Many of you must know at this time that:
You can't buy Fortix for yourself, must win it here.

So, what about a massive Fortx giveaway for Christmas?

Everyone who can, should make a PUBLIC (WITH NO CONT. VALUE) Fortix giveaway to celebrate this end of the year.

(Also, the fact that we survived December 21st. xD)

I have my copy on the inventory ready for this, hope many of you join me. :3

(I'm not really good writing English, sorry if any of these sentences make no sense :3)

12 years ago*

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We need to have them all end at exact same time. Also, if gifting multiple copies make sure to create separate giveaways for each. We will cover the front page!

12 years ago

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That's the idea... But since everyone have their own timezone, was thiking in making on Dec-25 any hour of the day..
(Something like 12:00-13:00 would be good i guess.)

12 years ago

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There's a website with a time converter on it. So you could say 12:00pm in your time zone, and then we look up when that is for us, and end it then also. Doing that, it's totally possible to end them all at the same time.

12 years ago

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Killing SG servers with Fortix, nice idea...

12 years ago

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Heaven forbid lots of people give away a game! Oh no!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Mhm, but im tired of killing the SG servers already....I mean just remember this shit with Shadowgrounds & Shadowgrounds Survivor giveaways during the summersale which have been given out for free from the publisher....

Or just remember this Metro 2033 invasion some days ago..

12 years ago

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The difference is this would be a legit giveaway, where we buy the games ourselves. Unless I missed something...

12 years ago

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You are right, legit giveaway.. So probably there won't be many.. (I only have 1 and dont have money to buy another, this christmas is ruining me xD)

So it wont kill the server, only will add a lot of Fortix :3 (i hope..)

12 years ago

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Not enough dosh for that.

12 years ago

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What is a Christmas?

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by SpartanBully.