Hello Masafor,
I would like to join :) - https://steamcommunity.com/id/cienistyp/
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I would like to join your group if you'd have me. Here's my steam account.
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I fulfill the requirements, so I sent friend request and requested join group :D.
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Hey, i would like to join https://steamcommunity.com/id/hambelino/
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Hmm.. There's nothing against Cheaters in the rules, so i'd like to join
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I would like to join: https://steamcommunity.com/id/CM22_95/
Sent you a friend request :)
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Request to join - https://steamcommunity.com/id/thoughtfulhippo
3a.) But if someone wins from the group at SG and his gift difference are below -$50, they lose the right to enter more SG group GA's until their gift difference are more positive as -$50.
Regarding the above, my understanding is that support will only grant a re-roll in the case a member has been kicked from the group before a giveaway ends. Since you can't really enforce the above, maybe you need clarity over when someone would no longer be welcome.
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Not more welcome when below -$50 AND still enter GA's + give the impression he/she will not make GA's (no sentence written to a staff member and not reacted at a sentence from them) = leech till get kicked.
Be sure, if needed we are fast. Thats one of the reasons why we set the max. so low. :o)
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Masafor, I have a bit trouble to translate your posts into my native language.
Can you please for me (and maybe for others) explain this a little bit?
My main concern is - how do you check my "gift difference in the group"?
I assume that I should be giving +- the same (or more in a better case) to the group than I'm getting from it. That's why there is the -50$ limit. But where you and I can see this number?
Thank you for your time and answer.
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Good question.
I were forced to cut that info out because i wrote the infos in the discord, that allowed only 2k characters and forgot then to wrote it in the steam group (no characters limit there).
I added it now in the channel that each one should have subscribed. That way only members get the Info and it is a direct test which ones subscribed that channel and which ones not ;o)
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Fortunately I subscribed right before I had sent the question, so I got the notification about the added link.
Thank you Masafor.
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Requesting to join, Accepting the rules, Linking my account
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i want to join
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I'm level 23 on Steam and I would like to join if you still accept.
Steam Profile
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I agree to the rules and meet the requirements other than I am not level 30 on Steam. My Steam account is over 14 years old and will never be level 30 because I mainly use Steam to play games. I don't idle games, collect cards, badges, achievements, levels, or anything like that.
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Hello, may I join? :)
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I would like to join ^_^
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I'm level 29 after over a decade on Steam. I don't care about leveling, so I never did it.
Regardless, thanks for the opportunity!
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I would love to join! I seem to comply with the minimum criteria, and I accept the rules. Here is my Steam profile.
Also, I am nice sort of. I did press the "Request to Join" button on Steam without a bot to help me. And I do not see myself as a bot. And I do abide by the 3 laws.
Thank you, and cheers!
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Masafors Group of Friends requirements:
The minimum to join the group are:
◾ Min. level 3 at sg
◾ Level 30 at steam
◾ No private profile
◾ Add Masafor as friend
If you don't fulfill this minimum requirements then you are able to write too. We will look then closer into it and handle that requests from case to case.
1.) No one is forced to make regular giveaways for the group.
1a.) Besides a first Giveaway, exclusive for the group, max. 48h after joining the group, to prevent a abuse. You aren't allowed to enter Group giveaways till this Giveaway ended and got marked as received. [Minimum GA duration time 1 day]
2.) All members are allowed to enter group GAs
2a.) But if someone wins from the group at SG and his gift difference are worse as -$50, they lose the right to enter more SG group GAs until their gift difference are more positive as -$50.
2b.) You have 6 months to fix your stats to be more positive as -$50. After that timeframe we will kick that member.
3.) Group Giveaways are exclusive for our group and can not be shared with the Whitelist or other groups.
4.) Free Games: 1x One Copy of each Quality Freebie are allowed, if the game have min. 80% rating and min. 1000 reviews at steam. Possible games are, as example, 1x Grip, 1x Ancestors Legacy, 1x Syberia and so on.
Lower free games aren't allowed.
5.) We reserve the right to intervene and talk with each gifter about the GAs if we see some unhealthy behavior for the group - as example shady RU shop GAs etc.
6.) Blacklisting other members is allowed but if you do, you have to inform one of the staff about it.
The reason for this is that if we get the same blacklisted username different times we obviously need to look closer at that member.
7.) You must be subscribed to https://steamcommunity.com/groups/MasasGoF/discussions/0/1652170487947948564/ to be notified of any changes to the rules. This also avoid members saying "I wasn't aware of the rule changes".
8.) Each member that aren't login on sg for 1 year+ will be kicked from the group but can rejoin when he is again active.
We want to prevent any form of abuse or leeching with our rules.
So join in IF you aren't at my BL - check here -, fulfill the minimum req., read the rules and accept them.
If you know someone, or more as one, that is in our discord or group then please list his/her name and it will raise your chances of a approval very much. Or tell him/her to contact me at discord. That will speed things up.
Multiaccounters, Autojoiners and Cheaters aren't welcome in our group. If it happens on sg or outside of it.
We try to get all nice users that use exactly ONE account, click all the enter buttons by themself and want a environment that is black sheep free.
We respond as fast as possible, don't worry if it takes days.
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