Was the game ever available on Steam? I tried a quick search to see what it was, and that turned up nothing. I had to search the web to find it. It's not clear whether or not the game was ever on the PC.
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Published by Sony, its a ps4 exclusive to fill in the gap. It's hardly anything worthy of porting.
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Aren't you exaggerating a bit? It got decent reviews. Not great, but good. And people seem to like it, based on the user scores. Not sure if I'd be interested personally (since PC has way too many open world games already). But it's certainly not a bad game and I am sure many would appreciate a port.
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i wouldn't know about reviews, only what i've played, Granted i don't own it myself, makes it easier to not defend it, but what i got from nearly 2 hours of playing (mostly watching) made me question if i would even play it as a PSN "freebie "
i don't see why i am exaggerating, i didn't even stated it was bad. Just meh...granted "not worthy" is my response towards Sony refusal to port their titles, unlike Microsoft
it would be hard to find something that was actually heavily promoted not to have a large group of people wanting a PC release, however SONY makes exclusives also to sell consoles, and i doubt even they expect this to be a commercial sucess.
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I mean, it's not really a "political correctness" issue. I mean, yeah, the whole mocking white people becoming cool is a bit fucking weird to see since it can sometimes go in some racist rhetoric, but this article's a bit weird about it. It's clickbait to the nth degree with it bordering on lying.
The journalists said they are getting bored by the classic white, gruff, bearded white dude protagonist. Fact is that that specific stereotype of a human being is used way too often and it does get boring. But I also disagree with the journalists that think that the issue is that the character's white, not that they're just written so generically. It's basically just boldfaced racism at that point. "Ah, the character's boring because they're white. Those same journalists gasping when literally the same thing gets said, but instead about a black person (not even asian, hispanic or whoever else, since... let's be real here, they don't care for other races than African-Americans).
As for kids being killed, that's got nothing to do with politics. Though, there's nothing wrong with a journalist feeling disgusted by having to kill kids. Even if they're zombies and even if it's in a game. Just that people like you and I are too desensitized to this. Though, uncomfortable things aren't necessarily bad things. Sure, there's examples of media portraying something touchy in a tasteless manner and so it can be criticized for that, but controversy and emotionally hard things aren't bad and I don't think the journalist really implied that it was.
The article basically just lies. But it also accidentally shows a different problem in the same category.
Thanks for linking it!
EDIT: Holy shit the comments on that article are terrible and cringeworthy... :P
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The thing is that having to kill all sorts of "infected people" in a post-apocalyptic world infested with zombies is the common thing. No one is safe from that, no matter the age, gender or skin colour of the victims. Take that away and you have a less believable world. It's like wanting to make a historically accurate game of WW2 without nazi symbols. Also, regarding the main character, while I not agree with you on the "this stereotype is becoming boring" part, a little character customization is always good. I remember the days of games like the original Deus Ex, where you can choose JC's race and he'll still be JC Denton. Same dialogues, same storyline, different skin colour, just like that.
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While I don't necessarily agree, I get your point. But as my point stated, being uncomfortable while playing a game is a good issue to have since that usually means it makes you think and feel.
I also don't think zombie children (a disease that is so violent that it probably kills the elderly, who you never even mentioned, and children) are comparable to ideological visuals in history. Sci-fi isn't history and therefore it can be adjusted. History, less so, if historical accuracy is in mind. Though, even then, Days Gone isn't any more realistic with zombie children. Literally everything is wrong if looked at with a realistic viewpoint. Gasoline expires, bandits aren't as common as time goes on, food can't be scavenged, people need to take shits and so on. If a child being a zombie is what's needed to make an unrealistic world realistic, then of course, fair enough.
But personally, I don't think arguments like that fly when talking about games like this.
As to race... I mean, I personally think different races differ in slight ways. Different races tend to come from different cultures, therefore they have different traditions, temperaments and so on. It's the whole "I'm blind to race, call me colourblind" sentiment that's ridiculously shallow in my eyes. The issue for me wasn't that the protagonist was white, exactly. More that the current character building styles used in most AAA titles these days is a bit dull. And yeah, personally I think that having different races and cultures would make the gaming landscape way more fun and diverse. As long as it isn't shoehorned in, like in a fair few games.
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That's why I didn't use the word realistic when talking about this particular game (or any scifi game on that matter) and chose believable instead. But sure, I understand what you say, it's just a point I thought it would be worth bringing to the table.
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Game journalists and game critics are a fucking joke.
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Lastly, there's a lot of professional critics that just get burned out and want each new game to reinvent the wheel mechanically, or to have some strong political statement. It's not enough to just have fun anymore.
So true. When playing is turned into work, it takes something exceptional to make a splash.
