I'm not hugely fond of the fact that he's entered 412 giveaways and only commented on one.
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1 comment.
This makes me slightly sad, it isn't hard to code a script that just adds you into whatever you want to be added in, run it in the background and you never have to check SteamGifts, just enjoy the free gifts that come your way from your "jackpot"
Fucking 1 comment winners >:(
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I'm not sure if I understand this sentiment. Am I to understand, then, that you're saddened because he's never commented on a contest? What if he had commented on the forums? How would you know the difference as the forum comments and game comments count to the same numerical value on your profile?
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I think it's as much because he hasn't taken any activity at all within the community beyond clicking 'Join Giveaway' and a singular comment as it is that it was specifically on a contest. While the forum and comments might be bundled into a single figure, they at least show that you're willing to participate and communicate, rather than just remain silent.
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And I browse the forums regularly, his name has not popped up at all on the forums since I've joined. He's here for the prizes and not showing any gratitude to the xxx amount of people he's tried getting a game from. We give games away for free, the least you could show is a little gratitude.
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exactly, we give games away for free, why?
certainly not because we're looking for praise from people we don't know.
people will always be looking for handouts and never give thanks, so don't be surprised.
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Well if you're expecting gratitude then it's not really a gift anymore, it's more of an exchange. I personally thank whoever I receive a gift from because I appreciate the gesture more so than the gift, but not everyone is going to think that way, this situation being a prime example.
A lot of people view this website as a place to get free games and nothing more, which I'll agree to a point is wrong, so maybe they could implement something to benefit the contributors that give public gifts a little more, (EX: Letting them have a higher point cap or receiving a higher percentage of points per gift added to the site.) so people would feel more inclined to create their own giveaways and contribute more to the community.
Add that with making points harder to acquire or limiting the amount of giveaways you can enter over a certain period of time on top of them losing points per giveaway entered-and I'm sure we would see people invest more into the website while not feeling disheartened by the fact that they can enter 400 giveaways and come out with nothing in return. Everyone giving away free gifts would feel like they're getting something from it as well.
Just my opinion, of course.
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I wouldn't call it moot, they use the keyword gift because that's what it is at the current moment on here. They could enforce it by requiring a comment to enter but then hearing the word "thanks" over and over again would feel hollow. The rules only encourage it at the current moment and points are given to everyone instead of only gift givers so it's not a proper form of exchange
Wanting to be appreciated is more of a personal issue. As you said you can do it for many reasons, but that also means you won't always get what you wanted from it.
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I'm not implying any of you. However, I would rather see one comment than someone who has only entered 100 giveaways and posted 400+ comments complaigning about the site. Sometimes I can't stand to read forums becuase stupid people just make me mad. Enjoy the site for what it is.
As long as i can click on his profile later and see that he is playing that game I don't really care. In order to put in 400 entries he has obviously been around for a while and put his fair share of time into the site. Some people are willing to read whats going on but just might be too shy to comment.
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It's because you giveaway a lot of things and comment in a lot of giveaways you enter, right
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I don't see the big deal about people with a low comment count.
The more people that say thanks for a giveaway the less it feels like you're actually being thanked.
However, if/when I win, there's 2 things I do.
1: Thank the person profusely. It's more natural, and both people know it's real.
2: Make another giveaway of my own, to try give a bit back to the community.
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indeed. I guess that is where his 1 comment came from as well :) not sure though.
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check out the guy who won the Skyrim giveaway:
Hi (that's his username btw)
Steam Profile (not posting the link as it would be a scammer fest)
Registered 2 months ago
Giveaways Entered 412
Gifts Won 1
Comments 1
poor kid had to enter 412 giveaways before he actually won something, but that turned out to be the "jackpot", so to speak :D Good on you Hi!
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