Okay guys, here's what I'm gonna do! I'm gonna head to town in a few minutes, what I want you guys to do is post here if you'd like a chance at a free game. When I get home, I'll pick one random person in the thread and buy them the cheapest game on their wishlist(No higher than $10, sowry, but I can't spend a truckload of money for this one).

Welp, I'm out, see you guys in a couple hours!

1 decade ago*

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Me PLS! Thanks for the chance!

1 decade ago

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i d really love a free game

1 decade ago

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itd be awesome :P

1 decade ago

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Grabbing my chance here :D

1 decade ago

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You sure? When you say everyone that you will give away some game up to 10$, you're gonna have a bad time. :)

1 decade ago

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The cheapest game on the wishlits... sounds like an interesting idea. Kudos for the implementation!

1 decade ago

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So many comments and only 1 lucky guy :D

1 decade ago

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what the hell? sure, why not - count me in

1 decade ago

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That is very nice of you Dsc, appreciating this giveaway even if I dont win! Thank you very much for such a chance!

1 decade ago

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Unless this is already over, which it might be based on the fact that this was 3 hours ago, I'd like to thank you for the giveaway :P

1 decade ago

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Well, interesting idea, I'd love to get a free game from my wishlist :D Count me in~

1 decade ago

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Thanks a lot!

1 decade ago

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wut ! ? .-. i want :D

1 decade ago

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On the one hand, I could nuke half my wishlist to make sure I get something I want instead of just a 99 cent DLC, on the other hand I have over a hundred items on it, heh (I use it to keep track of things I might want pick up in a Steam sale all in one convenient place).

1 decade ago

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yeaaahhh! :D I will try!

1 decade ago

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LIMBO? :DDDDD ok no .-.

1 decade ago

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Why not.

1 decade ago

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Wow, 900 comments in just 3 hours... good thing this isn't another flip the coin thread or your arm would fall off. O_o

1 decade ago

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How about no.

1 decade ago

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well hello there

1 decade ago

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derp free game derpy

1 decade ago

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let test my luck :)))))

thanks anyway

1 decade ago

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me tong long bong & pong

1 decade ago

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lol too bad i bet i wont win but good luck everyone

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Dsc.