"the leftovers" it's a tv show about how people cope with the mysterious and sudden disappearance of 2% of human population. it has clever writting and strong perfomances but you might not like it if you're the kind of person who needs answers,
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thanks for reminding me! the third season is either starting to come out/or coming soon
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thanks so much for reminding me ,(again)
i visited this thread late at night. so i was too out of it to even search to see if the episode was out
but now im fully awake and about to login and watch the first episode
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and it was amazing. shit
as usual, all these twists and full stops just keep me wanting more
beware the dog people
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Beard looks good on ya. hah god i almost wish you guys didnt remind me so i could have stumbled upon it much later when more episodes were out
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I dont think i have watched any Real shows in the past decade tbh ... like not even kidding .
A little bit of Game of Thrones ... half of Breaking bad i guess ... but thats pretty much as far as i can go .
The one show i do appriciate , from kinda long time ago... its Xena : The Warrior Princess .
It is the one show that i may actually watch if i ever feel like watching TV again .
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Yesterday it was the finale of Broadchurch. It's extremely upsetting to see a show of fantastic quality being cancelled. I appreciate this show so much and the void it left will be impossible to fill.
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I tend to not like this category of shows but I was quite amazed when I eventually gave up resisting due to peer pressure and popular opinion. It's a very very good show and it keeps the same high quality over all the seasons, something that's pretty rare in my experience.
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Watch bates motel and supernatural sometimes not bad acting.
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I read the book for 13 Reasons Why a couple years ago and loved it, still yet to watch the show!
Honestly, if you haven't watched it Stranger Things is amazing. Just do yourself a favour and watch it!
Firefly is fucking awesome, watch the movie also! Daredevil is great but I've only seen season 1! Breaking Bad, Dexter (although I did drop it at some point), Orange is the New Black, WestWorld, Game of Thrones and Community! Thats all for TV Shows so far!
Movies that are great are Guardians of the Galaxy, the remake of Beauty and the Beast, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Deadpool are awesome! In terms of movies I appreciate it has to be Shawshank Redemption, Snatch, Trainspotting and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest <3
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I've seen Community, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Deadpool. Good show and movies. I'm still trying to find stuff similar to them but Canadian Netflix doesn't have a lot right now.
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So many good shows to watch, for most of them I'll just wait for the season to end and binge-watch(few exceptions like GOT). Recently finished the last season of Rectify, really powerful drama that probably wasn't on most people's radar.
Also binge-watched Rick and Morty, even with a few episodes left, I was already sad that it will have to end.
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I feel you in Rick and Morty I was sad for starting season 2 :( Didn't expected to like it so much and it was a blast
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Finished 13 Reasons Why a few days ago as well, it was quite good indeed. Dylan Minette really hit it out of the park although Langford confused me a bit, I'd like to see her in some more stuff before I lean either way. Ironically though Devin Druid also did a fantastic job, even if he portrayed a highly dislikable character. If there's a season 2 he's one of the cast that I'm most eager to see where they'll take him.
I watch way too many tv shows to just start listing but a few that imo stand out besides the ones everyone and their grandma know are:
Sense8: Practically a series about human connection and the similarities we all share mixed with a Hollywood plot of bad guys chasing your good guys, personal drama and sex. It's a good watch.
Black Mirror: An anthology series, every episode explores a different "world", sometimes almost identical to our current reality, sometimes one that only has one or two major differences, sometimes a more technologically advanced one. The whole anthology focuses on the relationship between us and technology. From the emotional bonds we create to the culture and society it creates. Fun fact: Didn't occur to me before I read it somewhere but the series is named that because that's what a tv/computer/phone screen is like when turned off, a black mirror.
Easy: Very short, very fun, very lighthearted series. If you want a pick me up this is where you should go.
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I don't think there will be a second season of 13 reasons why, since it was based on a book(or so many people have told me so far), presumably why there was one full season and, as a Netflix exclusive, all episodes were released at once(correct me if I'm worng). Would feel very weird to continue it, too. I watched Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, too, and that's based on a book. Would be VERY weird to make another movie about it.
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All you said is correct however the ending of the show separates it from the book even further than the rest of the show has. BOOK ENDING SPOILERS: In the book it all takes place during a single night when Clay gets the tapes. He never even meets all of the "reasons", only some of them and the book ends with him passing the tapes to Sheri(she has a different name in the book and Clay is No.9 instead of 11) and he notices Skye in the school hallway with the last line in the book being him calling out to her
Usually when they are going for a single season they brand it as mini-series, something they didn't do with 13 reasons, and they left a lot of windows open during the final minutes of the show that would be their "way in" to a season 2. With all the buzz the series got it's highly likely we'll see one.
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I guess so. I didn't read the book, I apologise. I just thought it was a closed case. The show's story has been resolved, and it essentially focused on the girl for the whole show, but in the eyes of the main character and how he experienced/interpreted everything.
Maybe they'll do another show with a similar theme, and I'd enjoy that since, to my knowledge, there aren't a lot of shows similar to it. Stereotypical Teen-Highschool-Dramas have overrun most shows.
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If you aren't too upset about politics by now, I recommend The Good Wife and House of Cards. Some episodes and dialogues are just unbelievably great. And for the other episodes there are still all those intrigues to keep you entertained. ;)
And then there are always Sherlock, Suits, Westworld, Vikings, Stranger Things, The Expanse, Downton Abbey, Justified, Fargo, Narcos, Black Mirror and so many more great shows, covering all kind of genres and needs. All with great quality.
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Even though I'm not from the UK I enjoyed the original British version of House of Cards, which I'd binged before the first season of the American version premiered. I haven't gotten past S1 of the US version but would probably re-watch the UK one first, if that says anything.
