I get it guncraft and paranautical activity for desura, and it says that incules a free steam key, but when i gonna to get the key, isn't there nothing about steam, and i konw how to do, because i did with paranormal game, the steam key isn't there, i am the only one that happens this?!?

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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If you bought the game from Desura yourself, then the key should be in your Desura account or will be added in time. If you traded for someone else's Desura key, then the original trader will have the Steam key (or will have it, when it's added to the bundle - usually takes a couple of days) and they're unlikely to give you the Steam key for the game.

11 years ago

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It depends where you got your desura keys from actually, if you bought directly through desura there is no doubt if it says you will get a steam key there it will be with your other keys. However if it is a bundle code like Groupees or you traded for the codes or whatever and they came from a bundle, those keys if they do get steam keys 99% of the time go to the bundle places in which case if you are the one who purchased the bundle can login to your account with Groupees (or wherever) and your codes will appear there with the other bundle codes when they receive them.

11 years ago

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not all keys are added threw desura most just get added to the bundle you purchased and like stated above if you traded for it you're shit out of luck.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Just email the dev in this situation. You might get lucky and give you a steam key

11 years ago

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poor dev probably is sick of answering this. I'd personally say "fuck off" to most of them if I were him, there should be plenty of scammers too.

"here's my desura screenshot that I have the game, gib key pls pls pls pls" probably a screenshot grabbed from internet or friends.

11 years ago

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Lol - Have you got any idea what access Devs actually have?
Ofc they won't get scammed

11 years ago

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Don't Panic!!!
Here goes what you're searching for: HERE
Search your game, click on KEYS and you'll get what you want!
From this thread: HERE
Have fun!

11 years ago

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i already did that, doesn't appear steam key

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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and guncraft, same thing?

11 years ago

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I got my Guncraft key ages ago. Where you been?

btw, yes. Key is on Groupees, not Desura.

11 years ago

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the problme, is that keys, paranautical activity and guncraft is from another dude, i need to ask him if he had the steam key of those games on grouppes

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I will be happy if get me just the guncraft steam key

11 years ago

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if it was a trade, i hope you are not implying you have rights on the steamkey...

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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I disagree, if it was a steam trade in reality them giving us 2 keys for the same game is suppose to be for 1 person, so if someone traded him that bundle the Steam Key should be given, personally if I was the trader who gave him the bundle I would give him it.

11 years ago

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Unfortunately, although separating Desura and Steam keys for one game in a bundle is a form of piracy, it's gone unchecked for long enough and become so widespread that you might as well treat them as separate games now. Out of curiosity, what did you trade for the Desura keys?

11 years ago

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there wasnt a steamkey when he did the trade... so what "separating" are you talking about... anyways piracy?! gtfo

11 years ago

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When a game is sold, the idea is generally that one license for the game is being sold. Separate keys/downloads - whether included at the time or added later - are generally not intended to be bonus copies of the game, it's just so the existing owner can access the game the way they prefer. Whether trading a complete license is allowed in the first place is another matter (this can vary between different games, countries' laws, and is further complicated by bundles) but generally, yes, if you take one license for a game intended for personal use, and divide it into 2 or more parts of similar functionality, selling the others, then it's a form of piracy.

Of course, while I generally disapprove of it, given the complicated nature of the situation, that it's gone unchecked for so long, and that Steam/Desura/game developers could have done more to prevent it, it's hard to really blame traders for it.

11 years ago

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HEY i hope you dont forget to(lock and) throw away the key to the basesment you live in...

11 years ago

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Nice comeback.

11 years ago

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No seriously, i really get pissed of with conservatism, only sheeple would want to live caged :/

Internet used to be this new radiant frontier but its getting ruined by these bureaucrats and yes-mens, on a day to day basis based on ignorance and fear...

Life is getting cyberpunkish

11 years ago

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Not sure if serious...

11 years ago

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buying a bundle getting 1 game with keys for desura and steam, both need to be used by same person, you cant use one and give away the other...thats piracy.... dont act like breaking the law is ok just cuz you have the ability to do it without getting caught

11 years ago

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Inb4 he calls you a sheeple.

11 years ago

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Wait, what? You're making this sound like something out of a sci-fi action movie. lol

11 years ago

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Go to your key collection and click on the game - it it has had a Steam key added, you might find it there. alternately try to bundle where you originally got the Desura key - it might have been added. Lastly, try the dev ;-)


11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Passoss.