With the summer sale upon us, I thought I would give my super cool older brother a gift, and I need help deciding what to get him.

About a month ago he asked me if I knew of a game on Steam that "Is in a fantasy environment, sort of like Skyrim or Dragon Age, but has a more simple linear feel to it, especially in the combat, like Phantasy Star Online". I decided to go looking and asking for opinions.

EDIT: I have it narrowed down to 3 games, and if you have any opinions on the 3 it would be cool.

Hunted: The Demon's Forge- Seems to have the simple "pick ranged or hack and slash and you'll get some spells to go along with it" combat style that was found in PSO, and is very much in a fantasy setting. One con is it doesn't seem to have a rewarding loot system.

Darksiders: Perfect for the described setting and the right sort of linear story, really cool enemy design like PSO. Cons are that while the combat is hack and slash, it doesn't seem to be "click click die" like in a PSO. Once again, I don't think there's really much of an expansive loot system.

Titan Quest: You click to fight, it's a lot like torchlight, and there's a pretty expansive loot system it would seem. Some problems: Not quite "fantasy", more Diablo-like combat than PSO-like.


12 years ago*

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The Witcher 2

Thought it cost more than $10

12 years ago

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Yeah... if the price is hard-set, I'd go original Bioshock 2.

DS3 is pretty bad to be totally honest. I'd go Torchlight 2 before getting it. Kingdoms wasn't terrible, it got a really bad rap, but certainly not the top of the RPG world right now. Bioshock and Borderlands make me think Elder Scrolls, and if Skyrim doesn't drop to your price range, Morrowing was, and is great, and Oblivion wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. (Worst of the TES games, still towards the top of the genre of first-person sandbox RPG games.)

12 years ago

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Skyrim is the worse TES game, since it was dumbed down, removal of atributes, spell creation and those things.

12 years ago

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Jade Empire. Very much in the BioWare mold, fantasy with a sort of generic Asian/mysticism twist, < $10, with simpler combat and a fairly linear plot.

12 years ago

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Yes, like KOTOR in Eastern setting, with martial arts and turn based combat.

12 years ago

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Agreed, except for the turn-based combat part. Unless my memory is very bad, it's pretty simple, real-time combat.

12 years ago

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I can confirm that Jade Empire is real time combat. I really love JE, I hope it will get discounted a bit more during the Sale so I can nab myself a Steam copy.

12 years ago

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Titan Quest is pretty similar to Torchlight and fairly linear too.

12 years ago

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Damn fun game. But get it for yourself too, as co-op makes it super more fun.

12 years ago

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Agreed. I can very much recommend Titan Quest and the expansion. With a few mods and in co-op it's a real fun challenge.

12 years ago

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I've just been given a tip that Hunted: The Demon's Forge may fit this perfectly. What can any of you say for it?

12 years ago

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I disliked it.

12 years ago

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I loved it.

12 years ago

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Skip Dungeon Siege 3.

12 years ago

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Dungeon Siege 3 - Decent Game, linear.

Kingdoms of Amalur is also pretty good, but it's not exactly linear.

12 years ago

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Amalur can be linear, depending on how in depth you decide to play it. If you do all side quests it's not that linear. Still this would be the top choice imo.

12 years ago

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Gothic series?

I know some of them will be under $10. Can't say if they're good or not since I've not played them.

Two Worlds II fits the criteria except price. For some reason it's not discounted AT ALL.

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is $1 more than 10, but if it gets a Daily Deal it'll definitely be less than $10. Same goes for Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

The Fallout series is an RPG/FPS hybrid. Fallout 3 is currently sitting close to $10, it may get discounted at a later date.

12 years ago

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Recettear muahaahah

Dungeons & Dragons + LOTR are both good F2P mmorpgs very good quality

Ys Origin is good and it is on sale though $12 maybe it will be on the daily for $8-10

Legend of Grimrock is supposed to be a fairly good rpg in the line of the Elder Scroll series

12 years ago

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In the line of Elder Scrolls? What? Not even close!

Eye of the Beholder, Dungeon Master, Ultima Underworld, these are more like it. But Elder Scrolls? God no. :D

12 years ago

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Havent played, which is why I said supposed.

Y's is going to be in an indie sale in a few days so it might be worth picking up

12 years ago

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Fable? (i have played Fable 3)

12 years ago

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Titan Quest

12 years ago

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i'd wait for the witcher 2, it's most awesome rpg out there and you wrote that he liked the first one.

12 years ago

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I would say Dungeon Defenders if you can tolerate the crashes, else Terraria(?) would go just fine.

12 years ago

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dungeon siege, dungeon defenders, dungeons & dragons, dungeons dungeons dungeons, dungeon geoms, give me a dungeon plz.

12 years ago

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I'd say the original fable, not sure how it is on pc but I loved it on the xbox. It's fairly linear and a solid game.

12 years ago

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Torchlight 2, Borderlands 2, TESIV:Oblivion, TESIII:Morrowind, Either Gothic 1/2/3 (4 sucks).

That's all that comes to mind right now

12 years ago

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Puzzle Quest 2 is awesome.

12 years ago

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Risen. Seems good and just 10 dolars.

Kingdom of Amalur is meh.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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a girl!

12 years ago

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To be honest, Hunted : The Demon´s Forge is a nice game, but only if you will play at with your brother together. Trust me, I´ve played it with my best friend and we had so much fun.

Darksiders : You can say it is an God of War game with a pretty good story. I have never played, therefore I can´t say more

Titan Quest : Pretty much an Hack´n´Slay game, just like Diablo and all the other ones.

If you are looking forward to have some time spent together with your brother during gaming, then I would recommend Hunted : The Demon´s Forge

12 years ago

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Thanks, this really helps! If it drops low enough I'll probably get 2 copies of Hunted, because that would be cool to do the co-op. If not I'll probably end up getting Titan Quest.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by loungegecko.