I was looking at the discounts on Humble Bundle, and I noticed that Everything is being sold for extremely cheap, even withouth the 80% discount. I've never seen any game being cheaper than Steam on anywhere else, so I'm a little sceptical about it.

Steam price for me--0% discount: 49 TL
Humble Bundle price--0% discount: 24 TL
80% discount: 4,80 TL

How is this possible? Humble Bundle doesn't do regional pricing as far as I know. So shouldn't Steam be the cheapest w/o any discount on both sites? (This is how it's always been for me, at least.)
I tried to see if this is because the game has region locks, but I couldn't find anything on this. People say to click on "Generate gift link" to see if it's region locked and I did that. It doesn't say anything, so I'm assuming it's not RL.

Does anyone have an idea what's going on here?

EDIT: Just 5-6 hours later the price has changed on Humble Bundle. It's no longer 4,80 TL. It has changed to 17,59 TL. So whatever bug/mistake they had, they probably fixed it.

5 years ago*

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Humble Bundle is legit; Humble Bundle does have region restricted games, but indeed for this game there are not any: https://steamlocked.com/app/582270; Humble Bundle had it already twice in a bundle.. https://isthereanydeal.com/game/everything/info/ Lowest price ever recorded on Steam was 6 TL, so it's not that far off.. :) https://steamdb.info/app/582270/

5 years ago*

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I know HB is legit, I've used them before. =)
It's just weird for it to be cheaper w/o a discount on Humble Bundle. From what I've seen, HB prices are usually x3-x5 more expensive than Steam prices for me, that's why I'm sceptical.

If there's no region lock, then everything is fine! I'm buying a copy for myself and I wanted to create a GA for it. =) That's why I'm asking all this.

Thanks for answering =)

5 years ago

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Oh one more thing. The link from IsThereAnyDeal shows me a different price than the Humble Store.
On IsThereAnyDeal, it says the game's current price is 17,56 TL instead of 4,80 TL.

5 years ago

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ITAD always tends to be a bit slower with updating. :) I see here also 80% discount ("ON SALE for a limited time! 3 days 19 hours 22 mins 12 secs")

5 years ago

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Yes. That's why I added both the discount and the original price in my post--to not confuse anyone. =)
Well, if there's no region lock, then there's no problem as well haha.

5 years ago

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Enjoy! ^^

5 years ago

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Thanks! For your help as well =)

5 years ago

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Humble Bundle don't do region locks, the publishers providing he keys do.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Admin users within a Steamworks partner account can do so.

5 years ago

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This is still a developer/publisher or their assigned representatives though which would only be Humble if the companies involved with a specific game specifically gave Humble those permissions which in the vast majority of cases just wouldn't be the case.

Attributing region locks to Humble is like attributing prices/discounts to Valve. Technically they can do it but only for their own games.

5 years ago

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We are on the same page, have some wine. :)

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Hi! Sorry to hijack the topic for my own question, but since it's in similar vein I thought it would be better than start a new one for something probably dumb and obvious.

Does that steamlocked site shows that game doesn't have any locks at all or for selected country only? Because it looks nice and easy and would be a great help since I always get confused on how to check region locks from steamdb. Example at hand - I bought Guacamelee! 2 on summer sale at Humble for a regional price and steamdb shows some apps and packages, but I don't know what they mean. The steamlocked says no region locks, but it also emphasizes my country. I wanted to buy more giveable (that's not a word, is it?) games from Humble, but got confused in all that. So I guess my question is - how to properly determine if the game has region locks?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Hi ^^

You are correct, the game you've mentioned has no region restrictions; if you check the several packages/SubID's on both SteamDB and SteamLocked. As for determining this: look at the RAW table. You see the column "Countries allowed to activate" and/or "Countries allowed to run" at some SubID's. Those give you the information you want. :)

When you don't know the SubID for your key, just look at them all. If there are some SubID's that have restrictions, it's a gamble -- unless you can determine those are probably not yours; as in the example a SubID only allowed to activate/run in Russia is probably not yours, unless you are from Russia. To determine the SubID for a key you can try activating it with the SteamDB extension enabled. After activation, SteamDB will show you the SubID. Another way if you own the game and you're sure it's the same key (e.g. same bundle/bought at the same time in the shop) is going to steam://nav/console (the Steam Console) and run the command licenses_for_app xyz where xyz is the appid. Steam will then show you the SubID you have; e.g. License (112233).

I hope I've made it clear. ^^

5 years ago*

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how to properly determine if the game has region locks?

(<3, you're such a precious presence, here around and elsewhere)

5 years ago

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Another way if you own the game yourself is going to steam://nav/console (the Steam Console) and run the command licenses_for_app xyz where xyz is the appid. Steam will then show you the SubID you have; e.g. License (112233).

Small note: this method is suitable if you are 100% sure that key, which you previously activated on your account, provides the same subscription. For example, you buy 2 keys from Humblebundle and activate one of them. If you have bought game from Steam to your account and have key from Humblebundle, then licenses_for_app will just show you subscription sold in Steam store.

5 years ago

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Good addition, I've edited the post a bit to emphasize this. :)

5 years ago

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Oh, that's amazing, thanks for such detailed answer! But just to clarify - if steamlocked says "No region restrictions" and RAW table doesn't show any info about restricted countries, then it's probably fine? Even if RAW table says "Cross region gifting and trading: Blocked" for all SubIDs?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Then it's probably fine indeed :) Or they must change it later on (you can check "Last update" on the bottom of the page). Cross region gifting and trading only applied to the "old" Steam Gifts (example) as far as I know.

5 years ago

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ref link?

5 years ago

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Which link do you want?

5 years ago

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Its from SG (tho hasn't been updated in years and still calls Fanatical Bundle Stars), not from them. Also this.

5 years ago

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I didn't know about this! I changed it to yes. It should be fixed now.

5 years ago

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Your settings don't matter. Other users will get the link or not based on their own settings.

5 years ago

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Oh, okay. Now I feel stupid =P
Thanks for clarifying!

5 years ago

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I am curious about that as well since i am from Turkey too :)

But i guess it is some kind of mistake (or maybe a leak of regional pricing of Turkey? Hopefully...)

5 years ago

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Well, whatever it is, I just got that game for 4,80 TL. =D
Let's hope it's not a region-locked key.

5 years ago

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As far as i know, all keys from HB is global. Anyway, have fun :)

5 years ago

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Thanks =)

5 years ago

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Oooh, i just saw your giveaway and it is actually a good idea.

4 TL for $15 real CV. I might do it same tomorrow :)

5 years ago

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Apparently it was a mistake, because I just checked it now, and it's 17,59 TL. Weird.

5 years ago

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But you did buy it for 4.80, right?

Lucky you :)

5 years ago

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Yes, lucky =)

5 years ago

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I highly advice to delete your GA and wait a few days if that is the case. Humble Bundle is known to revoke keys in the past for price glitches.

Here is a recent example, coincidentally also Turkey pricing: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/br8g1d/humble_store_mistakenly_sells_kindom_come/

5 years ago

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Hmm weird, thanks! I'll do that.

5 years ago

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It'd be a lot quicker to derive proper context from your OP if you'd mention "retail price" or "base price" at some point within it. :P

5 years ago

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I'll keep that in mind next time. Sorry for the confusion =)

5 years ago

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I guess they are going to implement reginoal prices. That was some kind of leak/mistake to it. That would be really good if they bring it to bundles too.

5 years ago

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It could be. A couple hours ago, when I realised the price for Everything was corrected, I checked Humble Store and saw a couple more significantly lower prices. A lot of them were the same as on Steam.

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by aonrao.