Nah man, don't you play Rimworld? Go for one lung instead.
The correct order is : legs (so he don't run), arms, 1 kidney, 1 lung. Then you finish him with the liver or the heart.
Finally you use the skin for a comfy couch.
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Abort everything lads!
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"minor". Don't care how minor it is, tolerating censorship, no matter how big it is. That's the first step towards tolerating bigger censorship.
This isn't a creative decision, that's a company pandering to a community that doesn't even play games.
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No one censored Paradox, one games journalist asked the developers a question and they advised they didn't want the phrase in the game. That was their decision.
I should clarify my position on the issue in general before I go further - I really don't mind if its there or not. If Paradox just put Deus Vult in the game it would have been fine by me. But they decided not to, which is fine by me as well. Because I don't expect the game developers to pander to my sensibilities and I respect the creative decision they chose, going after them for it and forcing their hand to change that decision would be the suppressing their own views on the matter.
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Yeah it wasn't at all pressure from a certain political mob that is poisoning every cultural product it touches in hope of showing how pure and how good they are.
Paradox is based in Sweden, that should give you an idea on how much political pressure people are under in the office.
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Well until you can provide evidence of that happening in this specific case - rather than just rambling about SJWs, cancel culture and Sweden - I'm going to stick to what has actually transpired. Which is that a journalist asked a question and they advised they weren't going to have it in the game. Until you can back up your feelings with facts I think this is a waste of my time.
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Sure, RPS literally nutting on how this heroic censorship is gonna defeat the nazis is not at all related. That's totally insane.
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They're reacting to the response from the Paradox team - are they not allowed an opinion? They asked a question and got an answer, they simply said it wasn't going to be in CK3. They didn't tell Paradox to remove Deus Vult and there's no evidence to suggest that this journalist (or any for that matter) had any impact on the creative process.
Also your comment is a massive exaggeration of the content of the article.
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They've certainly got an opinion on the words used and the handling of the topic, absolutely - I just think people have got a bit hysterical over it. I don't have a problem with Deus Vult and I'm well aware of how some parts of the Paradox community get unfairly characterised e.g the HoI4 community.
I should say that I have no intent of defending RPS or games journalism in general. Since I don't read it and have no interest in it.
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Yeah it wasn't at all pressure from a certain political mob that is poisoning every cultural product it touches in hope of showing how pure and how good they are.
holy shit.
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You can get a CK2 expansion for free if you sign up here
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The key should be here.
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Forgot my real name was on Steam, don't mind much but it's always surprising x)
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i have one year left, but i will buy it on Steam, just for the achievements o.O
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I am very curious how much gets removed from CKII + all DLC.
It's something that's been brought up by journalists before, that CKII+DLC is basically CK3, and Paradox would have a really hard time selling a CK3 that doesn't have most of the content that's in the DLC.
But then I look at Civilization V, which scaled back from Civ IV, and people still bought it. Us gamers are fools
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With the recent release it's more like "wait 3 years then consider buying or torrenting whatever you choose".
Got Imperator on release, was disappointed as hell. (it get better but the release... damnit)
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Amen, will be doing that as well.
After owning all of their DLCs for CK2, EU4, Stellaris and Cities Skylines on Steam, I doubt their new releases of old games will ever have anything good in them. Updating graphics and releasing it as a new game, without any previous expansions is a dick move. They could've just made an expansion for 40 euros that updates graphics to the game, but no. Now you need to buy main game, and ALL of the previously owned dlcs all over again.
I bet they are trying to make CK1 -> CK2 kind of transition where people didn't even know about CK1 and bought all their expansions like madlads (myself included).
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I mean, you could also wait to see the actual end product before blindly declaring your intentions.
Outrage culture is reaching deafening levels.
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They have had so many games and they do this exact same thing with each and every game, so I already know what to expect. End product will be ready in 2025 and I have no patience to wait, I'll download torrent, play it, enjoy or hate it, then see if it's actually worth anything or is it just a copy of CK2 with better graphics.
Edit: Thing is, you can download mods to make graphics better for CK2, so it's useless to buy CK3 unless there are some new ways for gameplay or something so crucial that I can't live without.
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FYI, the "Deus Vult" thing is really being blown out of proportion.
Henrik Fåhraeus offered this comment: “I feel like this issue has been miscommunicated thus far. We have not specifically considered which terms are used in the game apart from making sense in the historical context. The team will decide how any text fits or does not fit into CK3 in a way that feels appropriate.”
People really need to stop rushing to judgement. The journalist purposely framed the question in order to garner the original response.
Edit: Regardless, being this upset about it is pretty stupid. welivinasociety.jpg
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Time to buy a game and all the DLC again, it never ends lads!
Edit: oh no...
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