SteamGifts rules prevent listing any key that has any region restriction, because there's no way surefire way to make sure people who can't activate the key don't enter.
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That's probably one of the worst reasons. If someone wants to make his own rules he can make a private giveaway.
But since region-restricted games are not allowed to be given away I am not sure if mods allow a private giveaway rule stating that entrants have to be from specific countries.
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Here are the screenshoots :
EU no problem to activate : ROW key
and the same key in US : activation problem
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While most games with ROW would activate everywhere, there are games that have ROW , NA , AU all three being mutually exclusive, because of regional pricing and publishing rights.
Dead island I think is one of those examples.
Tomb raider 2013 on the other hand is labeled as ROW and can be activated both in the US and EU,and I think AU as well.
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You can always take a look at steamdb, an example: Dead island packages
Dead island ROW info and restrictions
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Very interesting!
I am not sure how to interpret it
It is written territory code « USA » AND AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries No AND in restricted country you can find US … US is not USA?
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ROW and WW are not region restricted. Only games, that have region restrictions like NA, RU etc, can have ROW or WW tag. Games that are region free will not have any tag on them.
For example if you see Sleeping Dogs with out any tag, it means that all steam gift copies of the game are activating worldwide. But if you see for example Bioshock ROW it means that there are also Bioshock RU, NA, etc.
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The name itself Rest of the World assumes that there is one part of the world where it won't work and another part where it will work. The big question is the proportions between these two parts and that's up to every individual game. Usually the world wide(or you can consider them as All the World) games don't have any tag at all.
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You can't actually say "this tag means that".
Basically names are just for convenience and only hint at possible restrictions like low-violence or region lock.
The best way to find it out for a specific key is to head over to steamdb or such, search for the package that fits the name the key activates as and check that one. Retail keys will have "Proof of Prepurchase Only" as billingtype.
Then for activation region locks you'll have PurchaseRestrictedCountries set - if AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries is set it's inclusive, else that list is exclusive. If onlyallowrunincountries is also set than it means there's also a run-time region lock, i.e. you cannot run the game outside of the countries listed in there. For an example of a region lock check for example Dead Island Riptide.
A new type of restriction is low-violence based on country - such packages will have "LowViolenceInRestrictedCountries" set and will be low-violence in the countries listed in ViolenceRestrictedCountries. For an example of that see Counter-Strike Complete (note that this is not a retail key, but it's the only one I know of right now that uses that kind of low-violence).
And finally there's also the simple low-violence versions that don't depend on where the game is run, but only where they key originates from. For those you won't see something on the info page itself, but rather see an extra app listed for the package. E.g. check The Darkness II Limited Edition Retail Germany which has "Darkness II Low Violence" listed in the app list.
In a nutshell: just from what the key tag says you cannot really judge whether there's a region lock, a low-violence version or any other kind of restriction. It all depends on what that tag means to the publisher because they make up those tags and set all the flags.
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Thx for the very complete answer ^^
So, one of the conclusion is that some ROW keys won't activate somewhere, that answer well the primary question : ROW key is more restricted than a key without tags.
As the subsidiary question ( ROW keys as ga on steamgifts ) i guess people making ga of ROW key are wrong because even if they say « it's ROW so it's okay » there is some part of the world where a winner cannot activate.
What is the sg policy about ROW keys ( i cannot find this in the FAQ ), is it tolerated anyway, or shall it be reported ? also it's not obvious to know if a key is ROW or not ( i discovered it the hard way… ) witch is hard for the giver to even mention it when he makes the ga… ( not even mentioning people not aware of the tags meaning ).
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I know it means « rest of the world », but does that mean it's a key you can activate « only » in the rest of the world but some place in the world?
I have a ROW key ( verified valid and showing ROW in title when i activated it, i'm in EU ) that won't activate for people living in US ( they got this error : "Sorry but the following items are not available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been cancelled." ).
I had to request a delete to sg support, but that's not the point, i just want to confirm that « ROW » is more limited than not « ROW ». ( shall i then mention in future ga « warning it's a ROW key that won't activate everywhere » ).
EDIT with current Q/A:
Q: are ROW keys more restricted than keys without tags ?
A: yes! use steamdb to see if a game potentially have tags, only WW is region free. Even « no tag » can have restrictions!
Q: ga ROW keys ( like those sold on ) on steamgifts are tolerated / reported ?
A: ?
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