What does my new avatar look like?
Hello, SilentGuy. I just wanted to let you know that when I first saw your new Avatar, I was reminded of those old Raisin Bran commercials. Do you know the ones I am talking about? You might not, as I am an old fart (42).
Thanks for the giveaway, my friend.:)
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If you Google 'raisin bran sun', you may bear some fruit.;)
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God damn, I instantly forgot your previous avatar as soon as I saw the new one...
Speaking of warranty, at least here, you're more likely to get it back even more broken than before ^_^
Also, I'm curious about the rules... Looking at the description, I was quite sure I wouldn't be able to pass it, but somehow I did...
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Rules are:
either less then 30$ won
ratio above .5 and at least 25% region free and 25% not in groups.
(all about real CV)
combined with having activated all your wins, no multiwin in the last 2 years, and not tradebanned.
Hm never gotten anything back worse then before (not that I use warranties too often) but slightly fear being told I'm wasting their time/imagining things/... cause if it wasn't used for a while it's not immediately evident...
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Oh okay, I guess invite only giveaways count as not group giveaways so that explains it...
You can't really waste their time, they get paid for it anyway :D
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I am willing to second the sunflower.
Have you check if any new app is running in the background? Overheating may be a sign of malware.
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Even if it were that, I feel It should not react by just rebooting... Esp considering that the reboot time is not long enough to significantly cool down so it often reboots again and again. It should forcekill some apps, tell me it's too hot and shut down, ...
But I managed to get it to reboot an a completely fresh OS... took a bit longer, playing with the flash and a game that has a tendency to use too many resources, but then again after not using the normal one for a while, it took a bit of use to die as well...
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The rebooting may be a safety meassure by the CPU, without any OS interaction.
Dann viel Glück, wenn du noch Garantie hast.
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You ever wonder why those cars never over heat in Mad Max? They run out of gas eventually, but I don't ever remember them over heating. Seems like that would happen before the gas. HEHEHE..I know its fantasy but thinking of heat, desert and cars....
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One other thing. The way they run out of gas seems like they would some how figure away to use the gunpowder in all the ammo they use like crazy. To propel their cars...Hmmm an alternate fuel source brings about peace in the Mad Max world 8]..the movies would be boring lol. have a nice day 8]
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well, let's hope that they're able to fix that phone, smirky sun.
your Avatar looks like a smirking sun to me :)
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Due to an (un)lucky coincidence I have a mixture of questions, ranting and GA that are all related to the topic of heat... More or less... Well... Don't question this too much, please :-P
Okay, first the question the poll is about: Someone made a topic about summer avatars and I thought: "Hey, that will be easy with your normal avatar" so I switched to something more sunny... only now that I look at it, I feel more reminded of other things. What do you think?
Second, ranting: My stupid phone seems to be kinda broken. It had some occasional random reboots and in the last few days it's gotten to the point where it happens pretty much 24/7... Unless I leave it a while and then only use it very sparingly. So I feel like something inside is overheating. It also feels hotter to the touch then usual.
It's only slightly older then a year, so it's going back to the manufacturer for a warranty check/repair, but this still means I'll be without it for a while. And even if I get it back in perfect condition, I'll still have to get it back to the way I liked it with my config and stuff. There are lots of backups etc but still... Meh!
And lastly, I have a copy of Mad Max lying around from the humble monthly bundle cause I won it shortly before it got into the bundle. It's behind a sg tools check that is mainly set to not let in rule breaker, people with a low ratio or people that mainly do group or region restricted GAs... if some of the restrictions are too high we can discuss it. :) And if you wonder why that's related, Mad Max makes me think of deserts, which are hot.
Speaking of things that are hot... oh wait... I wanted to stay SFW :P
Update: Just came back from court to find my phone has arrived at LG (only posted it, like, 18h ago). Let's see how fast they are.
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