11 years ago*

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they don't understand the concept of value. someone tried to get 2 copies of Skullgirls for two games from the Origin bundle. told me i was making a huge mistake.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I was offered half of the 1$ origin bundle for my The Bureau: XCOM Declassified pre-order. I recieved offers similar to this multiple times. :l

11 years ago

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That's nothing compared to a trade 2 days ago trying to trade Crysis 2 key for Black Ops 2 and tries to hide the fact that he got the key from the bundle.

11 years ago

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I can trade with you. Direct me to ur trade post or whatever

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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tell that to the diamond trade. or iphones.

11 years ago

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They don't scrape pennies, they make hundreds of thousands.

11 years ago

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you where talking about cheep items with huge markups.

iphones cost next to nothing is sweatshops maybe like $10-15 per unit and diamonds are very common. they only pay the miners like $1-5 per uncut diamond but since they have a monopoly and control the market and all the venders they mark up the price to whatever. diamonds can be found where ever there is a volcanic vent. cutting a diamond doesn't cost enuff to explain the mark up either.

and i won't talk about Africa where they find diamonds literally on the ground and in streams.

11 years ago

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I think I read somewhere that the actual total cost to make an Iphone is around $180 USD

11 years ago

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Maybe including shipping and handling. The actual production cost is less than 150.

11 years ago

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By now it's gone a bit lower than it was on launch, but I don't think it went as low as $150
iPhone 5 BOM

11 years ago

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It's a bit more than I thought it was. Thanks for correcting that.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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What diamonds are we talking about? Because I've worked for diamond companies in the production section and I got paid way more than minimum wage. Are we only talking about South Africa, or do you include India, South America, Canada, Brazil? Even in South Africa, Lesotho, South Africa, or Namibia? Are we talking panning or the original mining operations?

11 years ago

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they are all the same. they can make better diamonds in labs but the monopoly made a law super quick that they can only make them for industry (diamond drills and such). a diamond is nothing more than hardened carbon after all. if not for engagement rings most people would not buy them.

an uncut one cost them about $3 then they sell it for about 5k if its not a very good one so ya i'm sure they can pay you alot.

11 years ago

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Haven't you ever heard of blood diamonts? Or mine slavers? You are a worker, that's good, but there are thousands and thousands of African slavers (in countries like Congo) that are held without their will, and they don't even get money, just a piece of bread, and they drink water they find on the ground... polluted...

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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+2 Price gouging is NOT old fashioned practice, and by no means good.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I don't see a giveaway. :(

11 years ago

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The greed is sickening...

11 years ago

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Well played, sir.

(Still don't see a giveaway, though.)

11 years ago

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I've always followed the basic rule of "even" trading based on current steam values for both items. AKA if both games have a current value of 10 bucks then who care what price either of us paid to get them bundle or not. If I didn't get whatever bundle the game was in and it would be 10 dollars for me to get it now and the same is true for whatever I have to trade them then why shouldn't we both be happy?

Of course I don't go around buying piles of extra bundles to try and trade parts of later. I just end up with occasional extras from bundle overlap here and there.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You know what's sadder? Most of those traders are kids with access to their mom's Credit Card.

One funny thing, they always use the stock price for their items, but when they want someone they find the lowest price the item has been and start from there.

11 years ago

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+1 Always see kids doing this. So freakin' annoying.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I think it's fair to ask for more than "bundle" price after a bundle has ended. Not 4-5 keys, of course, but at least a key.

11 years ago

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also if it was in the $1 or $5+ part of a bundle effects price.

the problem op is having is the bundle is 4months old and anyone selling it at a cheep price has sold/traded it.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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well yes what they ask for is just retarded and for a bundle that is only days old.

11 years ago

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well, sadly, there really are people who will pay that much for bundle games. This practice will continue as long as they know that there are people who will agree to pay the outrageous prices.

11 years ago

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Well I can proudly call myself a fair user; I know it may not be too humble, but well, it's the truth so why lie? :P
Although I'm not interested in Grandpa leftovers, I have a few things you might or might not like, it's up to you. See my steamtrade profile, talk to me, wathever, I'm all up for meeting new people either for trading, playing games together and whatnot.
Besides you strike me as a funny person, liked the "Mercenaries creeps" line :D

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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You know I would need to agree with this post I think its annoying to watch people try and get something for nothing. I understand its a common business but that doesnt make it right. I personally don't even bother trying to sell or trade the games I give them to friends I have on my steam account that don't have the games. I spend a lot of my hard earned cash on games and bundles and what not I feel insulted when people try and trade me a game they paid like a dollar for in exchange for a game I paid 30 bucks for. REALLY!? If you can't afford to buy the 30 dollar game don't waste your money buying all the bundles. <.<

11 years ago

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but this is the formula for capitalism and is what we are all told is right for the world. think about that one for a bit.

11 years ago

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I agree entirely. Fucking retards on SG trying to trade bundle games for real games or bundle keys for tf2/dota keys. I can barely use that site any more.

11 years ago

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Yeah, just today i found a guy wanting to trade 2 or 3 Origin keys from the bundle for Metro: Last Light... This is just killing me. And whille that happens i need to try to get some of those keys for TF2 items that are worth more money than any one origin game by itself, but of course, they always expect people to fall for their scam.

11 years ago

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you mean the 1cent Metro: Last Light? if that's where you got it your bitching about yourself here!

11 years ago

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No, i didn't get Last light anywhere. Where was it going for 1cent? I had no idea...

