
9 years ago*

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Not interested.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No problem, this is just to increase awareness and traffic for the game not to buy votes, thanks for your time.

9 years ago

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Not to buy votes .... we are giving 100 free steam keys to voters.. the irony!

9 years ago

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irony of what, whether you voted yes or no you will enter the draw, im not asking anyone to vote YES, read the description again before commenting and accuse us of sth we are not doing. plus there are no keys in-advance, it will be a draw after the game get released for game's group members. so its ONLY VOTE IF YOU LIKE THE GAME and join the group to enter the giveaway, so if you voted no and entered the group you will be enlisted for this giveaway, its not VOTE UP to get a key.

9 years ago*

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Being in the Build a Greenlight Bundle 25 wasn't enough to increase awareness and traffic for the game? Hmm, I wonder why...

"XNemesis Sandbox is a Shooter Classic 2D game, the game is full Sandbox where you can create your own Levels from creating maps, enemies and their weapons, Ship(s) and their weapons, Custom Karma Effect, Boss and his weapons all by your own Images or animations, And also you can customize the audio by putting your own Level, Boss music and sound effects."

Ah, now I got it!

9 years ago

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No it wasnt enough because Groupees put it as a bonus not as main game because its still under development, by the time the bundle went live, 3k bundles were sold because people can preorder and just see main games not bonuses, so most didnt see the game nor cared to check it out nor vote., all other main games in the bundle got greenlit simply because people knew the games and got the chance to check and vote before the bundle went live and never returned back to check Bonus games.

Whether you like the game or not, i have built everything from scratch, no premade engines or softwares, i'm trying to get exposure thats all, i have never said vote YES to enter the giveaway, i clearly said, check it out and ONLY VOTE IF YOU LIKE IT. in addition, thats just a very short description of the game, its full featured game with integrated levels, along with the game, a Level Designer (editor) software is shipped to make you be able to create your own level, and also free assets packs to use, so when you post a short desc like this, it sounds like a software not a game. if you read the game's description you would knew the concept and whats this game is all about and thats exactly why we are doing these giveaways since people don't check nor read and we need traffic and exposure for our game.

9 years ago*

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Well, you make it sound like a software: At least on Groupees you did and your Greenlight page is only slightly better. Half of the screenshots and two out of four videoes on Greenlight are from the editor. Maybe you should show some finished level rather than some very randomly thrown together asset examples. Take it as constructive criticism please, but you might understand why you don't get much support as a game right now.

9 years ago

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now i should thank you very much, because what you said is 100000% true, that was my mistake when i went on greenlight, now im working with artists to create full proper levels with proper graphics, we are half through Anime Level which looks awesome, i just dont want to put a half baked video because it wont serve the purpose, within 2 weeks time we will be finalizing the level and showing it in full to everyone so they can understand what this game is all about.

first experience in greenlight and we never thought people wouldnt read the description, most of people thought its GameMaker software where in fact we are trying hard to give everyone unlimited number of levels and gameplay time.

9 years ago*

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You should put a 'teaser' in the description on Greenlight to hint at the direction that the game is going then. I hope for a good 2D shooter game and since I have the bundle I hope that you'll get as many votes as possible, but of course for the right reasons. Good luck and I hope to see some new footage and/or screenshots soon :)

9 years ago

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Please check the first two images (sumo guy with axe) and flying witches, those are from new assets, thanks for the teaser suggestion, we will create one very soon once we get more things together soon to put at least 30 seconds video.

9 years ago

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Aaaah... This greenlight... :( vote and get key... (Maybe)

9 years ago

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Sorry you misunderstood, its not VOTE UP and get a key (its written also in caps in the desc), its CHECK AND VOTE IF YOU LIKE IT, not asking anyone to vote up, asking everyone to check it out and ONLY VOTE UP IF YOU LIKE IT and as an appreciation for your time, we will make a draw for 100 keys for game group's members.

9 years ago

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Nope,after my last experience with greenlight developer i dont think i will ever vote again just for free keys.Also neet a lot of work,be more creative you guys.Dont ask votes in exchange for keys.I know that you may belive you give your best but i'm sorry steam already have - i will say gently - not so good games.

9 years ago

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Thank you for your honest opinion, we are still working on the game and its still under development, believe me we are working very hard on it to polish it further and create better assets (graphics) and levels.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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and judging by just looking at 2 images?

have you even read the description and knew its full featured game + Level designer + assets packs?

so you get full game with unique levels, each level is just a new game with everything new even player characters, you also get level designer (editor) to create levels and also get Assets packs which basically assets to use for your created levels if you wish.

so how exactly this is a shovelware where everything is built from scratch?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Yes its unique since you can put anything you want whether from our assets packs or your own stuff, never seen any game like that before, however, now i would say thank you because i agree, it looks bad in terms of the assets used, now we are working with artists to make proper assets and graphics for game levels. but sill your comment shows the lack of willingness to read the description and know what its about and still judging by couple of demo images shown in the GL page, so i would love to see what have you created before bashing others?! wow, nothing, So typical!

but if you think the whole game not the graphical (assets) part is bad, then that's your opinion and i can do nothing in that matter.

P.S: this is not flash, its full DX 9.0c game, game engine built from scratch fully dynamic nothing is hard-coded on C++, level designer as well, so again what you have created??!

9 years ago*

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Closed 9 years ago by Yazh.