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I have pretty odd taste when it comes to TV shows but on the off chance that we have something of that in common I'm going to suggest something I really like because of it's good tone. Adding the link now I realize that it actually have pretty decent ratings after all.
Kyle XY
Edit: I forgot to add some movies
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - A bit odd but very good imho
Edge of Tomorrow - I really like the Groundhog Day theme and my only complaint is that they didn't use it more :D
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TV Shows I watched so far:
Game of Thrones - Best TVShow for me
11.22.63 - About JFK's murder, fantasy thingy, with great acting, and a pleasent story! Really enjoyed it!
Breaking Bad - Amazing, but I enjoyed some others more :b
How To Get Away With Murder - Awesome, and it's about Law (the degree i'm taking), and the mystery is top-notch
Mr. Robot - Plain awesome
Narcos - Loved it!
Orange is The New Black - Didn't expected to like it, but I did, I really did!
Rick and Morty - Just the best thing ever
Silicon Valley - Really great also, binge-watched it
Stranger Things - A blast, the 80's, the synthesizers, the mistery, the nostalgy..
Suits - Also enjoyeable, also it has law in it
The 100 - It was really great, but seems to be out of fuel in the current season
The Blacklist - Also good, but seems to be decaying in terms of quality
Blue Montain State - American Pie type-ish, probably better sometimes, it was fun!
Brooklyn-Nine-Nine - It's a fun police station comedy, with some great actors and personas
Community - Great in the beggining, and then it faded away, I believe i'm missing a season, not really thrilled to watch it though
Everybody Hates Chris - Just Awesome
How I met your mother - Best comedy probably for me, even though I know it's a copy of Friends, I enjoyed it more than the OGs
Modern Family - My number two fav comedy series
The Last Man On Earth - It's ok, I laugh sometimes
Da Vinci's Demons - Watched and liked a lot, except the last season, I found it stale, and for some reason stopped watching, will finish though
Making a Murderer - It was watchable, nothing really out of the world, but interesting nevertheless
Arrow - It was a blast the first 2-3 seasons and then it went downhill
Wayward Pines - Season 1 was really really good, Season 2 not so much, still enjoyeable
12 Monkeys - Interesting 1st season, and kinda got tired in the 2nd not sure why, it got stale, will finish however, not sure when
Alcatraz - Really great series when I watched, a few years ago, I was younger, so it may be a little off, yet the ending was asking for a second season that we never got, all the episodes went very well together and built momentum for nothing.
If someone wants to reccomend anything according to my likes, I would appreciate it! :)
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I have to agree on Game of Thrones. It's really in a class of it's own. Also How I met your Mother is awesome but I feel it doesn't really reach the heights of Friends, at least not for me :)
I'll have some recommendations for you you in an edit, need to look them up lol, old stuff...
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Im probably younger than you, (my teenage years were watching HIMYM) but I liked Friends im my childhood and seeing on TV, but I don't know after "growing", I just don't feel it was worth to watch it all, even though I've watched some episodes with my gf, the comedy wasn't really for me, but it's not bad or anything, and I respect that it created a "comedy model" for future tvshows
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I can't seem to find what I was thinking of but I stumbled upon something I'd completely forgotten about that's one of my favorite show all times. It's a bit on the weird side with some stuff and one or two episodes are a wee bit dull but over all I find them amazing.
Battlestar Galactica - This is by far my favorite SciFi show.
Coupling - Finally found it, something I stumbled on by accident a couple of year ago but found to be excellent.
Banshee - Surprisingly good for the genre, tends to loose a bit of its glow towards then though.
More recent stuff that I've enjoyed are
Humans - Some would probably say it's a but dull but I like it and the acting is great, well some at least :P
Westworld is also very good. I like complicated plots :)
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Community on Netflix is missing the last season and some episodes(notably the one where Troy goes away on the boat). Last season wasn't that great anyways, like Scrubs' last season.
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Hap and Leonard is a show I just recently watched despite the first season starring three of my favorite actors:James Purefoy and Michael K Williams as the titular antiheroes and Christina Hendricks in a supporting role. It's based on a series of crime novels written about Texas in the 1980s and deals with issues like racial tension, homosexuality, friendship, manhood, and the concepts of law and justice. Don't let all that scare ya though, as it's darkly funny and entertaining with some great acting. Season 2 just ended but you can watch both seasons On Demand with cable or through other means.
The soundtrack also kicks major ass, from bluesy rock and roll to classic country and r&b.
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Breaking bad - Games of thrones - Taboo Uk - Prison break -Vikings- Mr. Robot + Narcos
For a must watch is Planet Earth 2
Anime : death note is cool - one punsh man " i suggested this because they are not very long"
Movies i suggest warrior - hacksaw ridge- Room -
The Light Between Oceans Who Am I - Kein System ist sicher " german movie" you can find subtitles -attonement -
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I rarely ever watch any movies or shows these days, haven't for ages. Occasionally, though, I watch something that I hear/know is good.
I just finished watching 13 Reasons Why and I have no idea what to really say. It was an amazing show, based on a book AFAIK, is what I'll say, and since it's not much of a spoiler because it is the premise of the show and revealed within 10~ minutes of the first episode, it was fucking depressing. It also hit home for me in a certain way, mostly because it reminded me of how much I hated school all the way back since kindergarten. Even beyond that, it really hit home with me in a very specific way. If you like realistic and relatable stuff then it's great. I didn't cry once, though. I don't really cry. I liked the show a lot, though. It also has Dylan Minette in it as the main character, and he's an amazing actor.
I also recently(a few months ago) watched Perks of Being a Wallflower for the first time and that's one of the best recent movies I've seen. I guess similar vibe as the above show but not really? A few months before that, I watched The Way Way Back and that was a pretty good movie too.
I don't have mood music, but share if you want to.
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Share a movie / show you appreciate a lot.
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