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Reminds me of Jim Sterling talking about Far Cry games. They are similar, they are "good" but not outstanding, have a good overall base quality, but at the end of the day, it's just more Far Cry. (and everyone can decide if it means more uninspired open world nonsense, or more open world nonsense to sink a few dozen hours into)
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it's mediocre and excruciatingly slow, gunplay is weak, stealth is weak, janky animations. Its subpar for Sony, the quality is nowhere close to "Dad Of Boy", there are better games on PC. but it all depends on the price, it's not worth 50€ thats for sure
EDIT: some people pointed out it's not "politically correct", wow, i need to read some reviews, from what i played that just seems preposterously absurd,
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I’ll admit that I initially rolled my eyes at yet another Gruff White Male Protagonist™ in a grim world – especially one with such a Gruff White Male Protagonist™-ey name as Deacon St. John
Time to whip out another Lara Croft to make it more worthwhile looking at the character for X hours :P
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I think they are mostly refering to the stereotypical representation of the white protagonist rather than saying that any white protagonist is bad. If the hero was well written with a deep backstory and interesting traits, they wouldn't have criticise it. If you want to see racism there, that's your problem but they are allowed to criticise a badly written hero.
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I stand by my arguments. Its not about the color but the blandness of the character. It would have been the same critics if it was a stereotypical black guy! Now if you want to see racism, then go ahead but thats not the case here.
PS: I haven't the whole thread, so no idea what you're talking about and i really don't care
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It's a pretty generic open world zombie game. I'd say the Metacritic score is right, being in the average 70s. It's not revolutionary and won't blow your mind, but if you like zombie games and don't have anything better to play it can offer some mindless hours of fun, although it gets old very quickly. If you're looking for Horizon or God Of War quality standards you'll be disappointed.
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I'll just link this review.
SPOILER: Yet another seven. But hey, seven is good and definitely not mediocre, right?
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Seven is still a good game in my eyes. Nowadays it seems like a lot of people consider games with a seven score it is garbage. I do have a pretty good income that allows me to afford a lot of games so if I see something that interests me I buy it and make my own opinion. Take Anthem for example. I had a great time playing the game but once it was finished there was no endgame and it lost my interest. The game has potential to be great but there are a lot of things that Bioware needs to fix to get it there and after their last update I don't have high hopes for that fix.
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The problem with people is that they're expecting a new masterpiece everytime. There's no possibility that a game could be "just" good and nothing more. So everytime something comes out it's always the same comments "it's no The Witcher 3" "i wish it was like Skyrim" etc. We can't expect developers to topple themselves all the time, or the expectations will become impossibly high.
It's also the same mindset that plague most "old school" players when comparing games from the last decade: if their standards are put on a untouchable golden pedestal, often looked through the nostalgia filter, no game will ever be satisfactory. And it's not the game's fault.
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Due to how critic reviews work, 7 is considered a low score for AAA games. You can confirm that most AAA hover around those numbers. ublishers really push fowards towards 8/10
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The thing is though is Sony Bend isn't really a AAA studio. They've never made a game that I would say would be to those standards. In my opinion I don't think they should be considered a AAA studio just because Sony owns them.
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I think I'm about 75% complete and I've enjoyed the game. It does have some issues but it's still kept me entertained. I have started to see some bugs later in the game but nothing that breaks it for me. I'd give it a 7.5-8 for a score if I was rating it. There is a lot to do and a pretty good size map. You can upgrade your bike in a few of the camps that you do missions for. The camps have a trust ranking that unlocks bike parts and weapons when you level that up. The story starts off slow but it has started to pick up and has me more interested with what has happened in the world and the characters.
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Looks like a typical console game, I like the hoards tho. Might take a look if it comes to PC.
People ask for post apocalyptic games then complain and cry outrage when they tackle issues that we would have to deal with in such a world....The irony of a self righteous hippo.
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Lol, I like how you call it a typical console game. What do you consider a typical console game considering most games come out on every platform?
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Besides the overall feel watch how objectives are delivered, look at the HUD, how the characters and enemies animate and track, the environment. Almost everything feels standard, boxed in and limited in diverseness and objectives, in identity. It doesn't look like there's a lot to do in the open world besides kill walkers.
A typical game developed on a console budget feels this way. Unless its developed by a radical team that goes off the beaten path, or a AAA title by Sony and larger companies with more money / time to spend on development.
Its not a bad look and the important character models / textures look great, just feels very cookie cutter.
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What's funny is you describe many PC games like this. People also consider this a triple A game and Sony owns Sony a Bend..
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Haven't played it yet, but I don't expect it to be on Horizon: ZD or God of War niveau.
The problem is that people were expecting to get another mind blowing game from Sony, but instead they got this. I don't think game is bad, the problem is that people evaluate it as another PS4 exclusive.
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