Have it on Xbox, beat it and max level'd Zer0 but I'm kind of interested in getting it on PC with four other classes to try. $30 for the next 4 hours, I can't tell if it's an actual interest and desire to play, or panic that it'll cost 50% more if I change my mind later.

The DLC is another $30, but since there's no deal on it, that can be purchased any time if I feel the need.

Just curious how active/fun/friendly an average multiplayer lobby is on PC.

12 years ago*

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Is just one of my favourite multiplayer games!!!!!

12 years ago

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If You have X-box version alredy, maybe You would rather wait and buy a GOTY editon on PC ;)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by MikeH7186.