Errr no, this is a very bad idea.
You do realize many people access the site from tablets and mobile phones, right? This means they aren't always able to activate a game when they are on the site or when they first see the key. The one week rule allows for plenty of time (people have jobs, kids, other real life obligations) for people to activate a game key.
Some of us have more important things to do than rush to immediately activate a game key.
EDIT: Your giveaways only ended two hours ago and you're complaining that the winners haven't activated yet? Wow ...
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then maybe an advise that they have 48 hours to redeem before the site becomes restricted?
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And whos' telling you to rush to immediately activate a game key, you've still got 7 days, the OP means different thing:
pretty much by restricting access to other areas of the site until they review their won giveaway would be good.
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Yes indeed, "Restricted access to force people to activate and mark GA feedback faster" and what's wrong with it? you'll have to activate game you've won and mark it as received, instead of entering more giveaways and/or ignoring game you've won(This'll help new people who won giveway activate it quicker), nobody's telling you to quit your job just to activate game, you'll just be unable to look into another parts of website.
Both giveaway creators and winners will benefit this way I believe.
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Well, of course you're entitled to your opinion, but I've stated exactly why I feel it's wrong and don't feel the need to explain any further than that.
You have 7 days to deliver the game, the winner should have an unhindered 7 days to activate it and mark it.
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Imagine winning Final Fantasy XIII, having to download 45G of data, that can take a while if the person have a bad internet, and I'm sure he wouldn't like to be restricted because of that.
Some people also just win game that will sit in their library because they entered the giveaway just to enter the giveaway, or because they want every game on Steam idk. and not because they want to actually play the game.
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redeeming the key is diferent to have to play the game, got many of games on my library that i havent even downloaded.
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users cant make more giveaways till an user gives feedback if the key worked.
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If that's the reason, users also shouldn't mark as received keys that they haven't activated, so it still doesn't make sense. And users cannot always rush to activate keys immediately. For example, I'm often on university internet, where the steam client doesn't work online, so I have to wait to activate my games. I usually accept the giveaway creator's friend request if it comes before that, and explain the situation, but other than that if I'd post a thanks in the giveaway thread when I hadn't actually redeemed the game, it'd be weird.
There is a 7 day period given both for submitting the key and redeeming it, and I think that is fine.
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it was about an user that was online and actively playing on steam, and he currently still is.
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there is no reason to not do it either, i posted a comment on his/her profile too and saw he stoped playing a while after.
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okay, completely restricting the site is a no, but how about a limited number of access to the site per hour?
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it was just one friendly comment on his profile to.
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Just gotta be patient. Don't worry, after the first few giveaways, you start to earn more giveaway slots. At the moment you've hit the limit so it's understandable if you're eager to create more. Winners have 7 days, people don't spend every waking hour on SG and there's no way of knowing when you'll win.
As a tip, generally if you want faster response from winners, higher level giveaways will achieve that, if only because higher level users tend to be more active on the site.
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I cannot activate won games from Monday to Friday. I can and do activate them only at weekends . So why would you want to get rid of people like me?
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never said anything about getting rid, it's about encouraging the winner.
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People have 7 days. Stop stalking them. There's a thing called real life you know? And just because someone is online in steam or whatever doesn't mean they have access to their own browser/cookies/logininfo etc. You're making assumptions about their behavior because you're impatient.
How would you like if people comment on your profile that you don't give the key as soon as the GA ends or something similar?
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saw a thread below that it takes some days to get feedback from winners, i have seen an user that won one of my giveaways as "online" here at least twice since i sent the key and hasnt provided feedback, even commented in his/her steam profile, i was expecting that people would redeem fast the game they won.
pretty much by restricting access to other areas of the site until they review their won giveaway would be good.
this at least should help a lot to new contributors to raise their level.
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