To know the lowest price of a game ever including the bundle prices?. not say to me this.

10 years ago*

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What D:?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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If you click on the name of the bundle a game has been in on it will tell you the price that the whole bundle cost and show a list of the games that was in it. You could divide the price of the bundle by the number of games in it, I suppose.

For example, if you were looking at Vigil Blood Biterness then clicked on the Horror Fest bundle it was in, you would see this. (prices would be in your local currency)

The bundle cost £0.73 if that's what you wanted know. Or if you wanted to work out the cost per game in a bundle you could divide £0.73 by 3 (the number of games in that bundle) and get roughly £0.24 if that's what you mean.

10 years ago

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It does say that, and if you have Enhanced Steam, you don't even have to load up the other page. Enhanced Steam pulls's info and tell's you from the game's Steam page whether its been in a bundle, current lowest price and lowest price it's been.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Mareares.