Selling them. We're talking about the Steam trading cards you get from games like TF2 and Faerie Solitaire.
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Yep, I spent all my remaining wallet money on buying up as many TF2 keys as I could. Spent an average of about €1.38 per key, and I'll resell them once the price has gone up to a point where it's stagnated (more or less). Current price on the market is €1.61, so should be back to normal soon :D
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Metro 2033 isnt worth anything lols. They gave out millions of copies for free.
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I'm a noob at this so excuse the question but how do you get valuable items on TF2? I'm f2p right now which means standard items only. But when I idle I only get non tradeable and non marketable items. Am I doing something wrong?
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So I can buy anything from the Mann co store and become upgraded to premium?
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Regardless of item (since the drops are random), watch the market like a hawk and buy low, sell high. That's the basic strategy. It can get more complex, but you'll have to be well invested in it to bother doing anything much more complicated. Also, it's not going to make you rich. A real job (at least in the USA), will pay more than your best community market strategies -- unless you become a dick and start using bots, which I'm pretty sure people are using on there. :(
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If you are talking about bots, that is not entirely true.
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Yeah I read that. Takes $10,000 worth of skimmed profits to get attention, and only one person so far known to be banned (IF we even assume he's telling the truth). Doesn't sound like much of a clampdown. They also still refuse to respond to a ([thread] asking them just to confirm that they're even looking in to things.
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Buy a key or two to start off and try buying things for cheap on the tf2 outpost, and then sell for a scrap or rec or 2 higher. Slowprocess but you'll get the hang of it.
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If you're old enough, Mcdonald's is always an option.
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You can only sell blood plasma I think. Never heard of someone selling blood.
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Remember to keep them separate though. Load of crap if you ask me...all this whinging and whining about how they need blood donors/semen donors but when you go in there with a week's worth of both in a gallon milk jug all of a sudden they're all uppity about it. WHICH IS IT?!
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I had a party with my closer friends for a celebration and got $120 :)
[EDIT] I also got a $10 gift card and an Assassin's Creed III T-Shirt.
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I would hope it was a birthday party or some other celebration. Then it makes sense to receive money and gifts.
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Well, I'm just stating how I got the $. It was a graduation party, not some elaborate scheme XD
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Nope. Just saying that's how I got $. It was my graduation party anyway :P
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sell plutonium to the mafia
or sell nuclear weapons to the taliban
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Mcdonalds. If you just want cash for gaming, it should suffice.
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Too late for the summer sale (and won't work directly for Steam), but Bing rewards in your alternate browser. If you remember it every day, it gets around $5/month for use on Amazon and takes about two minutes a day (middle-click the shit out of the "Related" searches). There's other things too, but I've only redeemed it towards Amazon gift cards so far (technically, "Tango" cards that transform into Amazon cards, since they're slightly fewer points to get).
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first you'll need some worn clothes from few days ago, then you will need to head to mcdonald and purchase one of those huge cup of drink for a dollar. next, either drink it or pour it out and wash the cup. now comes the hard part, you'll dress in those worn clothes and head to a crowded place with your cup. simply just stick it into people's face and hope they'll give you some changes. oh and don't forget to pray to the lord. do this until you reach the amount of your desire. this is a career, not a job. it's best to be done for a lifetime and not just a few weeks, so think wisely.
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Have a birthday close to the sale, sell console games..
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perform cunnilingus on a sugar mama
don't judge me, you would do the same!!
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Well this is a suggestion forum where you can give ideas as how to get money. I think for a while I will just be begging parents then maybe get a job (yard work). What are your ideas?
I am going to go to sleep and school. I will be back in about 18 hours :D
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