I want this. It isn't on steam anymore.
But isn't the steam version bad? I hear GOG one is better. Not sure how though. (Anyone have any idea?)
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It apparently had problems. But still, removed game. That alone makes it wanted.
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apart from being kindof rare, is it interesting? i really loved riddick movies, but have no idea about the game...
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Any idea what the problems were?
And can they be patched?
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Some terrible drm but I don't remember exactly what
Looked it up. 3 activation limit with Tages and after the 3rd activation it renews the key in 30 days up to 3 times or something. Some dispute on the forums over whether or not it was ever removed.
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Order Status: Processing...
Your order is queued for processing.
Your order has been received and queued for processing by customer service. You will receive an email within 1 business day, at which time you will be charged and your products delivered.
It's not instant? o.o
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That means you won't get it. I've been through this four times with them and eventually stopped trying to give them my business. I ordered one game through them a long while ago and it worked fine. Then I tried future orders both through my credit card and through PayPal and all I get now is that message and then an email the next day saying they canceled my order. I contacted support once and they blamed my bank, which doesn't make any sense.
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Made another account, tried paying with credit card. Yeah, I guess they really don't want business...
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I went ahead and tried to order this. Same thing again for me. 1 business day, aka denied. Screw em.
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From slickdeals:
*I did also, but I haven't been able to place an order in over six months. Apparently my home address is blacklisted on Gamestop.com. I had to find this out after 4-6 hours of culmulative legwork. Customer support will tell you the order problem is because you used Chrome, Paypal, didn't capitalize your street name, there's a problem with your bank, there's a problem with your credit card, there's a problem with their merchant and you need to wait 24 hours. The first manager I spoke with told me the issue was on their end and he got it fixed; it wasn't. The second manager refused to help me saying that my billing information would never be allowed to purchase from Gamestop.com.
When I asked him why, he said he "could not give me that information."
When I asked him if he even knew why, he said his knowledge was "irrelevant."
He refused to go into any more detail and began repeating his initial answer eight more times to different questions.
From the little I can find online, Gamestop blacklists users it defines as re-sellers. Since I have never bought even one duplicate item from Gamestop, I have no idea why they would blacklist me unless they blacklist anyone who only buys really good promotional deals from them. If that were the case, I would assume more Slickdealers would have this problem.
Either way, I wanted to post this for anyone else in this position so they don't waste their time as well. I used another billing address and was able to place an order with no issue.*
Funny... I've never ordered anything from Gamestop before...
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Oh nevermind, I just went through my emails. Looks like I did order once with them in the past. Using the free Darksiders code I won a long time ago from that magazine. I guess they blacklist you if you've only bought a free game from them before.
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Ah, the joys of being in the US. And it's great to see these come crashing down. Maybe people will learn to enjoy them again, though the TAGES sucks. GOG copies <3
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Now imagine all those traders today foaming on their mouth, all that rage. Just yesterday the price was 28 keys minimum for a copy if youre lucky, this is hilarious
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Anyone know long the offer is, and can we buy more than one copy? :o
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"You would have to gift the second copy and it would possibly flag your account there." Wut... gibing them more money would make them want to flag me? WTF...
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Still kinda lame they will flag my account for trying to buy the game twice. Really wanted to buy 3 copies total...
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The three of FEAR 1 games is counted on steam as 17GB each, but they are installed always together and take that 17GB in total. SNAFU ;-)
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Does anyone know of a steam group where US users would help out EU users to get the game?
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Ordered one for myself and one as a gift on the same account. The one for myself went through instantly but the gift one is "processing". So I logged out of that account and made a second account with a different payment method and bought another one and that one is "processing" as well.
Well here is to hoping I have two extra copies to give/trade away when the processing is finished. I wish I could help all the people who are region restricted from buying it, but alas I cannot.
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Thanks for the tip, bought via proxy. Waiting till the order is processed...
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Anyone know how to upgrade impulse app? I can't find the upgrade place for some reason..
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Their about page has the app. I would just install the newest.
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Use US billing address. I use that for my Amazon purchases as well.
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Link to GameStop.
I never use them, so I just signed up for an account. I'm not sure if it was a first time discount or what, but they gave me enough of a discount to eat the tax on it.
I know a lot of people want this and I can confirm that it is a Steam key.
If this was posted before, my apologies. I just picked up a copy and figured I would share it.
Edit: Deal is over. Is it back to $20. It is still being sold, at least.
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