic changes in formula, I found it very fun. Even though the levels are a bit short, hub worlds are very fun, and overall, coop experience was great.
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Quite funny when you hear the veterans calling out the retarded new "recruits" lol. Mainly cause everything they say is true. A lot of the people who run around thinking their Rambo tend to get themselves and a lot of the squad killed.
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Haha. I have less than 20 hours under my belt so far, and the players that I've teamed up with have been quite friendly and helpful, but you're right... it's definitely not the kind of shooter where you just run around with guns blazing ;)
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I'd rather play tactically (i.e. intelligently) rather than do what the majority of people do, which seems to stack up on one stairway and wonder why they all get taken out by one grenade/rpg! :p
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using the Sven Co-op mod! :D
Or Duke Nukem 3D.
Or Doom.
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How To Survive: Hack'n'slash with survival elements. Think DayZ meets Diablo II. Up to two players.
Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light (and its to-release sequel, The Temple of Osiris): another great hack'n'slash with the puzzles that made Tomb Raider so great. It's pretty much Tomb Raider in isometric view, and in COOP! Up to two players for the first one, four for the sequel. Demo available.
Renegade Ops: Drive and shoot in isometric view. Fantastic game with a good replay value if you enjoy driving and schmumps / sidescrollers. Isometric view, up to four players.
Tiny Brains: Simply put, it's Quantum Conundrum in coop with up to four players. A demo is also available.
Orcs Must Die 2: Tower defense game in TPS. One of the best coop games out there.
Those are a few examples, but there are still tons of great coops games. Games like Terraria, Shank (first one, sequel isn't worth playing at least in COOP), Saints Row, Van Helsing, Torchlight II or even the first Trine which has been updated in order to implement online COOP.
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My recommendations:
Alien Swarm: Great free title on steam. It's really fkn tough on the harder modes, but really great when you finally manage to beat a level.
Borderlands 1 & 2 including all DLC: I had a lot of fun playing these two games with a friend. The games aren't overly great or anything, but it is the perfect environment for coop. Tons and tons of enemies and loot.
Lara Croft & the guardian of light: Another really nifty little title. It's fairly cheap and will provide a good experience for some hours. It really relies on coop to getting things done, and you really have to be in the mindset. You can't just pull the weight on your own.
Torchlight 2: I poured around 200 hours into this one with a friend. It's just overall great in that it's not Diablo 3. I started playing it after I had gotten absolutely sick of Diablo 3 and the broken mess that it was in the endgame area when it released (this was before they actually fixed the game).
Diablo 3 with expansion: They actually managed to turn it into a fairly good experience which works really well with buddy.
Titan Quest with expansion: I love this game. It's just so great, and was sadly mostly forgotten about due to being overshadowed by Diablo 2. It still plays great in coop, and is a fantastic game if you're not into diablo, but like that style of game.
Grim Dawn: Ok, so I can't really say for sure since I haven't played it yet myself. I recently bought it, and it's the spiritual successor of Titan Quest (same devs but they just don't own the franchise), and from everything I've seen it's fantastic. It's still early access though.
I'd recommend some xbox titles, but I can't be sure you even have one, so there's no point.
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Battle Block Theater,Castle Crashers,Dungeon Defenders,How To Survive,7 Days To Die
some of those even have local CO-OP
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I havent tried this yet and it's still in Early Access but it looks like a lot of fun. Clandestine
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i have played heavily: l4d2, portal2, cod mw2, killing floor(great one imo) payday1
would love to see some other games
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