IF anyone would like to redo this with all the fancy editing or cutting it down please go ahead, i just wanted to get it all out there and I have no idea how to edit it and make it look nice.
Edit: I shortened it! if you it is still too long then i will have another go at it.
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No, I'm serious. Try enforcing your rule now. It's a pretty damn huge hole in your plan and you want to ignore it.
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And what makes you think this is close-knit? It is what it is, a place people come to get freebies and/or give things away. Quite the ego you have appointing yourself spokesman of "the community". Especially when your idea holds about as much water as an incontinent octogenarian.
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Oh sod off. tl;dr so I skipped to end. I have about 30 games in my queue, I'll play them in whatever damn order I feel like, and wont be dictated to by some butthurt donator who demands you play his gift RIGHT NOW OR ELSE. As for playing WITH the gifter, really? You want to try and FORCE people to do multiplayer too? I bloody hate it most of the time and would go out of my way to make sure you never wanted to try and push that rule on anyone ever again.
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Wow man just wow, i make a nice pleasant post about how i think this place could be better and how i personally interact with people who give me games and how i think it is a good idea in general, because while in one of the chatrooms they were a few guys complaining about how they hate seeing people win giveaways and then dont activate the game, or even open it up within the first two weeks. Me personally i dont need this rule because i dont need to play with dicks like you. I always thought of this side as a nice place for likeminded indiviuals to come together and share the games that they love or let someone else enjoy a game they would not, but obviously people like you will come and try and ruin things for others.
Dont be a debbie downer if you arent having a good day then get lost and dont bring down others with you.
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So you don't need this rule, but you see no problem with trying to force it onto other people, solely because it won't affect you? That is the real dick move.
And you really can't help trying to tell other people what they should and shouldn't be doing, can you?
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You've got it all wrong and I suggest you go take a rest to cool off, unless of course you are just this unpleasant all the time.
Right now i am training to be a problem solver in the army, also known as a diplomat.
So after thinking of what friends were saying the s.gifts chat i came up with this idea which i thought could solve the problem they were having. In no way do i think it should blindly punish everybody, but rather weed out those bad seeds who are only here to get more and more games and could not care less about the community that alot of us here care about. which im getting the feeling you are one of those persons.
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So what you are in fact proposing then, is a good-old-fashioned witch/communist/boogeyman hunt, like the good old days. I am always VERY sceptical of anyone who uses terms like "weed out those bad seeds". Especially in context of these where you are using "bad seeds" to refer to people who for whatever reason haven't played a game they were gifted immediately upon receiving it. Well oh my god, break out the torches and pitchforks, we got ourselves a lynching!
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There's already a rule against trading your winnings away. Doing so will result in a ban. There are other reasons people may not immediately play a game. I, for example, got a ton of games over the holidays. I probably won't get caught up enough to start playing any new acquisitions for at least a couple of months. Real life concerns can also interfere with gaming (obviously). Trying to force someone to play the game immediately is unworkable, really. This has been discussed here before. I appreciate your intentions, but it's not a realistic policy, I'm afraid.
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Completely understandable and if someone told me that after winning i would totally get it and not care, but thats the point alot of the people who do this just take the game and just let it sit there and i dont know about others but that makes me sad, if you told you didnt have time right now then that would change everything atleast i heard something from you.
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Yes, because reading comprehension and gift giving are intimately entwined skill sets/
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I gave it away, IDGAF what they do with it. They could use it as a hat for all I care, I was giving it away because I didn't want it.
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GOt 2 games I'm holding onto for when people for some reason WANT a CS:S or The Ship giveaway. You're point?
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I'm amused that you called him out for never having given a game away and yet you haven't given away a game either (afaik).
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good idea except for the fact that all steam dose is track how long a game is turned on, not real playtime. and this only works if a game has multiplayer, which in all honesty, are not the only games being given here.
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I have a bandwidth cap with astronomical overcharge prices, so I often can't even download let alone play a game right away. Not to mention rl stuff; do you really expect me to play a game during the week I have to hand in a big assignment? Please don't assume that everyone is in the same situation as you.
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"Spend atleast 1 hour playing your newly gifted game within the week you got it."
That's retarded tbh. You can't dictate what people do with their time. People have different lives of their own and the amount of free time each one has is different from person to person.
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Holidays, work, other games, game crashes when started, not enough HDD space, too low FPS to play, broken gamepad, the game is actually too difficult, boring or bad (sad, but still possible), waiting for RL friends to get the game so we can play in co-op with characters with equal progress.
Not necessarily related to my SteamGifts winnings, but I personally "suffer" from the following with some of my games: low HDD space, other games, work, too difficult, too bad, waiting for RL friends.
tl; dr:
Courtesy, yes. But don't try to measure it, it won't work. If I launch a game to let it run in the background, is that being courteous? ;-)
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I'll just stick to private and group giveaways, I guess meeting new people isnt always a good thing.
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