What kind of a game bundle fan are you?
Depends on month, sometimes I will buy 1-2 bundle, sometimes 10+. I mainly buy for gifting purposes, so I tend to follow most of bundle sites, but purchase only when I find games worthy (aka not bundled to death before) and if price seems right for such games. And I am also subscribed to HBM ;)
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Recovering Bundle addict here. For a while I used to buy pretty much every Bundle that got released but I managed to cut it down to Humble Monthly, Humble T1 and the occasional BundleStars Bundle every few month when they have a game that peaks my interest.
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Aggressive collector here, started December 2016, now my account is 5.5k+, mostly from bundles, free stuff and curated buys during steam sales. I play only games I really want to play or wishlisted, the other games are just the Steam Count Obsession.
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I don't buy every bundle, but if there are any games I'm interested in I will consider if it's worth the price. If the bundle is under 4$ and I'm missing almost all of the games I will end up buying it just to not miss out though...
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I'm a monthly sub aswell (last time i paid for 6 month subscription, probably will go 1 year next time). also i follow bundles info especially Humble Bundle in the 1st place (Tier 1 if BTA is expensive like + 5-6$ and of course if missing several games on it), , Bundlestars next, all the others (groupees, indiegala, Otakumaker...) are for me secondary, i barely buy from them 2 - 3 bundles a year!
it cost me a lot to buy in my country, have to pay fees to the bank 1$ for every purchase i made, even for a 0.1$ one! so i take my time to select bundles i really want to buy!
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Normally I buy a bundle if I at least want, as in plan to play at some point, 2 games from it and the price is good (what is good price highly depends on the games). However I do buy some bundles when they include a large amount of games for a dollar or two even if the games will just sit on my library waiting forever.
Somewhere between WINDOW SHOPPER and COLLECTOR, I just try to not go over $15 per month.
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When I finally joined Steam a couple years ago, I was pretty much a collector trying to find games I liked and sifting through a lot of garbage.
Today, not so much. For Humble I'm a supporter, dialing up the charity and buying bundles even if I don't really want them. For other bundles, a window shopper hardly ever buying anything. Maybe the occasional Bundle Stars, others I look but don't touch. Too much shovelware.
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Somewhere between Window Shopper and Patient Optimist with a bit of hoarding / bundle addiction thrown in.
If budget allows (budget is small), I'll buy a bundle if it has games that are wishlisted or games I intend to play (when I'm through my backlog, 3 years later). However if the bundle also has games I already own, especially if I bought them recently, at a high price, and/or haven't played them yet, I often skip the bundle just because I hate feeling like I paid twice for the game.
I will buy games at non-bundle price (though almost always wait at least for a little discount) if I really want to play them very soon. (At least half the time that fails and they end up in the backlog anyway, and then get bundled.)
I wish I could afford a Humble Monthly subscription, but as it is, I will buy the monthly if and only if the early unlock is something on my wishlist that would be worth 6-12 USD to me if it were in a sale.
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A Patient Optimist and Window Shopper here.
I can't really afford buying games for full price, so I always wait for discounts. Meanwhile, I keep an eye on the bundles and when something I want gets bundled (and if the bundle is cheap), I buy :)
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I rarely buy games at full price, waiting for bundles, or at least a major discount. I still feel the sting of "collector" at times when I see a bundle, but I've at least become a lot better at not buying bundles I don't really want.
So I guess I land somewhere between Supporter, collector & the patient optimist.
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I'd like to get the EA ones so i can complain if they never gets launched.
And i grab particularly all the games that i like the art, principally if they are authentic... This month i bought only few, but regularly i spent something like $30 on games monthly.
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Hi, Tonci from www.indiegamebundles.com here, just posting a poll to understand bundle fans more :) Also, I'm really curious! As for me, I buy maybe 2 or 3 bundles a month, depending on the price and the games in it, plus I'm subscribed to Humble Monthly since I'm a sucker for mysteries.
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