11 years ago

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it was a bestbuy screw up. they sold those amd freebees for 1cent on their website. best penny i ever spent. if your wasn't a key there was no reason for his offer.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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some days ago I saw a guy acting like an honest man trying to trade origin's bundle steam keys for diablo 3

11 years ago

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The sickening is greed

11 years ago

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The greed is good

11 years ago

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its sad that such things go on.

11 years ago

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I saw some of these trades and laughed. Although there were some bundles I missed a while back and its good to know the games I want from those bundles are only a key which I'd dish up if I was impatient.

11 years ago

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I would love it if there were a place to 1-to-1 trade bundle keys. It's like a dream to me.

11 years ago

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If you're really looking to do this, add me. I'm always up for trading keys if I can.

11 years ago

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I do that but usually it's hard to find bundle games that I don't already have :P

11 years ago

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I've only been using Steam for a few months now, and trading is the reason I've been able to get over 100 games. I've been able to get fantastic indies that people trade off for a few cards, a ref, or whatever. I've also met a few really nice people from trading that I talk to regularly now. I hate that all those little kids and scalpers have invaded from the Origin bundle, but it will pass. The same thing happened after the Deep Silver bundle, on a smaller scale. It should die down in a few weeks.

11 years ago

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Your experience with trading is oddly similar to my own. Only difference is that as of time of writing this reply, I have less than 100 games, and I'm not really out to get any more now since I have lots of them to play and starting in about a week, very little time to play them.

I've met some nice people from trading too, but I don't really talk to anyone on my friends list (unless for trading ofc) that much except for a few people I know in real life or knew before I got onto Steam. >_>

11 years ago

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You would think it would be Bundle for Bundle, AMD/NVidia Promo for AMD/NVidia Promo, Skyrim for Fortix. etc etc... life isnt fair I guess

11 years ago

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I dont think it can or should be that cut and dry. Theres ways to make any deal fair.

IE I got the SC: Blacklist Uplay promo for 5 TF2 keys which was a great deal as far I was concerned. I also can see someone trading multiple bundle games for something (depending on what it is.

What gets me is some of the complete idiots that want 2-3 TF2 keys for a bundle game or have absurd expectations when they post their wants for their bundle games.

There was a guy last night on ST that made a post about his Origin Bundle keys as if he was the only person on Earth with them and was asking for retail value in TF2 keys (i.e. 6 keys for Mirror's Edge). It was laughably ridiculous and he got laughed at, but I wonder where these people come from and what fuels these moronic offers.

11 years ago

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Thats because the people selling it are making a profit no matter what because they are working for graphics card vendors. They didn't pay anything for them.

11 years ago

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But that's their luck. Not everyone is in that business or has access to that. Its not like a bundle that everyone and their mother can get. If I can get a brand new AAA title at a steal of a deal, than Im perfectly content with that.

Its one thing its exorbitant profit. IE selling an AMD provided code for full retail. Its another where someone is making what could be considered fair. They shouldnt be "punished" for their luck.

11 years ago

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Nobody should or is being punished. I was just saying that life's not fair and prices only go by how much the game is worth to the consumer thanks to competition and supply.

11 years ago

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My rule is bundle games for bundle games or sell very cheaply. IE 1-2 ref at most. Obviously sometimes people will offer more (ie someone gave me a TF2 key for Crysis 2), but I agree that most people are just trying to profit. If I have a game I dont want I will give it away or trade it fairly.

11 years ago

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considering not too long ago (4 weeks ago) Crysis 2 was worth prob 3+ keys as AAA title with lack of sales. .. Not everyone believe it or not .. Im shocked saying it.. Not everyone picks up the bundles for whatever reason.

11 years ago

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Sure, I get that, but the sheer amount of trades offering the same games has to say something about the situation to those people or they're just oblivious. I even told the guy I got a key for Crysis 2 that it was bundled, but he didnt care and really wanted it.

11 years ago

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Well, also, one key isn't that expensive. If it was someone with a good job or just a lot of money, it makes sense that they'd say "whatever, $2.50 for this AAA title is so cheap that I don't care if I could get it for less with a bit more digging."

(There's actually an economic theory around the idea that there's this minimum cost below which people stop doing serious cost-benefit judgments, because it's not worth their time. I think it was about $3 at the time of the study I read, though it may be more now and of course varies based on where you are.)

11 years ago

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They are only worth what people are willing to pay. If people are paying those prices right now, then more power to them. Its highly likely they're not. And after a bit they will lower the price, etc.

11 years ago

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Steam trading culture is absolutely horrid. I traded a bit when I first got into Steam during the 2011 holiday sale since I got some free gift copies to trade away, and it didn't take long for me to see how crappy the trade culture is. The more I've heard and read about it since then only validates my opinions on it. I'm glad to be here rather than on ST.

11 years ago

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There are plenty of shitheads, but it cannot be understated how many great people Ive met from trading. The good outweigh the bad, but the bad can really spoil the fun.

There are always deals to be had via trading. I've saved a ton of money via trading.

11 years ago

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Couldn't have said it better. I have met a lot of nice people on steamtrades. There are always bad apples, but there are also the good ones too.

11 years ago

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Remember that the trades that you see remaining open are more likely to be unreasonable ones, because those are the ones that don't get closed and which stay there hanging around. They're also the ones people have to advertise most heavily, because if you're offering a reasonable trade, you can find someone faster.

So it's easy to get a distorted view.

11 years ago

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Words of wisdom right here.

11 years ago

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A dispenser right here.

11 years ago

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I do not overprice bundle games (I consider them worth about 0,75k each once the bundle ended), but I understand who does

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Deleted-3761842.